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The Freemasons' Quarterly Review.
Britannia Life Office , 1 , Princes-street , Bank , London , May 12 , 1811 . NOTICE is hereby given , that the BUSINESS of the Standard of England Life Assurance Company lias been TRANSFERRED to this Company ; and nil Persons holding Policies - issued by the said Company are informed that , as soon as the Renewal Premiums thereon shall ¦ become payable , New Policies will be granted to them by the Directors of this Company , at the same rates of Premium which they now pay , and without any charge for Stamp Duty : and all Claimants on Policies issued by the said Standard of England Life Assurance Company arc informed that such claims will be discharged by the Directors of this Company , as soon as the same shall have been substantiated . PETER MORRISON , Resident Director .
. William Bardgett , Esq . Robert Eglinton , Esq . Samuel Bevington , Esq . Erasmus Robert Poster , Esq . William Fechney Black , Esq . . Alex . Robert Irvine , Esq . John Brightman , Esq . Peter Morrison , Esq . George Cohen , Esq .. . . William Shand , Jun ., Esq . Millis Coventry , Esq . Henry Lewis Smale , Esq . John Drewett , Esq . Thomas Teed , Esq .
: . $ Strt ) icnI © fficcrs . Physician—J . Clendinning , M . D ., P . R . S . Consulting Physician—Wm . 'Stroud , M . D . Surgeons—Ebenezer Smith , Esq . and William Gwillim Merrett , Esq . Standing . Counsel . —The Hon . John Ashley , New-Square , Lincoln ' s-Inn . Solicitor . —William Bevan , Esq ., Old Jewry . Bankers . —Messrs . Drewett and- Fowler , Princes-Street , Bank ,
This Institution is empowered by a Special . Act of Parliament , and is so constituted as to afford theben . efits-of Life Assurance , in their fullest extent , to Policy-Holders , and to present greater facilities and accommodation than can be obtained in other Offices . The decided superiority of its plan , and its claim to public preference and support , have been proved , incontestably , by its extraordinary and unprecedented success . Among others , the following important advantages may be enumerated : — A most economical set of Tables—computed expresslfor the use of this Company
y from authentic and complete data , and presenting the lowest rates of Assurance that can be offered without compromising the safety ofthe Institution . Increasing Rates of . Premium on a . new and remarkable plan , for securing Loans or Debts ; a less immediate payment being required on a Policy for the whole term of Life than in any other Office . Premiums payable either Annually , Half-Yearly , or Quarterly , in one sum , or in a limited number of payments .
A Board of Directors in attendance daily at Two o'clock . Age of the Assured in every case admitted in the Policy . All claims payable within One Month after proof of death . ¦ Medical Attendants remunerated , in all cases , for their reports .
. . . , __ . —_ . —— . —„ Premium per Cent , per Annum , payable during - : : : , f . ^ 1 st Five 2 nd Five 3 rd Five 4 th Five Remainder . ° - ' . ' Years . Years . Years . -Years . of Life . , £ s . d . £ s ; d . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . 20 1 . 14 1 5 10 110 11 1 16 9 2 3 6
30 16 4 . 1 12 2 I 19 1 2 7 4 . 2 IT G 40 1 16 1 2 4 . 4 2 14 . 6 3 7 3 4 3 4 50 2 16 r 3 9 4 4 . 5 5 5 6 3 6 13 7 PETER MORRISON , Resident Director . A liberal Commission allowed to Solicitors and Agents .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemasons' Quarterly Review.
Britannia Life Office , 1 , Princes-street , Bank , London , May 12 , 1811 . NOTICE is hereby given , that the BUSINESS of the Standard of England Life Assurance Company lias been TRANSFERRED to this Company ; and nil Persons holding Policies - issued by the said Company are informed that , as soon as the Renewal Premiums thereon shall ¦ become payable , New Policies will be granted to them by the Directors of this Company , at the same rates of Premium which they now pay , and without any charge for Stamp Duty : and all Claimants on Policies issued by the said Standard of England Life Assurance Company arc informed that such claims will be discharged by the Directors of this Company , as soon as the same shall have been substantiated . PETER MORRISON , Resident Director .
. William Bardgett , Esq . Robert Eglinton , Esq . Samuel Bevington , Esq . Erasmus Robert Poster , Esq . William Fechney Black , Esq . . Alex . Robert Irvine , Esq . John Brightman , Esq . Peter Morrison , Esq . George Cohen , Esq .. . . William Shand , Jun ., Esq . Millis Coventry , Esq . Henry Lewis Smale , Esq . John Drewett , Esq . Thomas Teed , Esq .
: . $ Strt ) icnI © fficcrs . Physician—J . Clendinning , M . D ., P . R . S . Consulting Physician—Wm . 'Stroud , M . D . Surgeons—Ebenezer Smith , Esq . and William Gwillim Merrett , Esq . Standing . Counsel . —The Hon . John Ashley , New-Square , Lincoln ' s-Inn . Solicitor . —William Bevan , Esq ., Old Jewry . Bankers . —Messrs . Drewett and- Fowler , Princes-Street , Bank ,
This Institution is empowered by a Special . Act of Parliament , and is so constituted as to afford theben . efits-of Life Assurance , in their fullest extent , to Policy-Holders , and to present greater facilities and accommodation than can be obtained in other Offices . The decided superiority of its plan , and its claim to public preference and support , have been proved , incontestably , by its extraordinary and unprecedented success . Among others , the following important advantages may be enumerated : — A most economical set of Tables—computed expresslfor the use of this Company
y from authentic and complete data , and presenting the lowest rates of Assurance that can be offered without compromising the safety ofthe Institution . Increasing Rates of . Premium on a . new and remarkable plan , for securing Loans or Debts ; a less immediate payment being required on a Policy for the whole term of Life than in any other Office . Premiums payable either Annually , Half-Yearly , or Quarterly , in one sum , or in a limited number of payments .
A Board of Directors in attendance daily at Two o'clock . Age of the Assured in every case admitted in the Policy . All claims payable within One Month after proof of death . ¦ Medical Attendants remunerated , in all cases , for their reports .
. . . , __ . —_ . —— . —„ Premium per Cent , per Annum , payable during - : : : , f . ^ 1 st Five 2 nd Five 3 rd Five 4 th Five Remainder . ° - ' . ' Years . Years . Years . -Years . of Life . , £ s . d . £ s ; d . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . 20 1 . 14 1 5 10 110 11 1 16 9 2 3 6
30 16 4 . 1 12 2 I 19 1 2 7 4 . 2 IT G 40 1 16 1 2 4 . 4 2 14 . 6 3 7 3 4 3 4 50 2 16 r 3 9 4 4 . 5 5 5 6 3 6 13 7 PETER MORRISON , Resident Director . A liberal Commission allowed to Solicitors and Agents .