Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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To Correspondents.
CMTO mav he assured that at the proper moment and in tho proper place Freemasonry was vindicated : but , as the race is not ahvays to the swift , MIGHT prevailed oyer RIGHT A PROVINCIAL GRAND REGISTUAR . —Ignorance and passion , in the party alluded to . Have for the time overmastered a kind disposition , which , however , may yet recover itself ; and by n return to generosity aral honour learn to despise dictation and special pleading A GOVERNOR . —Bro . S . C . Norris is the Hon . Sec . pro lent , ofthe Female Chanty until the forthcoming election . ( See Advertisement ! . ,,,.., . „„„ .. MASONICIJS —The adace goes— " those who have glass houses should not throw stones . — The Ri- ' -ht IVorshipfttl (! . should he the quietest of Grimalkins , yet he invariably reminds us of tiie cat and her taillie should he knighted for his own sakeas well as for many
recol-; , lections as honourable as they are meritorious . ... ., ., AJSO , THE J-AST „ ,.- THE NOBI . ES is not suited to the F . Q R ; . the author has evidently mistaken the periodical for which he intended it . It lies at the publishers . A MASON Sir E . Bulwer , Dart , is not a Freemason . A SOMI EB AND A M ASON .-WC cannot state whether the Earl of Cardigan is or is not a Mason , probably some correspondent may inform us . BRO ! GLOVER , 325 We have attended to the communication , and look for future
corre-A PAST MASTER OF THIRTY-FIVE YEARS STANDINC-TIIC Constitutions are clear as to the nower of the Grand Master to confer honour on a representative , but it does not follow Kbecause the minute shall be unopposed it is to be . considered as a compliment of Grand Lodge ; and , in regard to tho party alluded to , there is no doubt on the subject . A GRAND STK . VARD is in error . A delegate or representative from a sis er Grand Lodge , no matter what humble rank he held therein , if he be promoted . quasi delegation or representation in the Grand Lodge of England , takes the rank allotted to him by the Grand Master . It may be curious but true . A GRAND OFFICER . —The same answer . LIN . not China . —We decline to state who are , or who arc not , our correspondents . 18401 should have protested against the silly which
A & IST GRAND STEWARD , -, gewgaw , was enSly alibel on the Paris as on the London artist ; the one for having been engaged the other for taring been passed over . As there has been a scratching out , why not have scratch ' d in a letter to make the ticket complete ? The design wants taste and point . \ GRAND STKW 4 M >! --AS the matter is settled his letter is not inserted . We have known manv similar instances . The Lodge itself requires repair . ¦ „„„„ , A , ' , Vil ! RnvFRNoR— There is no law to declare a Chairman ofthe Audit Committee , and , therefore , fn "SR down the law " ( vide Landseer ' s picture for 1840 , and for all time ) the office may be monopolized , but not without violation . After all , we see no harm m the asit the whomin good soothwewish would oftener keep his seat .
sumption since pleases party , , , Au ir ™ PAST MASTER—The ' s were all present on the Jd of June . AN A ? HOL MfsoN-Ttoewas no actual list circulated bv the Grand Officers , but thehst scmtclcdfor adoption for them was presented , and very generally admitted , twenty-three Craft Members were shut out by the stringent construction of law . Several lodges were F ' MASwreSo ^ tKBl ^ Why fear ? The Star Chamber , and Jeffries himself , existed hut
f ° p . r . G ™ . -Ever at his post . The tactics are changed , hut not the spirit of evil . The ex-^ WS ^ Mg "" him . We have never hesitated in dealing with the faplts ^ or even the follies that are offensive to Masonry in the highest brethren ; but their " pSTO-LShhS ^ civise the intelligence from Lincoln , Gravesend , Henley , Luton , Clu . d-Ieilhas reproofed ? 21 portion of his letter ; the Asylum Meeting , the Girl ' s Festival , for another and the addresses of Dr . Boerne and Dr . Burnes as a triumphant reply to the last ; S & im keep " Sthat his letter , bearing date the 27 th of June , could have had no iD Bif " ™ uP ^ -We ^ cept the proffered kindness , and participate fully in the sentiments
of respect c .,. ertai , i « l for our ' V **™™ ^^ ^ ^ t ,, ac ^ ncy ext „„ f- mf . ^ b fnrther than is credible . India , many parts of the West Indies , and Corfu , all Sounded U . drlusYpSevticSm the rudeness , inciUlity . or negligence , palpably shown m thdr c ; reiomSefbeing unanswered , and remittances of larpe sums of money unacknowle ^ oif urn l thcy may be seeii in the returns at some indefimtejpenod 1 This hint may he sufflcientf if not , aLl our correspondents express their desire , we will publish their let A ° KCHlMEDEs .-The screw is to have a new Masonic (!) twist of most extraordinary power , an A » I RisTMASoN . -It is about three years that a G . O . was not returned by the Craft , and 1841 similar mark of distinction was the answer
w . 4 complimented by the G . M . on June 2 , . A " o ^ VR ™ .-Imong ' the recreants to the freedom of Masonry are those who formerly wer ? tiie sumfortcrs of " he : Review , and anxious solicitors for its good reports . We have seen romecDrSKnce mot marked private and confidential ) which , if we could obtain , won d U °£ w a ligl ? ton ta ? k deeds . Bro . Diogenes might at quarterly communications use his lan" Tp ^ ffi ^ w ' that " ™ person may steal a horse , but that another may not look over the hedge . On a recent occasion a yell of " question" was permit tal with comnlSconcv to nrevfn a speaker from delivering truths ot too wholesome a nature but hey Sesto , wh ^ it was ' qtiestion versus twaddle , " the direction was for the parties to retire , f " ZO ^ G ODWIN ( late 4 Gth ) .-Wc shall be glad to hear any Masonic particulars .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To Correspondents.
CMTO mav he assured that at the proper moment and in tho proper place Freemasonry was vindicated : but , as the race is not ahvays to the swift , MIGHT prevailed oyer RIGHT A PROVINCIAL GRAND REGISTUAR . —Ignorance and passion , in the party alluded to . Have for the time overmastered a kind disposition , which , however , may yet recover itself ; and by n return to generosity aral honour learn to despise dictation and special pleading A GOVERNOR . —Bro . S . C . Norris is the Hon . Sec . pro lent , ofthe Female Chanty until the forthcoming election . ( See Advertisement ! . ,,,.., . „„„ .. MASONICIJS —The adace goes— " those who have glass houses should not throw stones . — The Ri- ' -ht IVorshipfttl (! . should he the quietest of Grimalkins , yet he invariably reminds us of tiie cat and her taillie should he knighted for his own sakeas well as for many
recol-; , lections as honourable as they are meritorious . ... ., ., AJSO , THE J-AST „ ,.- THE NOBI . ES is not suited to the F . Q R ; . the author has evidently mistaken the periodical for which he intended it . It lies at the publishers . A MASON Sir E . Bulwer , Dart , is not a Freemason . A SOMI EB AND A M ASON .-WC cannot state whether the Earl of Cardigan is or is not a Mason , probably some correspondent may inform us . BRO ! GLOVER , 325 We have attended to the communication , and look for future
corre-A PAST MASTER OF THIRTY-FIVE YEARS STANDINC-TIIC Constitutions are clear as to the nower of the Grand Master to confer honour on a representative , but it does not follow Kbecause the minute shall be unopposed it is to be . considered as a compliment of Grand Lodge ; and , in regard to tho party alluded to , there is no doubt on the subject . A GRAND STK . VARD is in error . A delegate or representative from a sis er Grand Lodge , no matter what humble rank he held therein , if he be promoted . quasi delegation or representation in the Grand Lodge of England , takes the rank allotted to him by the Grand Master . It may be curious but true . A GRAND OFFICER . —The same answer . LIN . not China . —We decline to state who are , or who arc not , our correspondents . 18401 should have protested against the silly which
A & IST GRAND STEWARD , -, gewgaw , was enSly alibel on the Paris as on the London artist ; the one for having been engaged the other for taring been passed over . As there has been a scratching out , why not have scratch ' d in a letter to make the ticket complete ? The design wants taste and point . \ GRAND STKW 4 M >! --AS the matter is settled his letter is not inserted . We have known manv similar instances . The Lodge itself requires repair . ¦ „„„„ , A , ' , Vil ! RnvFRNoR— There is no law to declare a Chairman ofthe Audit Committee , and , therefore , fn "SR down the law " ( vide Landseer ' s picture for 1840 , and for all time ) the office may be monopolized , but not without violation . After all , we see no harm m the asit the whomin good soothwewish would oftener keep his seat .
sumption since pleases party , , , Au ir ™ PAST MASTER—The ' s were all present on the Jd of June . AN A ? HOL MfsoN-Ttoewas no actual list circulated bv the Grand Officers , but thehst scmtclcdfor adoption for them was presented , and very generally admitted , twenty-three Craft Members were shut out by the stringent construction of law . Several lodges were F ' MASwreSo ^ tKBl ^ Why fear ? The Star Chamber , and Jeffries himself , existed hut
f ° p . r . G ™ . -Ever at his post . The tactics are changed , hut not the spirit of evil . The ex-^ WS ^ Mg "" him . We have never hesitated in dealing with the faplts ^ or even the follies that are offensive to Masonry in the highest brethren ; but their " pSTO-LShhS ^ civise the intelligence from Lincoln , Gravesend , Henley , Luton , Clu . d-Ieilhas reproofed ? 21 portion of his letter ; the Asylum Meeting , the Girl ' s Festival , for another and the addresses of Dr . Boerne and Dr . Burnes as a triumphant reply to the last ; S & im keep " Sthat his letter , bearing date the 27 th of June , could have had no iD Bif " ™ uP ^ -We ^ cept the proffered kindness , and participate fully in the sentiments
of respect c .,. ertai , i « l for our ' V **™™ ^^ ^ ^ t ,, ac ^ ncy ext „„ f- mf . ^ b fnrther than is credible . India , many parts of the West Indies , and Corfu , all Sounded U . drlusYpSevticSm the rudeness , inciUlity . or negligence , palpably shown m thdr c ; reiomSefbeing unanswered , and remittances of larpe sums of money unacknowle ^ oif urn l thcy may be seeii in the returns at some indefimtejpenod 1 This hint may he sufflcientf if not , aLl our correspondents express their desire , we will publish their let A ° KCHlMEDEs .-The screw is to have a new Masonic (!) twist of most extraordinary power , an A » I RisTMASoN . -It is about three years that a G . O . was not returned by the Craft , and 1841 similar mark of distinction was the answer
w . 4 complimented by the G . M . on June 2 , . A " o ^ VR ™ .-Imong ' the recreants to the freedom of Masonry are those who formerly wer ? tiie sumfortcrs of " he : Review , and anxious solicitors for its good reports . We have seen romecDrSKnce mot marked private and confidential ) which , if we could obtain , won d U °£ w a ligl ? ton ta ? k deeds . Bro . Diogenes might at quarterly communications use his lan" Tp ^ ffi ^ w ' that " ™ person may steal a horse , but that another may not look over the hedge . On a recent occasion a yell of " question" was permit tal with comnlSconcv to nrevfn a speaker from delivering truths ot too wholesome a nature but hey Sesto , wh ^ it was ' qtiestion versus twaddle , " the direction was for the parties to retire , f " ZO ^ G ODWIN ( late 4 Gth ) .-Wc shall be glad to hear any Masonic particulars .