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to perform the Masonic ceremonies usual on such occasions , arose and addressed his Excellency in a very appropriate and neat speech , which we regret our limits will not permit us to insert ; and which was replied to by the Governor in very complimentary terms , concluding with a motion , to adjourn into the banquetting-room , in order to take some refreshment , " previous to the ladies goimj to church . " This was unanimousl y agreed to . The banquetting ceremony being closed and the ladies squired by several gallant gentlemen to the site of the church the grand procession formed and marched off to the ground in due order , including native , burgher , and commercial gentlemen : officer *
of tiie civil and military services ; clergymen , members of the Executive Council ; the Governor , Chief Justice , and the Masonic body attended by the colours and bands of music of the Queen ' s and Native regiments . On the arrival of the Procession at the Kirk-ground ( where a bungalow , tastefull y decorated , was filled with a fashionably-dressed assemblage , principall y ladies ) , his Excellency and Brethren took their respective seatsthe stone
, being placed in the centre . _ Captain Gregory again addressed his Excellency , briefly expounding the symbols of the ceremony , & c—After the conclusion of the Captain s address , a solemn prayer was offered up to Almighty God craving a blessing upon the undertaking , by the Rev . Mr . M'Vicar . After the prayer , the ceremony commenced b y Lieut . Templer submitting his lan of the building to his Excellency for
p approval , which being given , Captain Gregory , aided by the operative masons , laid the cement for bedding the lower stone . The Chief Justice ( a Brother ) , having approved of the cement , & c , Captain Gregory presented the silver trowel to his Excellency , accompanied by a very short , though appropriate , speech . The upper stones having been adjusted , Captain Gregory proceeded to close the ceremonies , which being done , he again addressed his Excellency , acknowledging the honour the St .
Jonns yageot Colombo had experienced , in officiating on the occasion . His Excellency then addressed the assembly , expressing his entire approbation of the plan of Mr . Templer , thanking the Committee tor their arrangements , but more particularly for the handsome silver trowel , which his Excellency woulcl keep , in memory of the days preceding . His Excellency , in expressing his thanks to all around , could not refrain from a touch of gallantrywhen he
, perceived so many bright eyes around him . " No such meeting , " said his Excellency , however numerous or brilliant , can ever be but defective in elegance and grace , to which the ladies do not lend their countenance " A prayer from the Rev . Mr . Palm , jun ., closed this solemn ceremony and the Lodge of Freemasons having re-formed procession , re-conducted Ins Excellency to the Queen ' s-house , the band playing the " Masonic march . 1 J °
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to perform the Masonic ceremonies usual on such occasions , arose and addressed his Excellency in a very appropriate and neat speech , which we regret our limits will not permit us to insert ; and which was replied to by the Governor in very complimentary terms , concluding with a motion , to adjourn into the banquetting-room , in order to take some refreshment , " previous to the ladies goimj to church . " This was unanimousl y agreed to . The banquetting ceremony being closed and the ladies squired by several gallant gentlemen to the site of the church the grand procession formed and marched off to the ground in due order , including native , burgher , and commercial gentlemen : officer *
of tiie civil and military services ; clergymen , members of the Executive Council ; the Governor , Chief Justice , and the Masonic body attended by the colours and bands of music of the Queen ' s and Native regiments . On the arrival of the Procession at the Kirk-ground ( where a bungalow , tastefull y decorated , was filled with a fashionably-dressed assemblage , principall y ladies ) , his Excellency and Brethren took their respective seatsthe stone
, being placed in the centre . _ Captain Gregory again addressed his Excellency , briefly expounding the symbols of the ceremony , & c—After the conclusion of the Captain s address , a solemn prayer was offered up to Almighty God craving a blessing upon the undertaking , by the Rev . Mr . M'Vicar . After the prayer , the ceremony commenced b y Lieut . Templer submitting his lan of the building to his Excellency for
p approval , which being given , Captain Gregory , aided by the operative masons , laid the cement for bedding the lower stone . The Chief Justice ( a Brother ) , having approved of the cement , & c , Captain Gregory presented the silver trowel to his Excellency , accompanied by a very short , though appropriate , speech . The upper stones having been adjusted , Captain Gregory proceeded to close the ceremonies , which being done , he again addressed his Excellency , acknowledging the honour the St .
Jonns yageot Colombo had experienced , in officiating on the occasion . His Excellency then addressed the assembly , expressing his entire approbation of the plan of Mr . Templer , thanking the Committee tor their arrangements , but more particularly for the handsome silver trowel , which his Excellency woulcl keep , in memory of the days preceding . His Excellency , in expressing his thanks to all around , could not refrain from a touch of gallantrywhen he
, perceived so many bright eyes around him . " No such meeting , " said his Excellency , however numerous or brilliant , can ever be but defective in elegance and grace , to which the ladies do not lend their countenance " A prayer from the Rev . Mr . Palm , jun ., closed this solemn ceremony and the Lodge of Freemasons having re-formed procession , re-conducted Ins Excellency to the Queen ' s-house , the band playing the " Masonic march . 1 J °