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" "Whitehall , April 26 , 1841 . i .. " / rT , 1 have h ' ? d the llollom " t 0 lay before the Queen the loyal and dutiful address , on the occasion of the birth of the Princess Royal , from the Master , Wardens , and Brethren of the Masonic Lodge at Limerick-No . 13 , on the registry of Ireland . ' "And I have to inform you , that the same was very graciously received b y her Majesty . b J
" I have the honour to be , Sir , " Your obedient servant , " Michael Furnell , Esq ., Limerick . " " NoRMANBY- " LODGE , No . 271 , SWINBURN ' HOTEL . —A Royal Arch Chapter was opened on Wednesday , the 2 Sth inst ., for the purpose of exalting candidates to < Companionshi p , " and transacting other business for the welfare of the Order . The H . P . Rex . and Sanhedrim was in council precisely at seven o clock , P . M .
CORK , March 29 . —First Lodge of Ireland—The summons for the meeting oi this day being for private banquet , the Brethren assembled at six o clock , P . M ., in their rooms , Imperial Clarence Hotel , and at seven proceeded , with the usual musical accompaniments , to their refreshment saloon , which was brilliantl y lighted and decorated ; and having partaken of dinner , the evening was passed in the most perfect harmony and enjoyment . The aid of the vocal and instrumental talents
ot several of the Brethren was freel y rendered towards the pleasures of the meeting ; amongst which , those of Bros . Edward Moeran and AVilliam Gillespie , whose fraternal attention and obliging assistance to the Lodge nave been always conspicuous , elicited from the AV . M . a well-merited
encomium . On the toast of " Prosperity to Masonry in the South of Ireland " being proposed from the chair , the AV . M ., Bro A . Perrier , used the occasion to take a review of the generally-revived spirits in favour of this sublime Order , and the rapid progress of its principles in the province of Munster within a few years ; and adverted to the generally felt want of a suitable place of meeting in Cork for the Provincial Grand Lodge of Munsterand the Craft
, generally , and which for the objects required—namel y , the further maintenance of its respectability and stability—he observed should be exclusivel y under Masonic manaaement , and devoted to Masonic purposes . A discussion ensued , in which active parts were taken by Bros , the Hon . A . St . Leger , Thomas Hewitt , Edward D . Freeman , Richard B . lookerFrancis J . Green Atkins Beamish
, , George , Benjamin S . , and several other Members of the Lodge ; ancl the opinion appearing , to be unanimous as to the propriety of adopting the proper steps for promoting the desired object , a list was opened for subscri ptions , ancl was shortly announced , as by the following statement , to have been filled to the amount of £ 430 , by the following Members of Lodge No 1 —
Ihe Hon . Hayes St . Leger , D . P . G . M , Munster - £ w Anthony Perrier , jun ., K . S . E . AV . M . - , „ Francis . ) . Green , S . AV . - - ¦ . . _ . QQ Edward Deane Freeman , S . AV . - r Thomas Hewitt , P-G . R . C . P . M . - , „„ Bev . Robert Longfield - - - ... ^ 0
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
" "Whitehall , April 26 , 1841 . i .. " / rT , 1 have h ' ? d the llollom " t 0 lay before the Queen the loyal and dutiful address , on the occasion of the birth of the Princess Royal , from the Master , Wardens , and Brethren of the Masonic Lodge at Limerick-No . 13 , on the registry of Ireland . ' "And I have to inform you , that the same was very graciously received b y her Majesty . b J
" I have the honour to be , Sir , " Your obedient servant , " Michael Furnell , Esq ., Limerick . " " NoRMANBY- " LODGE , No . 271 , SWINBURN ' HOTEL . —A Royal Arch Chapter was opened on Wednesday , the 2 Sth inst ., for the purpose of exalting candidates to < Companionshi p , " and transacting other business for the welfare of the Order . The H . P . Rex . and Sanhedrim was in council precisely at seven o clock , P . M .
CORK , March 29 . —First Lodge of Ireland—The summons for the meeting oi this day being for private banquet , the Brethren assembled at six o clock , P . M ., in their rooms , Imperial Clarence Hotel , and at seven proceeded , with the usual musical accompaniments , to their refreshment saloon , which was brilliantl y lighted and decorated ; and having partaken of dinner , the evening was passed in the most perfect harmony and enjoyment . The aid of the vocal and instrumental talents
ot several of the Brethren was freel y rendered towards the pleasures of the meeting ; amongst which , those of Bros . Edward Moeran and AVilliam Gillespie , whose fraternal attention and obliging assistance to the Lodge nave been always conspicuous , elicited from the AV . M . a well-merited
encomium . On the toast of " Prosperity to Masonry in the South of Ireland " being proposed from the chair , the AV . M ., Bro A . Perrier , used the occasion to take a review of the generally-revived spirits in favour of this sublime Order , and the rapid progress of its principles in the province of Munster within a few years ; and adverted to the generally felt want of a suitable place of meeting in Cork for the Provincial Grand Lodge of Munsterand the Craft
, generally , and which for the objects required—namel y , the further maintenance of its respectability and stability—he observed should be exclusivel y under Masonic manaaement , and devoted to Masonic purposes . A discussion ensued , in which active parts were taken by Bros , the Hon . A . St . Leger , Thomas Hewitt , Edward D . Freeman , Richard B . lookerFrancis J . Green Atkins Beamish
, , George , Benjamin S . , and several other Members of the Lodge ; ancl the opinion appearing , to be unanimous as to the propriety of adopting the proper steps for promoting the desired object , a list was opened for subscri ptions , ancl was shortly announced , as by the following statement , to have been filled to the amount of £ 430 , by the following Members of Lodge No 1 —
Ihe Hon . Hayes St . Leger , D . P . G . M , Munster - £ w Anthony Perrier , jun ., K . S . E . AV . M . - , „ Francis . ) . Green , S . AV . - - ¦ . . _ . QQ Edward Deane Freeman , S . AV . - r Thomas Hewitt , P-G . R . C . P . M . - , „„ Bev . Robert Longfield - - - ... ^ 0