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his professional talents and attainments . As might be expected on such an occasion , there was a strong muster of Members , ancl the visitors included many of the military , mercantile , and professional Brethren at jiresent in the metropolis . The AVorshipful Evory Carmichael , of Fitzwilliam-place , occupied " the throne , " discharging the duties of Master in a judicious and gentlemanly manner . Capt , Kenny , Merrion-square , and Bro . Blake KnoxSummer-hillfilled the Wardens' stalls . Capt .
, , Stephens and Bro . Mitchell , as Deacons : Past Master G . J . Baldwin , as usual , was indefatigable in his exertions to promote the discipline , the hilarity , ancl good-fellowship of the meeting . Previous to adjourning to refreshment , the AVorshipful Master , after passing an eloquent eulogium on Bro . Welsh ' s services and social virtues , handed to him a beautiful and richly chased gold snuff-box , having on it the following inscription : — " Presented by the Master , Wardens , and Brethren of St .
Patrick ' s Lodge , No . 50 , to Past Master Thomas AVelsh , Esq ., as a testimony of their sincere regard ancl respect for his Masonic worth . — G . J . Baldwin , Secretary ; Evory Carmichael , Master . " Bro . AVelsh returned thanks at considerable length , taking a retrospective review of his conduct and career in Masonry , ancl assuring the Brethren that he woulcl still be guided by those principles of philanthropy and Freemasonry , the dissemination of which he believed to be conducive to the happiness of society , as they promoted that charity " which comprehends the universal love of all mankind , and the ineffable adoration of
the Almighty . THEATRE ROYAL DUBLIN . —The entertainments on AVednesday evening , June 16 , were in aid of the fund for the relief of the distressed AVidows and Brethren of the Masonic Order , ancl upon an occasion so interesting for many reasons , it was gratify ing to observe that the house was very Well attended . Before the regular performances commenced the curtain rose , and upon the stage appeared a number of the Brethren in full costumewearing those various striking insigniawhich are
mys-, , tical indeed to the eyes of the uninitiated , but attractive to all . In the absence of the Grand Master , the Duke of Leinster , the throne was occupied by the Deputy Grand Master , AVm . AVhite , Esq ., and on either side of the throne stood two of the Grand Officers of the Order , holding the Masonic standards . After the customary salute to the Deputy Grand Master , the Masonic version of " God save the Queen" was sung bthe and when the curtain fell upon a scene at once striking
y company , and pleasurable from the associations connected with it , much applause followed . The Deputy Grand Master , the Members of the Committee , and the . stewards , then proceeded to the state box , which hacl been handsomely fitted up for the evening , and the remainder of the Brethren took their seats in the boxes , their several decorations imparting additional brilliancy to the ensemble which presented itself on entering the theatre . The performances consisted of the Clandestine Marriage , and
the farce of Uncle Joan ; and the united talents of Mr . Favren , Mrs . Glover , and Mrs . AA arner , left nothing to be desired . After the comedy Mr . Calcraft , in an impressive and truly effective manner , delivered an address , written by Mr . Alfred Howard , who is entitled to be regarded as the poet laureat of the Craft , this being the fifth time he has contributed his poetical offering to a similar cause . AVe regret that the address reached us too late for insertion . LIMERICK— The following acknowledgment by the Marquess of Norinanby , Home Secretary , of the address of congratulation from Masonic Lodge 13 , of this city , to her Majesty , has been duly received :-
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his professional talents and attainments . As might be expected on such an occasion , there was a strong muster of Members , ancl the visitors included many of the military , mercantile , and professional Brethren at jiresent in the metropolis . The AVorshipful Evory Carmichael , of Fitzwilliam-place , occupied " the throne , " discharging the duties of Master in a judicious and gentlemanly manner . Capt , Kenny , Merrion-square , and Bro . Blake KnoxSummer-hillfilled the Wardens' stalls . Capt .
, , Stephens and Bro . Mitchell , as Deacons : Past Master G . J . Baldwin , as usual , was indefatigable in his exertions to promote the discipline , the hilarity , ancl good-fellowship of the meeting . Previous to adjourning to refreshment , the AVorshipful Master , after passing an eloquent eulogium on Bro . Welsh ' s services and social virtues , handed to him a beautiful and richly chased gold snuff-box , having on it the following inscription : — " Presented by the Master , Wardens , and Brethren of St .
Patrick ' s Lodge , No . 50 , to Past Master Thomas AVelsh , Esq ., as a testimony of their sincere regard ancl respect for his Masonic worth . — G . J . Baldwin , Secretary ; Evory Carmichael , Master . " Bro . AVelsh returned thanks at considerable length , taking a retrospective review of his conduct and career in Masonry , ancl assuring the Brethren that he woulcl still be guided by those principles of philanthropy and Freemasonry , the dissemination of which he believed to be conducive to the happiness of society , as they promoted that charity " which comprehends the universal love of all mankind , and the ineffable adoration of
the Almighty . THEATRE ROYAL DUBLIN . —The entertainments on AVednesday evening , June 16 , were in aid of the fund for the relief of the distressed AVidows and Brethren of the Masonic Order , ancl upon an occasion so interesting for many reasons , it was gratify ing to observe that the house was very Well attended . Before the regular performances commenced the curtain rose , and upon the stage appeared a number of the Brethren in full costumewearing those various striking insigniawhich are
mys-, , tical indeed to the eyes of the uninitiated , but attractive to all . In the absence of the Grand Master , the Duke of Leinster , the throne was occupied by the Deputy Grand Master , AVm . AVhite , Esq ., and on either side of the throne stood two of the Grand Officers of the Order , holding the Masonic standards . After the customary salute to the Deputy Grand Master , the Masonic version of " God save the Queen" was sung bthe and when the curtain fell upon a scene at once striking
y company , and pleasurable from the associations connected with it , much applause followed . The Deputy Grand Master , the Members of the Committee , and the . stewards , then proceeded to the state box , which hacl been handsomely fitted up for the evening , and the remainder of the Brethren took their seats in the boxes , their several decorations imparting additional brilliancy to the ensemble which presented itself on entering the theatre . The performances consisted of the Clandestine Marriage , and
the farce of Uncle Joan ; and the united talents of Mr . Favren , Mrs . Glover , and Mrs . AA arner , left nothing to be desired . After the comedy Mr . Calcraft , in an impressive and truly effective manner , delivered an address , written by Mr . Alfred Howard , who is entitled to be regarded as the poet laureat of the Craft , this being the fifth time he has contributed his poetical offering to a similar cause . AVe regret that the address reached us too late for insertion . LIMERICK— The following acknowledgment by the Marquess of Norinanby , Home Secretary , of the address of congratulation from Masonic Lodge 13 , of this city , to her Majesty , has been duly received :-