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orders ot 1 . rmce Masons , Knights of the Eagle and Pelican , Knights lenipkrs , Knights of Malta , Knights of the Sword , Royal Arch Masons , i \ : c . 1 he decorations reflected the hi ghest credit on the wellknown taste of Bro . Saunders . The orchestral arrangements were excellent ; the string band , led by iAI . de Lacy , was most effective — it comprised many of our most celebrated instrumental performers ( amongst whom we noticed M . Messemer ) , and was universally applauded for the selection and execution of the newest music . A military one ( the 80 th ) was also in attendance , by the kind permission of
air m . creaghe . Quadrilles , waltzes , gallopades , & c . followed in succession ; M . Barnet and AVilliams acting as Masters of the Ceremonies . At half-past one the supper was announced , and the entire company of upwards of six hundred and fifty * persons were accommodated with seats . All the delicacies of the season were abundantly supplied and combined everything to gratif y the most fastidious taste The tables were superbly decorated with Masonic devices and appropriate niottosand reflected the
, greatest credit on the providore , Mr . In g ram Ihe wines , comprising champagne , hock , claret , port , andsherryfwore remarkable for richness of flavour , and were of the finest vintage they were supplied , so we understood , by Messrs Hare ancl Webb , Eu ' stacestreet 1 he Brethren of the Lodge vied with each other in their attention to the guests , and the Stewards , Bros . Mostyn , B . A . Yates , Steele , LloydCusackLewisHornsby Barringtonand Bothwell
, , , , Grogase , , , were unremitting m attendance . Several appropriate and Masonic toasts were given irom the chair , and were introduced hy a flourish of trumpets and prefaced b y the AV . M . The Masonic toasts were severally received with all the honours , which were most correct . lv nTO ., r , 1 ml
1 lie health of " the Laches" was rapturously received , and Bro . the Hon A . Or . Jocelyn , being called upon , returned thanks in eloquent terms ' and proposed the health of the Alaster , AVardens , and Brethren of the Leinster Lodge , which was saluted by Masonic fire , with military precision . The Master on behalf of himself and the Lodge , acknowledged the compliment , and dwelt upon the benefits of the Order . The com pany again joined in the leasures of the dancewhich
p , was kept up wnh spirit , until long after daylight made its appearance and warned tnem that the festive hour was at an end . Every one present was gratified and delighted , and quitted with regret an entertainment which will long be remembered in Dublin for the chaste desiim . the SnWl ™ v
ot citect , and elegance of arrangement , that was most perfect in every particular . AVant of space prevents our inserting the names of the noble and very respectable guests ; suffice it to sav , that the rooms were graced b y the presence of the rank , fashion , and beauty of the metropolis and provinces , ancl of many distinguished Masons from the sister ST . PATRICK ' MASONIC LODGE NO 50 31 held
, . ., May , a special Emergency , the Brethren wishing to entertain Past Master Thomas Welsh , previous to his departure to assume the duties of Attornevveneral oi Van Diem en s Land , and also for the purpose of presenting to I ,, m som e substantial attestation of the fraternal feelings entertained for lum by the Members of the - Lodge Fifty , " and their admiral on of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
orders ot 1 . rmce Masons , Knights of the Eagle and Pelican , Knights lenipkrs , Knights of Malta , Knights of the Sword , Royal Arch Masons , i \ : c . 1 he decorations reflected the hi ghest credit on the wellknown taste of Bro . Saunders . The orchestral arrangements were excellent ; the string band , led by iAI . de Lacy , was most effective — it comprised many of our most celebrated instrumental performers ( amongst whom we noticed M . Messemer ) , and was universally applauded for the selection and execution of the newest music . A military one ( the 80 th ) was also in attendance , by the kind permission of
air m . creaghe . Quadrilles , waltzes , gallopades , & c . followed in succession ; M . Barnet and AVilliams acting as Masters of the Ceremonies . At half-past one the supper was announced , and the entire company of upwards of six hundred and fifty * persons were accommodated with seats . All the delicacies of the season were abundantly supplied and combined everything to gratif y the most fastidious taste The tables were superbly decorated with Masonic devices and appropriate niottosand reflected the
, greatest credit on the providore , Mr . In g ram Ihe wines , comprising champagne , hock , claret , port , andsherryfwore remarkable for richness of flavour , and were of the finest vintage they were supplied , so we understood , by Messrs Hare ancl Webb , Eu ' stacestreet 1 he Brethren of the Lodge vied with each other in their attention to the guests , and the Stewards , Bros . Mostyn , B . A . Yates , Steele , LloydCusackLewisHornsby Barringtonand Bothwell
, , , , Grogase , , , were unremitting m attendance . Several appropriate and Masonic toasts were given irom the chair , and were introduced hy a flourish of trumpets and prefaced b y the AV . M . The Masonic toasts were severally received with all the honours , which were most correct . lv nTO ., r , 1 ml
1 lie health of " the Laches" was rapturously received , and Bro . the Hon A . Or . Jocelyn , being called upon , returned thanks in eloquent terms ' and proposed the health of the Alaster , AVardens , and Brethren of the Leinster Lodge , which was saluted by Masonic fire , with military precision . The Master on behalf of himself and the Lodge , acknowledged the compliment , and dwelt upon the benefits of the Order . The com pany again joined in the leasures of the dancewhich
p , was kept up wnh spirit , until long after daylight made its appearance and warned tnem that the festive hour was at an end . Every one present was gratified and delighted , and quitted with regret an entertainment which will long be remembered in Dublin for the chaste desiim . the SnWl ™ v
ot citect , and elegance of arrangement , that was most perfect in every particular . AVant of space prevents our inserting the names of the noble and very respectable guests ; suffice it to sav , that the rooms were graced b y the presence of the rank , fashion , and beauty of the metropolis and provinces , ancl of many distinguished Masons from the sister ST . PATRICK ' MASONIC LODGE NO 50 31 held
, . ., May , a special Emergency , the Brethren wishing to entertain Past Master Thomas Welsh , previous to his departure to assume the duties of Attornevveneral oi Van Diem en s Land , and also for the purpose of presenting to I ,, m som e substantial attestation of the fraternal feelings entertained for lum by the Members of the - Lodge Fifty , " and their admiral on of