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The healths of " The Duke of Sussex and Sir James Forrest , the Grand Masters of England ancl Scotland , " were then given , with all the honours . The Deputy Grand Master then rose to propose a toast , which would , he was sure , meet with the response it deserved . " His Grace the Duke of Leinster" had ever proved himself a sincere friend of Masonry ; and at a recent period , when it was placed in a position of difficulty , he procured a legislative declaration in its favourwhich established it upon a
, firmer basis than ever —( applause ) . Their cause was one of Charity ; and many were the silent and unostentatious acts by which the Duke of Leinster helped to cheer the widow ' s heart , and dry the mourner ' s tears—displaying in his own person one of those great characteristics which marked the cause of Masonry in every country and in every clime . " The toast was received with the utmost fervour ; and his Graceafter returning thanksobservedthat he would only be a drone
, , , in the hive , were it not for the assistance of the Deputy Grancl Master , who , by his zeal , left little to be done by any one else . The noble Chairman then gave " The health of his respected Deputy ; " and after the applause subsided , clue acknowledgments were made by Bro . AVhite . The concluding toasts were " The Ladies , " wdiose presence on such occasions was so prized , although tho mysteries of the Order were concealed from them ; and ' " The Stewards "—Bro . Barry returned thanks
for the Stewards . The supper-room was vacated in about an hour ; but the company only retired to enjoy the pleasures of the dance , and it was morning before they separated . The scene was one calculated to afford unalloyed pleasure , and the Stewards were unremitting in their
attentions . ANOTHER MASONIC BALL , which had been long announced , was given by the Leinster Lodge ( No . 141 in the Registry of Ireland ) , on the 19 th of May , at the Rotunda . The entire suite of rooms were thrown open upon the occasion , ancl to the credit of this highly respectable Lodge , and to the Craft , we are happy to be able to state , that the expectations raised were fully realized . The guests began to arrive at 10 ' clockand were received bthe Stewards in the octagon-room
o , y , \ vhich was fitted up for this occasion as a Turkish tent , brilliantly lighted . They were introduced to the AV . Master ( Bro . AA ^ m . Thos . Lloyd ) , in the chair , on whose right stood the Senior AVarden ( Bro . AVorthington ) , the Inner Guard ( Bro . Vanhomesigh ) , and the Senior Deacon ( Bro . Graham ) ; on the left of the chair stood the Junior AVarden ( Bro . Brown ) , the Secretary ( Bro . AVm . Henry AVright ) , and Junior Deacon ( Bro . Joseph Griffith ) . The AV . Master , clothed in Officers of the Lod
full Masonic costume , wore also , as did all the ge , the beautiful ancl and highly wrought silver collars and jewels of office . The coup-d ' ceil on entrance was truly electrifying . The round-room , in all its fair dimensions , was carefully ancl splendidly prepared and ornamented with the various flags ancl devices of this ancient and valued institution , entwined with festoons of evergreens interspersed with the choicest flowers and rarest exotics . In the niches were placed much
some of the finest statues to be found in our studios . AVe were struck with the throne , of richly-carved oak , and canopy , representing a Knight Templar ' s tent , elevated on a pedestal of three steps , surmounted by the banner of the Lodge , with its motto , " Inter utrurnque tene . " On each side was an exquisitely executed pillar , supporting candelabras with three lights . The banners of the Officers floated over their respective places , and around the room were those of the different
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The healths of " The Duke of Sussex and Sir James Forrest , the Grand Masters of England ancl Scotland , " were then given , with all the honours . The Deputy Grand Master then rose to propose a toast , which would , he was sure , meet with the response it deserved . " His Grace the Duke of Leinster" had ever proved himself a sincere friend of Masonry ; and at a recent period , when it was placed in a position of difficulty , he procured a legislative declaration in its favourwhich established it upon a
, firmer basis than ever —( applause ) . Their cause was one of Charity ; and many were the silent and unostentatious acts by which the Duke of Leinster helped to cheer the widow ' s heart , and dry the mourner ' s tears—displaying in his own person one of those great characteristics which marked the cause of Masonry in every country and in every clime . " The toast was received with the utmost fervour ; and his Graceafter returning thanksobservedthat he would only be a drone
, , , in the hive , were it not for the assistance of the Deputy Grancl Master , who , by his zeal , left little to be done by any one else . The noble Chairman then gave " The health of his respected Deputy ; " and after the applause subsided , clue acknowledgments were made by Bro . AVhite . The concluding toasts were " The Ladies , " wdiose presence on such occasions was so prized , although tho mysteries of the Order were concealed from them ; and ' " The Stewards "—Bro . Barry returned thanks
for the Stewards . The supper-room was vacated in about an hour ; but the company only retired to enjoy the pleasures of the dance , and it was morning before they separated . The scene was one calculated to afford unalloyed pleasure , and the Stewards were unremitting in their
attentions . ANOTHER MASONIC BALL , which had been long announced , was given by the Leinster Lodge ( No . 141 in the Registry of Ireland ) , on the 19 th of May , at the Rotunda . The entire suite of rooms were thrown open upon the occasion , ancl to the credit of this highly respectable Lodge , and to the Craft , we are happy to be able to state , that the expectations raised were fully realized . The guests began to arrive at 10 ' clockand were received bthe Stewards in the octagon-room
o , y , \ vhich was fitted up for this occasion as a Turkish tent , brilliantly lighted . They were introduced to the AV . Master ( Bro . AA ^ m . Thos . Lloyd ) , in the chair , on whose right stood the Senior AVarden ( Bro . AVorthington ) , the Inner Guard ( Bro . Vanhomesigh ) , and the Senior Deacon ( Bro . Graham ) ; on the left of the chair stood the Junior AVarden ( Bro . Brown ) , the Secretary ( Bro . AVm . Henry AVright ) , and Junior Deacon ( Bro . Joseph Griffith ) . The AV . Master , clothed in Officers of the Lod
full Masonic costume , wore also , as did all the ge , the beautiful ancl and highly wrought silver collars and jewels of office . The coup-d ' ceil on entrance was truly electrifying . The round-room , in all its fair dimensions , was carefully ancl splendidly prepared and ornamented with the various flags ancl devices of this ancient and valued institution , entwined with festoons of evergreens interspersed with the choicest flowers and rarest exotics . In the niches were placed much
some of the finest statues to be found in our studios . AVe were struck with the throne , of richly-carved oak , and canopy , representing a Knight Templar ' s tent , elevated on a pedestal of three steps , surmounted by the banner of the Lodge , with its motto , " Inter utrurnque tene . " On each side was an exquisitely executed pillar , supporting candelabras with three lights . The banners of the Officers floated over their respective places , and around the room were those of the different