Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 17 of 18 →
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tribute of our esteem and affection , wc trust that it may m future years recall to your recollection some of the hours which you have spent in the company of those Brethren who have now tbe honour of presenting it to you—hours to which , they cannot look back without regret that they are passed away , and joy at the pleasurable emotions which the recollection of them cannot fail to produce . " Vicarage , Bovey Tracey , near Chudleigh , April 14 ., 1841 . To which the R . AV . Brother has returned the following reply through
Lieut . C . L . Dixon : — " Dear and AV . Sir , —Allow me to convey , through you , to those of the Brethren of the Lodge of Union , No . 650 , who have presented mc with so flattering a testimonial of their regard , my warmest and grateful thanks for their kind and fraternal remembrance . Valuable as the present is in itself , it is enhanced tenfold by the truly Masonic and friendly sentiments contained in the accompany ing address . The many happy h and the uniform
hours that I have passed at the ChudleigLodge , kindness of its members will , whilst memory holds her seat , be recollected alike with p leasure and gratitude , and my sincerest prayers be offered to the Great and Grand Architect of the Universe for the welfare and happiness of those whom I have constantly found anxious to promote peace and good will among men . Believe me to remain , dear and AV . Sir , Always yours truly and fraternally , AVM . CARWITHEN . " " To Lieut . Chas . L . Dixon , W . M . Lodge No . 650 , Chudleigh . "
It is gratify ing to us to be able to state that the sense entertained m the province of the worthy Brother ' s Masonic services , does not stop short with this expression of feeling . We extract the following irom a circular from the Provincial Grantl Secretary ' s office : — " Devon Provincial Grand Lodge . " At an especial Provincial Grand Lodge , holden by the command of Wthe Lord A'iscount EbringtonP . G . M . on Tuesdaythe IGth
R .. , , , day of March , 1341 , at the New London Inn , Exeter , it was unanimously . . ,,.., ¦¦> -I ,. " Resolved—That the eminent ancl long continued services ot the 11 . \ V . the Rev . William Carwithen , D . D ., Deputy Provincial Grand Master , in the cause of Masonry in general , and in this province particularly , render it a Masonic duty , incumbent on all members of the Craft within this province , to express their appreciation of his zeal and ability by an be to his feelings
enduring testimonial , which may at once gratifying and do honour to the Craft . " Resolved—That a piece of plate be presented to the R . W . Deputy P G M as a memorial of the esteem in which he is held by the Brethren . " Res ' olved—That a subscription for this purpose be entered into throughout the province , —that the AVorshipful Masters of Lodges be requested to solicit the subscriptions of the members , and that such individual subscriptions be added to the amount contributed by the
several Lodges . _ _ _ , _ , r _ , JT , , , " Resolved—That the V . AV . John Milford , P . P . J . G W ., be requested to act as Treasurer . " TAUNTON , April 2 (> . — AVe have nothing very important to communicate ; the Brethren paid a friendly compliment to Bro . Davis , tin ; manager of the theatre , and for a time regret yielded to pleasure . ""VOL . VIII .
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tribute of our esteem and affection , wc trust that it may m future years recall to your recollection some of the hours which you have spent in the company of those Brethren who have now tbe honour of presenting it to you—hours to which , they cannot look back without regret that they are passed away , and joy at the pleasurable emotions which the recollection of them cannot fail to produce . " Vicarage , Bovey Tracey , near Chudleigh , April 14 ., 1841 . To which the R . AV . Brother has returned the following reply through
Lieut . C . L . Dixon : — " Dear and AV . Sir , —Allow me to convey , through you , to those of the Brethren of the Lodge of Union , No . 650 , who have presented mc with so flattering a testimonial of their regard , my warmest and grateful thanks for their kind and fraternal remembrance . Valuable as the present is in itself , it is enhanced tenfold by the truly Masonic and friendly sentiments contained in the accompany ing address . The many happy h and the uniform
hours that I have passed at the ChudleigLodge , kindness of its members will , whilst memory holds her seat , be recollected alike with p leasure and gratitude , and my sincerest prayers be offered to the Great and Grand Architect of the Universe for the welfare and happiness of those whom I have constantly found anxious to promote peace and good will among men . Believe me to remain , dear and AV . Sir , Always yours truly and fraternally , AVM . CARWITHEN . " " To Lieut . Chas . L . Dixon , W . M . Lodge No . 650 , Chudleigh . "
It is gratify ing to us to be able to state that the sense entertained m the province of the worthy Brother ' s Masonic services , does not stop short with this expression of feeling . We extract the following irom a circular from the Provincial Grantl Secretary ' s office : — " Devon Provincial Grand Lodge . " At an especial Provincial Grand Lodge , holden by the command of Wthe Lord A'iscount EbringtonP . G . M . on Tuesdaythe IGth
R .. , , , day of March , 1341 , at the New London Inn , Exeter , it was unanimously . . ,,.., ¦¦> -I ,. " Resolved—That the eminent ancl long continued services ot the 11 . \ V . the Rev . William Carwithen , D . D ., Deputy Provincial Grand Master , in the cause of Masonry in general , and in this province particularly , render it a Masonic duty , incumbent on all members of the Craft within this province , to express their appreciation of his zeal and ability by an be to his feelings
enduring testimonial , which may at once gratifying and do honour to the Craft . " Resolved—That a piece of plate be presented to the R . W . Deputy P G M as a memorial of the esteem in which he is held by the Brethren . " Res ' olved—That a subscription for this purpose be entered into throughout the province , —that the AVorshipful Masters of Lodges be requested to solicit the subscriptions of the members , and that such individual subscriptions be added to the amount contributed by the
several Lodges . _ _ _ , _ , r _ , JT , , , " Resolved—That the V . AV . John Milford , P . P . J . G W ., be requested to act as Treasurer . " TAUNTON , April 2 (> . — AVe have nothing very important to communicate ; the Brethren paid a friendly compliment to Bro . Davis , tin ; manager of the theatre , and for a time regret yielded to pleasure . ""VOL . VIII .