Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 16 of 18 →
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The next toast proposed was " the Officers and Brethren of the VVitham Lodge . Mr . GOODACRE , as Senior Warden , was called upon to return thanks . , V , ? oncIudmg sentiments were " Absent Brethren , " and " the Ladies ; ancl very shortly afterwards the AV . M . and the principal portion of the company retired , and the banqueting-room was cleared at an earlhour of the
y evening . *—Lincoln Gazette . WAKEFIELD , June 2 . —The annual meeting took place on AVednesday week at Wakefield , on which occasion there was a good attendance of the Brotherhood . One hundred ancl eight sat down to dinner in the large room of the Exchange Buildings . Lord Mexborough , as usual , was president and Dr . Senior , of Bately , ancl Mr . Harro ? , of Saddleworth , were the vice-presidents . The noble president has declared it to be one ot the happiest of Masonic meetings .
DURHAM . —It is stated that Sir Hedworth AVilliamson , Bart ., is the successor to the lamented Earl of Durham as Provincial Grand Master for this county . NEWCASTLE -ON-TYNE —The installation of the AVorshi pful Master and other Officers ofthe Northern Counties Lodge , No . 586 , took place at the Freemasons' Hall , Newgate-street , in this town , on the 23 d April , when the following Officers were installed for the ensuing twelmonths
ve Percival Perking Esq ., W . M . ; Walter Allen , S . W . ; James Wilkin , ™ ; „ 3 ' Greea Chaplain ; J . M . Bates , Esq ., M . D ., Treasurer ; lhomas Robinson , Secretary ; AVilliam Hutchinson , S . D . ; AVilliam Anderson J . D ; Henry Savage , S . S . ; Joseph Thomam , J . S . ; Matthew Clark , J . G . ; Phomas Hornsby , Tyler . The Brethren afterwards held their festival at the Assembly Rooms .
NORTHUMBERLAND . —Bro . C . Blackett , Esq ., M . P ., is stated to have been appointed Provincial Grand Master for this county . HAVERFORDWEST . —Masonry is continuing without interruption . — Ihe elder Masons are respected by their juniors , who are worthy theninstructors . J CARMARTHEN —A new Lodis about to be opened
. ge . CHUDLEIGH . —The Rev . AV . Carwithen , D . D ., the Deputy Provincial Crrand Master of Devon , has been recently presented to the livino- of btoke Chmsland . On quitting his residence at Bovey Tracey the Brethren of Lodge No . 650 , which was established and fostered by the Kev . Brother , presented to him a handsome gold snuff-box , with the following elegant address : —
11 . AV . Sir and Brother , —It is with mingled feelings of pleasure and ot pain that we address you on the present occasion , and the invaluable lesson inculcated by the beautiful groundwork of our Lodge is now painfull y impressed on our own experience ; for the joy that we feel at the good fortune of our Brother is chequered with regret that it bereaves us of his society . Masonry in this province , R . W . Sir , owes you much , but the Lodge at Chudlei gh owes you more—to you it stands indebted lor its first existence ; and the eminent position which it now holds among the Lodges of Devonshire is solely attributable to your fostering and paternal care . In presenting you with the accompanying small
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The next toast proposed was " the Officers and Brethren of the VVitham Lodge . Mr . GOODACRE , as Senior Warden , was called upon to return thanks . , V , ? oncIudmg sentiments were " Absent Brethren , " and " the Ladies ; ancl very shortly afterwards the AV . M . and the principal portion of the company retired , and the banqueting-room was cleared at an earlhour of the
y evening . *—Lincoln Gazette . WAKEFIELD , June 2 . —The annual meeting took place on AVednesday week at Wakefield , on which occasion there was a good attendance of the Brotherhood . One hundred ancl eight sat down to dinner in the large room of the Exchange Buildings . Lord Mexborough , as usual , was president and Dr . Senior , of Bately , ancl Mr . Harro ? , of Saddleworth , were the vice-presidents . The noble president has declared it to be one ot the happiest of Masonic meetings .
DURHAM . —It is stated that Sir Hedworth AVilliamson , Bart ., is the successor to the lamented Earl of Durham as Provincial Grand Master for this county . NEWCASTLE -ON-TYNE —The installation of the AVorshi pful Master and other Officers ofthe Northern Counties Lodge , No . 586 , took place at the Freemasons' Hall , Newgate-street , in this town , on the 23 d April , when the following Officers were installed for the ensuing twelmonths
ve Percival Perking Esq ., W . M . ; Walter Allen , S . W . ; James Wilkin , ™ ; „ 3 ' Greea Chaplain ; J . M . Bates , Esq ., M . D ., Treasurer ; lhomas Robinson , Secretary ; AVilliam Hutchinson , S . D . ; AVilliam Anderson J . D ; Henry Savage , S . S . ; Joseph Thomam , J . S . ; Matthew Clark , J . G . ; Phomas Hornsby , Tyler . The Brethren afterwards held their festival at the Assembly Rooms .
NORTHUMBERLAND . —Bro . C . Blackett , Esq ., M . P ., is stated to have been appointed Provincial Grand Master for this county . HAVERFORDWEST . —Masonry is continuing without interruption . — Ihe elder Masons are respected by their juniors , who are worthy theninstructors . J CARMARTHEN —A new Lodis about to be opened
. ge . CHUDLEIGH . —The Rev . AV . Carwithen , D . D ., the Deputy Provincial Crrand Master of Devon , has been recently presented to the livino- of btoke Chmsland . On quitting his residence at Bovey Tracey the Brethren of Lodge No . 650 , which was established and fostered by the Kev . Brother , presented to him a handsome gold snuff-box , with the following elegant address : —
11 . AV . Sir and Brother , —It is with mingled feelings of pleasure and ot pain that we address you on the present occasion , and the invaluable lesson inculcated by the beautiful groundwork of our Lodge is now painfull y impressed on our own experience ; for the joy that we feel at the good fortune of our Brother is chequered with regret that it bereaves us of his society . Masonry in this province , R . W . Sir , owes you much , but the Lodge at Chudlei gh owes you more—to you it stands indebted lor its first existence ; and the eminent position which it now holds among the Lodges of Devonshire is solely attributable to your fostering and paternal care . In presenting you with the accompanying small