Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 15 of 18 →
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bra ted oriental traveller , Mr . Buckingham , when in India , had fallen into the hands of a horde of robbers , and on entering the hut of one of them he was discovered to be a Freemason , his life was spared , and he was again restored to liberty . If then he was now in London , advocating the doctrines of temperance , he was indebted to Freemasonry for his present existence . He ( Sir L . B . ) regretted that he had not been able to be present at the ceremonial of the morning ; he knew the institution
to be one founded on the great principles of charity , philanthropy , and brotherly love ; he trusted he should be present at the ceremonial of opening the new Lodge , not under the name of visitor , but entitled to the endearing appellation of Brother- ( loud cheers ) . The health of the Mayor and Corporation of Lincoln having been proposed , and the Mayor having just before been called away , Dr . BEATY , as a magistrate and alderman of the city , and one of tbe oldest
Masons , briefly returned thanks . The AV . M . then proposed the health of the visiting Brethren , and remarked that Provincial Grand Officers of York , Nottingham , and Leicester , had honoured the occasion with their attendance . He understood also , that they had present a Brother , who , though the English was not his mother tongue , spoke it with elegance and fluency , and gave utterance to the universal sentiments of Masonry ; he was quite sure that the visiting Brethren of other provinces woulcl be happy to hear Brother Neuberg in reply to the toast of " Visiting Brethren "—
( loud cheers ) . . J . NEUBERG , Esq , P . M ., Commercial Lodge at Nottingham ( formerly of Hamburg ) , said , " Having been thus personally called upon , I know not for what other reason , except it be that you are curious to hear how your language sounds in the mouth of one who ( as the AV . M . has said ) had not learned ' to lisp it '—I willingly accede to your wish . That Freemasonry once was a reality , a very great and powerful reality , what stronger or more convincing proof could one requirethan the
, glorious and venerable structure , which adorns and distinguishes your town , and has made it world-celebrated . Your cathedral is the work of Freemasons . It was planned by Masonic " wisdom ; " it was executed with " strength and beauty" by Masonic hands . It was only by devoting the noblest gift to the highest purposes , hy the union of art ivith religion , which formed the spirit of Masonry in the middle ages , that such wonderful works could be produced . Let us ever left such inheritances their times
honour the men who have us . In , Masonry was a reality , by which men , wise men , lived and worked , and did well . And now , when Masonry has dwindled down into a mere tradition , it is still good that we honour it as such , it is still right and proper that we erect , as we have done to-day , new temples , wherein such tradition may be duly honoured , faithfully preserved , that it may be handed down and undefiled as we have received it from those
pure who went before us , to the Brethren of future generations , and that it thus may fulfil its destiny ; nor will we complain that Masonry is no more what it once has been . I sincerely thank you for the honour you have clone the visiting Brethren , and me amongst them ; I particularly thank you for the kind indulgence with which you have received the few observations I have been induced to make , ancl wish every
prosperity to all of you . _ The next toast was " the Shareholders of the Freemasons Hall , and prosperity to the Institution . " Mr . E . B . DRURY , J . IV . and Treasurer to the Company replied .
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bra ted oriental traveller , Mr . Buckingham , when in India , had fallen into the hands of a horde of robbers , and on entering the hut of one of them he was discovered to be a Freemason , his life was spared , and he was again restored to liberty . If then he was now in London , advocating the doctrines of temperance , he was indebted to Freemasonry for his present existence . He ( Sir L . B . ) regretted that he had not been able to be present at the ceremonial of the morning ; he knew the institution
to be one founded on the great principles of charity , philanthropy , and brotherly love ; he trusted he should be present at the ceremonial of opening the new Lodge , not under the name of visitor , but entitled to the endearing appellation of Brother- ( loud cheers ) . The health of the Mayor and Corporation of Lincoln having been proposed , and the Mayor having just before been called away , Dr . BEATY , as a magistrate and alderman of the city , and one of tbe oldest
Masons , briefly returned thanks . The AV . M . then proposed the health of the visiting Brethren , and remarked that Provincial Grand Officers of York , Nottingham , and Leicester , had honoured the occasion with their attendance . He understood also , that they had present a Brother , who , though the English was not his mother tongue , spoke it with elegance and fluency , and gave utterance to the universal sentiments of Masonry ; he was quite sure that the visiting Brethren of other provinces woulcl be happy to hear Brother Neuberg in reply to the toast of " Visiting Brethren "—
( loud cheers ) . . J . NEUBERG , Esq , P . M ., Commercial Lodge at Nottingham ( formerly of Hamburg ) , said , " Having been thus personally called upon , I know not for what other reason , except it be that you are curious to hear how your language sounds in the mouth of one who ( as the AV . M . has said ) had not learned ' to lisp it '—I willingly accede to your wish . That Freemasonry once was a reality , a very great and powerful reality , what stronger or more convincing proof could one requirethan the
, glorious and venerable structure , which adorns and distinguishes your town , and has made it world-celebrated . Your cathedral is the work of Freemasons . It was planned by Masonic " wisdom ; " it was executed with " strength and beauty" by Masonic hands . It was only by devoting the noblest gift to the highest purposes , hy the union of art ivith religion , which formed the spirit of Masonry in the middle ages , that such wonderful works could be produced . Let us ever left such inheritances their times
honour the men who have us . In , Masonry was a reality , by which men , wise men , lived and worked , and did well . And now , when Masonry has dwindled down into a mere tradition , it is still good that we honour it as such , it is still right and proper that we erect , as we have done to-day , new temples , wherein such tradition may be duly honoured , faithfully preserved , that it may be handed down and undefiled as we have received it from those
pure who went before us , to the Brethren of future generations , and that it thus may fulfil its destiny ; nor will we complain that Masonry is no more what it once has been . I sincerely thank you for the honour you have clone the visiting Brethren , and me amongst them ; I particularly thank you for the kind indulgence with which you have received the few observations I have been induced to make , ancl wish every
prosperity to all of you . _ The next toast was " the Shareholders of the Freemasons Hall , and prosperity to the Institution . " Mr . E . B . DRURY , J . IV . and Treasurer to the Company replied .