Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 10 of 18 →
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ceremonial , occupying the space left on the ground . The AA ' . M . ( R S . Harvey , Esq . ) having taken his place in the east , the Provincial Grand Master and D . P . G . M . sitting on his right , and the AVardens standing on his left , delivered the following ancient charge : — " Men , women , and children here assembled to-day , to behold this ceremony , know all of you that we be lawful Masons , true to the laws of and established
our country , of old , with peace ancl honour in most countries , to do good to our Brethren , to build great buildings , and to fear Gocl , who is the GREAT ARCHITECT of all things . We have amon « us concealed from the eyes of all men , secrets which may not be revealed , and which no man has discovered ; but these secrets are lawful and honourable to know by Masons , who only have the keeping of them to the end of time . Unless our Craft good ancl calling honour
were our - able , we should not have lasted so many centuries , nor should we have had so many illustrious Brothers in our Order , ready to promote our laws and further our interests . To-day we are here assembled in the presence of you all , to build a house for Masonry , which we pray God may prosper , if it seem good to him , that it may become a building for good men and good deeds , and promote harmony and brotherly love till the world itself shall end . "
After the response , "So mote it be , " the Architect , AV . A . Nicholson , Esq ., P . M ., produced the plans for the inspection of the Provincial Grancl Master ; the D . P . G . M . turning to the Master of the Lodge , said , 'AVorshipful Master , what will your Lodge be like ? " To this no answer was given , hut the AV . M . pointed up to the heavens , then down to the earth , and then extended his hands horizontally , pointing outwards The D . P . G . M . said"That is a good lan but what
, p , W . M ., more have you to tell me ? " No answer was made , but the Master first placed his right hand on his heart , and afterwards his left to his lips . Ihe D . P . G . M . said , " The Master does well , Brothers ; let us copy his example , " ou which each member gave the same signal of sincerity ancl silence .
1 he W . M . pronounced the benediction : — , " A * ?™? > Jhe son of Isaac , the son of Abraham , fleeing from the lace of his brother Esau , and going out from Beersheba towards Haran lighted on a certain place and tarried there all night , making to himsell a pillar of stones ; on which sleeping , he dreamed that he saw the gates of heaven , and when he awoke he anointed the stones with fresh oil , calling that place Beth-el , or the house of God ; so do I anoint this stone with pure oil , praying that in the building which may arise from it , none but good men maybe admitted , ancl men that fear God and love the Brotherhood .
The P . G . M ., the Rt . Hon . C . TENNYSON D'EYNOOURT , M . P then delivered an oration , in which he pronounced an eulogium on ' Freemasonry , its pure morality and active benevolence , ancl gave his meed of praise to the Brethren for their zeal in raising a Masonic Hall from the tone of voice in which the R . AV . spoke , and the noise made by persons without the inclosure , the oration was at times inaudible to several on the platforms . At the conclusion , the choristers sunK an anthem . ¦ b The procession was then re-formed , and returned to the Stone-bow an avenue was again made , and the Provincial Grand Master passed
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ceremonial , occupying the space left on the ground . The AA ' . M . ( R S . Harvey , Esq . ) having taken his place in the east , the Provincial Grand Master and D . P . G . M . sitting on his right , and the AVardens standing on his left , delivered the following ancient charge : — " Men , women , and children here assembled to-day , to behold this ceremony , know all of you that we be lawful Masons , true to the laws of and established
our country , of old , with peace ancl honour in most countries , to do good to our Brethren , to build great buildings , and to fear Gocl , who is the GREAT ARCHITECT of all things . We have amon « us concealed from the eyes of all men , secrets which may not be revealed , and which no man has discovered ; but these secrets are lawful and honourable to know by Masons , who only have the keeping of them to the end of time . Unless our Craft good ancl calling honour
were our - able , we should not have lasted so many centuries , nor should we have had so many illustrious Brothers in our Order , ready to promote our laws and further our interests . To-day we are here assembled in the presence of you all , to build a house for Masonry , which we pray God may prosper , if it seem good to him , that it may become a building for good men and good deeds , and promote harmony and brotherly love till the world itself shall end . "
After the response , "So mote it be , " the Architect , AV . A . Nicholson , Esq ., P . M ., produced the plans for the inspection of the Provincial Grancl Master ; the D . P . G . M . turning to the Master of the Lodge , said , 'AVorshipful Master , what will your Lodge be like ? " To this no answer was given , hut the AV . M . pointed up to the heavens , then down to the earth , and then extended his hands horizontally , pointing outwards The D . P . G . M . said"That is a good lan but what
, p , W . M ., more have you to tell me ? " No answer was made , but the Master first placed his right hand on his heart , and afterwards his left to his lips . Ihe D . P . G . M . said , " The Master does well , Brothers ; let us copy his example , " ou which each member gave the same signal of sincerity ancl silence .
1 he W . M . pronounced the benediction : — , " A * ?™? > Jhe son of Isaac , the son of Abraham , fleeing from the lace of his brother Esau , and going out from Beersheba towards Haran lighted on a certain place and tarried there all night , making to himsell a pillar of stones ; on which sleeping , he dreamed that he saw the gates of heaven , and when he awoke he anointed the stones with fresh oil , calling that place Beth-el , or the house of God ; so do I anoint this stone with pure oil , praying that in the building which may arise from it , none but good men maybe admitted , ancl men that fear God and love the Brotherhood .
The P . G . M ., the Rt . Hon . C . TENNYSON D'EYNOOURT , M . P then delivered an oration , in which he pronounced an eulogium on ' Freemasonry , its pure morality and active benevolence , ancl gave his meed of praise to the Brethren for their zeal in raising a Masonic Hall from the tone of voice in which the R . AV . spoke , and the noise made by persons without the inclosure , the oration was at times inaudible to several on the platforms . At the conclusion , the choristers sunK an anthem . ¦ b The procession was then re-formed , and returned to the Stone-bow an avenue was again made , and the Provincial Grand Master passed