Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 19 of 44 →
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The D . P . G . M . proposed the health of Brother Turner , P . G . J . W ., who was really a scientific Mason , and had made Masonry his study , and was deserving the good wishes of every Brother . Brother Turner returned thanks ; he had been placed in the J . AV . ' s chair much to his surprise and gratification , and hoped that what he had done had been to the interest and prosperity of the Craft . _ Brother Pashley observed that yesterday was the anniversary of the
girls' school , which was supported , in a great measure by contributions from the fees of Lodges . He therefore proposed , " Prosperity to the Royal Freemasons' Charity for female children . " Major Brackenbury said , after what had passed , he should become a subscriber to the above institution . The health of Brother Nicholson , the P . G . Superintendant of AA ' orks , was then drunk with the lionours . Brother Nicholson returned thanks , ancl observed that his profession had induced him to become a Mason , and that much of his knowledge had been derived from the works of his friend the D . P . G . M .
The D . P . G . M . then proposed the health of Brother Sandars , the P . G . Director of the Ceremonies , who returned thanks . Brother Pashley , P . G . Treasurer , ivith the honours . The Past Provincial Grand Officers . Brother Cartledge returned thanks . The D . P . G . M . gave " The hearts that can love one another . " Ma ^ or Brackenbury gave , "All the AVorld a Lodge , and every man a
Brother " The D . P . G . M . then left the chair amidst immense cheering ; when Major Brackenbury took it for a single moment , and proposed as a parting toast , " The D . P . G . M . once more , and God bless him , " which was received with cheering ; and thus terminated as pleasant a meeting as can be recollected in the annals of Freemasonry in this county . ASHBY-DE-LA-ZOUCH , May 30 . —The Masonic festival which took place at Ashby-de-la-Zouch , on the occasion of the opening of the Ivanhoe Lodge , was most numerousl y ancl respectably attended . The business of the day consisted of the solemn consecration of the Lodsre
( which was impressivel y performed b y the Rev . J . H . Macaulay ) , and the ceremony of the installation of Mr . E . Mammatt , as the First Master , which was abl y conducted by James Elverson , Esq ., as the representative pf the Right Hon . Lord Rancliffe , Provincial Grand Master , after which several gentlemen were admitted , and initiated as members of the fraternity . The whole company , amounting to nearly fifty , partook of an excellent banquet , provided by Mrs . Chamberlain , at the
Royal Hotel . The most perfect good humour , and thorough friendly feeling , seemed to pervade every individual ; and the party broke up at an early hour , all hi ghly gratified . In the course of the evening , the Rev . J . H . Macaulay displayed his resplendent genius , in a most powerful speech , fraught with classic lore , ancl radiant with the most vivid eloquence . Mr . E . Mammatt also spoke with deep feeling and earnest energynot onl the particular circumstances of die dayhut
, y upon , upon the advantages possessed by the institution of Freemasonry , as the means of ameliorating the general state of society . J . Thistleton , Esq ., AV . E . Burke , Esq ., J . Elverson , Esq ., Dr . Pigot , and many other distinguished individuals , expressed , in language not to be mistaken , the full accordance of their sentiments with the philanthropic principles of this ancient Society .
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The D . P . G . M . proposed the health of Brother Turner , P . G . J . W ., who was really a scientific Mason , and had made Masonry his study , and was deserving the good wishes of every Brother . Brother Turner returned thanks ; he had been placed in the J . AV . ' s chair much to his surprise and gratification , and hoped that what he had done had been to the interest and prosperity of the Craft . _ Brother Pashley observed that yesterday was the anniversary of the
girls' school , which was supported , in a great measure by contributions from the fees of Lodges . He therefore proposed , " Prosperity to the Royal Freemasons' Charity for female children . " Major Brackenbury said , after what had passed , he should become a subscriber to the above institution . The health of Brother Nicholson , the P . G . Superintendant of AA ' orks , was then drunk with the lionours . Brother Nicholson returned thanks , ancl observed that his profession had induced him to become a Mason , and that much of his knowledge had been derived from the works of his friend the D . P . G . M .
The D . P . G . M . then proposed the health of Brother Sandars , the P . G . Director of the Ceremonies , who returned thanks . Brother Pashley , P . G . Treasurer , ivith the honours . The Past Provincial Grand Officers . Brother Cartledge returned thanks . The D . P . G . M . gave " The hearts that can love one another . " Ma ^ or Brackenbury gave , "All the AVorld a Lodge , and every man a
Brother " The D . P . G . M . then left the chair amidst immense cheering ; when Major Brackenbury took it for a single moment , and proposed as a parting toast , " The D . P . G . M . once more , and God bless him , " which was received with cheering ; and thus terminated as pleasant a meeting as can be recollected in the annals of Freemasonry in this county . ASHBY-DE-LA-ZOUCH , May 30 . —The Masonic festival which took place at Ashby-de-la-Zouch , on the occasion of the opening of the Ivanhoe Lodge , was most numerousl y ancl respectably attended . The business of the day consisted of the solemn consecration of the Lodsre
( which was impressivel y performed b y the Rev . J . H . Macaulay ) , and the ceremony of the installation of Mr . E . Mammatt , as the First Master , which was abl y conducted by James Elverson , Esq ., as the representative pf the Right Hon . Lord Rancliffe , Provincial Grand Master , after which several gentlemen were admitted , and initiated as members of the fraternity . The whole company , amounting to nearly fifty , partook of an excellent banquet , provided by Mrs . Chamberlain , at the
Royal Hotel . The most perfect good humour , and thorough friendly feeling , seemed to pervade every individual ; and the party broke up at an early hour , all hi ghly gratified . In the course of the evening , the Rev . J . H . Macaulay displayed his resplendent genius , in a most powerful speech , fraught with classic lore , ancl radiant with the most vivid eloquence . Mr . E . Mammatt also spoke with deep feeling and earnest energynot onl the particular circumstances of die dayhut
, y upon , upon the advantages possessed by the institution of Freemasonry , as the means of ameliorating the general state of society . J . Thistleton , Esq ., AV . E . Burke , Esq ., J . Elverson , Esq ., Dr . Pigot , and many other distinguished individuals , expressed , in language not to be mistaken , the full accordance of their sentiments with the philanthropic principles of this ancient Society .