Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 44 →
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The master ' s health was next proposed by the noble lord , as the founder of the Lodge , and as a brother to whom the province was greatly indebted for the zeal so unweariedly shown : he could not propose the toast in the terms it merited , so great were the personal obligations he had himself received from Brother Thomas . Brother Thomas , after the cheering subsided , acknowledged that he was overcome b y the manner in which his health had been received .
The kindness shown to him inspired him with hope , but left him without the confidence to reply in adequate language . He loved the Craft , and felt pride in being the first Master of the Lodge . The four brothers now for the first time introduced are an earnest that the Salisbury Loclge will flourish , and I hope , when I shall resign the chair , they will have made considerable advancement in our Science . The officers of the Grand Lodge , past and present , were then
proposed , ancl welcomed with lively demonstrations of regard . Brother Harper returned thanks in a very neat address . The Past Deputy Provincial Master ' s health ( Brother Davies ) was next brought before the notice of the company , and prefaced by some very happy observations . The distinguished Brother rose , and from his eloquent reply we extract the following : — " I hardlknow how to express myself
regardy ing the proceedings of this day . The Prov . G . M . appointed me to conduct the consecration of the Lodge ; and I hope , if the proceedings have not met the expectation of those who witnessed my endeavours , that at least they will acquit me of any deviation from the established rules of the Order . I am in your hands , and willing to be judged by so kind an auditory . Seven years since there was not a loclge in
Hertfordshire , and indeed we possess no authentic records of any Lodge having existed in the county before that period ; and now there are no less than five working lodges . AVe need not go rar to learn the cause of this spread of harmony in the county : it is to the auspicious fact of the determination of the Marquess of Salisbury to support it ; and if in other counties the same zeal was displayed , the same success would result . This Lodge is most especially favorable to Masonic pursuits ; it stands
on the confines of two counties , and may therefore become doubly instrumental in advancing the interchange of sociality . The new Members as yet can hardly be supposed to understand the value of the Order , but as we continue our association , the more , I hope , we shall regard each other . I , like the AA ' orshipful Master , am a lover of the Craft , and feel a pride in having initiated him ; and believe through his care the Salisbury Lodge will become distinguished in the Order . "
The visiting members were then noticed , ancl the compliments acknowledged by Brother Acklam and Brother Grimstone . Brother Dr . Crucefix , the J . G . D ., then , by permission of the AV . M ., proposed a toast ; and , having obtained the attention of the company , he drew a lively picture of the blessings which the Order diffused over the thousands who professed its tenets , and stated through them what advantages society at large miht draw from a briht example . He
g g dwelt upon the pleasing circumstance of a minister of religion having that clay joined the Holy Standard of Masonry , and he adjured him very forcibly to examine with such careful strictness as became his vocation , ancl that proudly would Freemasonry bear the test . Our limits prevent us giving a lengthened account of the Doctor ' s address , which was listened to with considerable attention . He concluded by proposing success and prosperity to the Salisbury Lodge , of which the
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The master ' s health was next proposed by the noble lord , as the founder of the Lodge , and as a brother to whom the province was greatly indebted for the zeal so unweariedly shown : he could not propose the toast in the terms it merited , so great were the personal obligations he had himself received from Brother Thomas . Brother Thomas , after the cheering subsided , acknowledged that he was overcome b y the manner in which his health had been received .
The kindness shown to him inspired him with hope , but left him without the confidence to reply in adequate language . He loved the Craft , and felt pride in being the first Master of the Lodge . The four brothers now for the first time introduced are an earnest that the Salisbury Loclge will flourish , and I hope , when I shall resign the chair , they will have made considerable advancement in our Science . The officers of the Grand Lodge , past and present , were then
proposed , ancl welcomed with lively demonstrations of regard . Brother Harper returned thanks in a very neat address . The Past Deputy Provincial Master ' s health ( Brother Davies ) was next brought before the notice of the company , and prefaced by some very happy observations . The distinguished Brother rose , and from his eloquent reply we extract the following : — " I hardlknow how to express myself
regardy ing the proceedings of this day . The Prov . G . M . appointed me to conduct the consecration of the Lodge ; and I hope , if the proceedings have not met the expectation of those who witnessed my endeavours , that at least they will acquit me of any deviation from the established rules of the Order . I am in your hands , and willing to be judged by so kind an auditory . Seven years since there was not a loclge in
Hertfordshire , and indeed we possess no authentic records of any Lodge having existed in the county before that period ; and now there are no less than five working lodges . AVe need not go rar to learn the cause of this spread of harmony in the county : it is to the auspicious fact of the determination of the Marquess of Salisbury to support it ; and if in other counties the same zeal was displayed , the same success would result . This Lodge is most especially favorable to Masonic pursuits ; it stands
on the confines of two counties , and may therefore become doubly instrumental in advancing the interchange of sociality . The new Members as yet can hardly be supposed to understand the value of the Order , but as we continue our association , the more , I hope , we shall regard each other . I , like the AA ' orshipful Master , am a lover of the Craft , and feel a pride in having initiated him ; and believe through his care the Salisbury Lodge will become distinguished in the Order . "
The visiting members were then noticed , ancl the compliments acknowledged by Brother Acklam and Brother Grimstone . Brother Dr . Crucefix , the J . G . D ., then , by permission of the AV . M ., proposed a toast ; and , having obtained the attention of the company , he drew a lively picture of the blessings which the Order diffused over the thousands who professed its tenets , and stated through them what advantages society at large miht draw from a briht example . He
g g dwelt upon the pleasing circumstance of a minister of religion having that clay joined the Holy Standard of Masonry , and he adjured him very forcibly to examine with such careful strictness as became his vocation , ancl that proudly would Freemasonry bear the test . Our limits prevent us giving a lengthened account of the Doctor ' s address , which was listened to with considerable attention . He concluded by proposing success and prosperity to the Salisbury Lodge , of which the