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Parliamentary Analysis.
subscribed by the Person taking the same ; and the said Oath shall be administered by any Two Magistrates , either in Open Sessions or otherwise ; ancl such Magistrates shall forthwith give to the Person taking the same a Certificate thereof under his hand , such Certificate to be " forwarded to the Chief Secretary of the Lord Lieutenant , or the Under Secretary , or to such person as he may appoint . " XVIII . And whereas certain Societies have been long accustomed
to be holden in the United Kingdom under the Denomination of Freemasons , the Meetings whereof have been in a great measure directed to charitable Purposes ; be it therefore enacted , That nothing in this Act shall apply to Persons belonging to such Society or Lodge holden under the said Denomination , ancl in conformity to the Rules prevailing among the said Societies of Freemasons . " [ This last clause has been expunged , but the substance of it is retained in Lord Ellenborough ' s amendment . —See page 202 .
HERTS , May o . — " The Hertford Lodge held their last meeting for the season at the Shire Hall : they met as early as two o ' clock , in consequence of having a considerable quantity of Masonic business to transact , after whicli the Brethren , to the number of about fifty , sat clown to a splendid banquet in the Assembly Room . Brother Sworder , AV . M ., took the chair , and was supported by Brothers J . M . Carter ( Mayor of Hertford ) , SuttonStrattonByronJ . Lawrenceand several
, , , , other Brethren of distinction . Nothing could exceed the delightful harmony and joyous convivial feeling which prevailed throughout the evening , to which the delightful singing of Brothers Fitzwilliam , Jolly , Chubb , Hears , and others , contributed in an essential degree . The Lodge was unanimous in its expressions of respect and attachment to Brother Sworder , AA . M ., his health being proposed and received with as loud testimonials of regard as were ever heard on a similar occasion
, and which was fully merited by the excellent and efficient manner in which lie has discharged the onerous duties of master during tbe year ; indeed the excellent and impressive manner in which he performed the ceremonies was a subject of general panegyric , and the ability and good taste which he displayed in presiding at the banquet , have won for him the respect and attachment of all the Brethren present . "
AVATFORD , April 30 . —The Watford Lodge has erected a splendid Hall by subscription , for the use of the Lodge , which will be opened in the course of this month with grand Masonic ceremonies . It is expected that the opening of this Hall will be attended by a large concourse of Brethren . June 8 . —CONSECRATION OF THE SALISBURY LODGE G 30 , FALCONINN , WALTHAM CROSS . —A warrant of constitution having been
issued by the Grand Master of England , empowering the following Brethren to form themselves into a Lodge of Freemasons , under the title of the " Salisbury Lodge , " they assembled to-day , viz . Brothers AVm . Lloyd Thomas , Francis Crewe , Geo . Peter Philipe , John Miller , Wm . Carr , Richard Mott , J . L . Lucena , Charles Smith , Henry Bowles , Joseph Strick . The three former being named respectively as the Master and AVardens . The warrant is dated 31 st March , 1836 , and is signed by H . R . H . the M . AV . Grand Master , and Lord If . 1 . S . Churchill , as D . G . M . The
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Parliamentary Analysis.
subscribed by the Person taking the same ; and the said Oath shall be administered by any Two Magistrates , either in Open Sessions or otherwise ; ancl such Magistrates shall forthwith give to the Person taking the same a Certificate thereof under his hand , such Certificate to be " forwarded to the Chief Secretary of the Lord Lieutenant , or the Under Secretary , or to such person as he may appoint . " XVIII . And whereas certain Societies have been long accustomed
to be holden in the United Kingdom under the Denomination of Freemasons , the Meetings whereof have been in a great measure directed to charitable Purposes ; be it therefore enacted , That nothing in this Act shall apply to Persons belonging to such Society or Lodge holden under the said Denomination , ancl in conformity to the Rules prevailing among the said Societies of Freemasons . " [ This last clause has been expunged , but the substance of it is retained in Lord Ellenborough ' s amendment . —See page 202 .
HERTS , May o . — " The Hertford Lodge held their last meeting for the season at the Shire Hall : they met as early as two o ' clock , in consequence of having a considerable quantity of Masonic business to transact , after whicli the Brethren , to the number of about fifty , sat clown to a splendid banquet in the Assembly Room . Brother Sworder , AV . M ., took the chair , and was supported by Brothers J . M . Carter ( Mayor of Hertford ) , SuttonStrattonByronJ . Lawrenceand several
, , , , other Brethren of distinction . Nothing could exceed the delightful harmony and joyous convivial feeling which prevailed throughout the evening , to which the delightful singing of Brothers Fitzwilliam , Jolly , Chubb , Hears , and others , contributed in an essential degree . The Lodge was unanimous in its expressions of respect and attachment to Brother Sworder , AA . M ., his health being proposed and received with as loud testimonials of regard as were ever heard on a similar occasion
, and which was fully merited by the excellent and efficient manner in which lie has discharged the onerous duties of master during tbe year ; indeed the excellent and impressive manner in which he performed the ceremonies was a subject of general panegyric , and the ability and good taste which he displayed in presiding at the banquet , have won for him the respect and attachment of all the Brethren present . "
AVATFORD , April 30 . —The Watford Lodge has erected a splendid Hall by subscription , for the use of the Lodge , which will be opened in the course of this month with grand Masonic ceremonies . It is expected that the opening of this Hall will be attended by a large concourse of Brethren . June 8 . —CONSECRATION OF THE SALISBURY LODGE G 30 , FALCONINN , WALTHAM CROSS . —A warrant of constitution having been
issued by the Grand Master of England , empowering the following Brethren to form themselves into a Lodge of Freemasons , under the title of the " Salisbury Lodge , " they assembled to-day , viz . Brothers AVm . Lloyd Thomas , Francis Crewe , Geo . Peter Philipe , John Miller , Wm . Carr , Richard Mott , J . L . Lucena , Charles Smith , Henry Bowles , Joseph Strick . The three former being named respectively as the Master and AVardens . The warrant is dated 31 st March , 1836 , and is signed by H . R . H . the M . AV . Grand Master , and Lord If . 1 . S . Churchill , as D . G . M . The