Article QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION. ← Page 3 of 6 →
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Quarterly Communication.
BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES , May 24 . —This day the labours of tile present Board terminated . The subjects that have been brought before its attention during the current year have been many and important , the members generally , and especially tbe Past-Masters , have been very regular in their attendance . Lord John Churchill especially deserved the compliment he received , by the unanimous vote of thanks from the Board , for the very zealous manner in which he had presided over it during the past year .
GRAND STEWARD ' LODGE , Feb . 17 . —The arrangements of the late centenary having concluded , and the installation of the AV . M . Bro S . C . Norris having been performed , Brother Dr . Crucefix proposed a resolution , which was unanimously carried , " That the cordial ancl grateful thanks of the Grand Stewards' Loclge are due to the late AA . M . Brother Giraud , for the strict attention he has paid during the two past years to the interests of the Lodgeand for the very satisfactory manner
, in which he presided at its centenary ; and that such vote of thanks should be handsomely transcribed , and presented to the worthy Brother . " March . —THE PUBLIC NIGHT . —The attendance of the fraternity was very numerous , and tlie working of the Loclge in every respect most gratifying . May . —A memorial was directed to be prepared , soliciting the
M . AV . G . M . to grant permission to the members of the Lodge to wear the medal with alterations in commemoration of the centenary , with which memorial we understand his Royal Highness has very graciously complied .
GRAND MASTER ' LODGE . —The meeting of this Lodge teems with the warmest hospitality : its character , both as to members and Masonic reputation , stands deservedly high . At the last meeting in May , it was resolved to present Brother Richard H . Giraud , P . M . and Treasurer , with a very handsome jewel , expressive of the regard which the Brethren entertained for him , and of the esteem in which he was held .
It appears that in our last number we apportioned to a most excellent member the credit of presenting some elegant china to the Lodge . The article in question should have stated that Brother Edwards was the liberal donor . The information came from a member of the Loclge , who , through us , requests to apologize for the mistake , ancl who also hints , in a very delicate manner , that , as the mistake arose from want of sufficient Masonic information on the tracing board , perhaps the Brethren will excuse him .
LODGE OF ANTIQUITY , No . 2 . —In addition to many subscriptions in aid of the Girls' School , from various members , we have the pleasure to announce the liberal donation of Fifty Guineas from the AV . D . Master of the Lodge , Brother Birnie . LODGE OF FRIENDSHIP , NO . 6 . —The Ambassador from the King of Oude to this country was initiated into Masonry in the Lodge of Friendship , at the Thatched House Tavern , on Thursday , the 14 th of April : His introduction into Masonry may have arisen from the present or late King of Oude having been made a Mason several years ago , as appears
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Quarterly Communication.
BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES , May 24 . —This day the labours of tile present Board terminated . The subjects that have been brought before its attention during the current year have been many and important , the members generally , and especially tbe Past-Masters , have been very regular in their attendance . Lord John Churchill especially deserved the compliment he received , by the unanimous vote of thanks from the Board , for the very zealous manner in which he had presided over it during the past year .
GRAND STEWARD ' LODGE , Feb . 17 . —The arrangements of the late centenary having concluded , and the installation of the AV . M . Bro S . C . Norris having been performed , Brother Dr . Crucefix proposed a resolution , which was unanimously carried , " That the cordial ancl grateful thanks of the Grand Stewards' Loclge are due to the late AA . M . Brother Giraud , for the strict attention he has paid during the two past years to the interests of the Lodgeand for the very satisfactory manner
, in which he presided at its centenary ; and that such vote of thanks should be handsomely transcribed , and presented to the worthy Brother . " March . —THE PUBLIC NIGHT . —The attendance of the fraternity was very numerous , and tlie working of the Loclge in every respect most gratifying . May . —A memorial was directed to be prepared , soliciting the
M . AV . G . M . to grant permission to the members of the Lodge to wear the medal with alterations in commemoration of the centenary , with which memorial we understand his Royal Highness has very graciously complied .
GRAND MASTER ' LODGE . —The meeting of this Lodge teems with the warmest hospitality : its character , both as to members and Masonic reputation , stands deservedly high . At the last meeting in May , it was resolved to present Brother Richard H . Giraud , P . M . and Treasurer , with a very handsome jewel , expressive of the regard which the Brethren entertained for him , and of the esteem in which he was held .
It appears that in our last number we apportioned to a most excellent member the credit of presenting some elegant china to the Lodge . The article in question should have stated that Brother Edwards was the liberal donor . The information came from a member of the Loclge , who , through us , requests to apologize for the mistake , ancl who also hints , in a very delicate manner , that , as the mistake arose from want of sufficient Masonic information on the tracing board , perhaps the Brethren will excuse him .
LODGE OF ANTIQUITY , No . 2 . —In addition to many subscriptions in aid of the Girls' School , from various members , we have the pleasure to announce the liberal donation of Fifty Guineas from the AV . D . Master of the Lodge , Brother Birnie . LODGE OF FRIENDSHIP , NO . 6 . —The Ambassador from the King of Oude to this country was initiated into Masonry in the Lodge of Friendship , at the Thatched House Tavern , on Thursday , the 14 th of April : His introduction into Masonry may have arisen from the present or late King of Oude having been made a Mason several years ago , as appears