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Supreme Royal Arch Chapter.
Comp . Dr . Crucefix being in attendance , he was invested by the Pro .-Z ., and took his seat as Grand Standard Bearer . A Charter of Constitution was granted to certain Companions , to be attached to the Lodge , No . 611 , Gainsborough . The following Committee of General Purposes was appointed :
THE THREE GRAND PRINCIPALS , AND PRO .-Z . AVilliam AV . Prescott , John Fortune . AVilliam Shadbolt , Geo . P . Philipe , J . C . Burckhardt , Lawrence Thomson , R . T . Crucefix , M . D . Samuel Staples , Benjamin Lawrence ,
Quarterly Communication.
June 1 . —Present , the Rt . Hon . the Lord Dundas , M . AV . Pro .-G . M ., on the Throne . R . AV . Rt . Hon . the Lord H . John Spencer Churchill , D . G . M . AVilliam AV . Prescott , P . S . G . AV . and G . T . as S . G . AA . Louis II . Petit , P . J . G . AV . . . . as J . G . AV . Simon M'Gillivray , Prov . G . M . for Upper Canada . V . AV . Rev . John VaneG . Chaplain .
, AVilliam C . Clarkson , P . G . Treasurer . AVilliam H . AVhite , 1 r „ Edwards Harper . J ^* ° * AV . Fred . AV . Bossy . . S . G . D . R . T . Crucefix , M . D . . J . G . D . Charles Simpson , P . G . S . as G . S . B . R . AV . JenningsAsst . Grancl Director of Ceremonies .
, Sir George Smart , G . Organist . Together with many other Past Grand Officers , several of the Grand Stewards of the year , and many other Masters , Past Masters , and AVardens of the Craft . The usual routine of business was entered upon , and the following appointments and elections declared : —
GRAND OFFICERS . John Henderson , President . Henry R . Lewis . Simon M'Gillivray . Benjamin B . Cabbell . AVilliam Meyrick . Frederick AA ^ . Bossy .
Robert T . Crucefix , M . D . AVilliam Shadbolt . Thomas Moore . Benjamin Lawrence . John Masson . MASTERS . S . C . Norris . AV . M . a . s . L .
Alexander Dobie . No . 1 J . P . Acklam . . _ , . . 8 Robert T . Hall . . . 14 George Henekey . . 21 F . Daniel .... 70 Richard Lea AVilson . . 113 AVilliam Manton . . 158
Martin Sangster . , . 215 Z . AA ' atkins . . . . 318 PAST-MASTERS . R . II . Giraud , . . o . s . L . George P . Philipe . . 7 Joseph Lythgoe . . 27 Henry T . Archer . . 218
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Supreme Royal Arch Chapter.
Comp . Dr . Crucefix being in attendance , he was invested by the Pro .-Z ., and took his seat as Grand Standard Bearer . A Charter of Constitution was granted to certain Companions , to be attached to the Lodge , No . 611 , Gainsborough . The following Committee of General Purposes was appointed :
THE THREE GRAND PRINCIPALS , AND PRO .-Z . AVilliam AV . Prescott , John Fortune . AVilliam Shadbolt , Geo . P . Philipe , J . C . Burckhardt , Lawrence Thomson , R . T . Crucefix , M . D . Samuel Staples , Benjamin Lawrence ,
Quarterly Communication.
June 1 . —Present , the Rt . Hon . the Lord Dundas , M . AV . Pro .-G . M ., on the Throne . R . AV . Rt . Hon . the Lord H . John Spencer Churchill , D . G . M . AVilliam AV . Prescott , P . S . G . AV . and G . T . as S . G . AA . Louis II . Petit , P . J . G . AV . . . . as J . G . AV . Simon M'Gillivray , Prov . G . M . for Upper Canada . V . AV . Rev . John VaneG . Chaplain .
, AVilliam C . Clarkson , P . G . Treasurer . AVilliam H . AVhite , 1 r „ Edwards Harper . J ^* ° * AV . Fred . AV . Bossy . . S . G . D . R . T . Crucefix , M . D . . J . G . D . Charles Simpson , P . G . S . as G . S . B . R . AV . JenningsAsst . Grancl Director of Ceremonies .
, Sir George Smart , G . Organist . Together with many other Past Grand Officers , several of the Grand Stewards of the year , and many other Masters , Past Masters , and AVardens of the Craft . The usual routine of business was entered upon , and the following appointments and elections declared : —
GRAND OFFICERS . John Henderson , President . Henry R . Lewis . Simon M'Gillivray . Benjamin B . Cabbell . AVilliam Meyrick . Frederick AA ^ . Bossy .
Robert T . Crucefix , M . D . AVilliam Shadbolt . Thomas Moore . Benjamin Lawrence . John Masson . MASTERS . S . C . Norris . AV . M . a . s . L .
Alexander Dobie . No . 1 J . P . Acklam . . _ , . . 8 Robert T . Hall . . . 14 George Henekey . . 21 F . Daniel .... 70 Richard Lea AVilson . . 113 AVilliam Manton . . 158
Martin Sangster . , . 215 Z . AA ' atkins . . . . 318 PAST-MASTERS . R . II . Giraud , . . o . s . L . George P . Philipe . . 7 Joseph Lythgoe . . 27 Henry T . Archer . . 218