Article GRAND FESTIVAL OF THE ORDER. ← Page 15 of 18 →
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Grand Festival Of The Order.
of Englishmen . Though , to make use ofthe words of one of the poets of my own dear country , every hair on my head were changed into a tongue of fire , still should I be unable to express to you the intense glow of my gratitude . AVhen I return to the East , I shall proclaim to my countrymen the mark of distinction which has been conferred upon me amongst the first people of the universe ; and I shall endeavour to prove myself in some measure worthy of it , by promoting the cause of benevolence
( loud and continued cheers ) . His lordship then gave the health of the Stewards . Colonel Cleiland returned thanks . The noble Chairman took his departure at 10 o ' clock .
The Glee Room . The arrangements were here on a similar scale of elegance and liberality as on former occasions ; much more , however , than the amusements of the passing hour did our fair friends seem to enjoy the happy result of the day ' s proceedings . AVe have accidentally mislaid the list of the Grand Officers who
attended ; we remember , however , that they were numerous , and were supported by the House Committee , and several Provincial Grand Officers ; among whom , we especially noticed Brother Thomas Brutton , Grand Treasurer for Staffordshire . This especial notice is due to his zealous support , his presence at the Girls' Festival was most complimentary , he attends regularly , and is a liberal contributor . The general subscription at the tableswas characteristic ofthe
Order—, " Ask , and ye shall have , " was nobly exemphfied . A sum , upwards of nine hundred pounds , sufficiently indicates that it is the intention of Masons not to reduce the number of their protegees , not to limit their comforts . The Stewards of the day advocated the cause equally by their own donations , as by their attention they promoted it amongst the Brethren . AVe subjoin the list .
Brother Rowland Mitchell . . No . 6 President . " Col . AV . Douglass Cleiland . . 324 Vice Pres . " James Savage , S . AV . ... I Treasurer . J . R . Buhner , P . M . . . . 70 Hon . Sec . Br . B . Burgess , P . S . G . D . Br . Henry Brayne , AV . M . No . 37 " Charles Hancock . No . 2 " AV . T . Smith , J . D . . . 72 " John GrayP . M . . . . 4 " John AVallerS . AV . . . 108
, , " John Lee Stevens . . 8 " Henry Phillips , P . M . . 109 " D . AVatts . 11 " John Mather , AV . M . . 156 " Joshua Gray 11 " Frederick Salmon , AV . M . 194 " S . AVallwyn Darke , P . M . 14 " Robert Crosse , P . M . . . 195 " Samuel Unwin , P . M . . 21 " L . Chandler , P . M . . . 229 " Samuel Odell , P . M . . . 30 " L . Crombie , D . Prov . G . M . 233 " John Anthony Tielans . 32 " Charles Sehlotell . . . 269
The Board of Stewards issued two circulars ; the first containing an outline of the very strong claims of the charity on the attention of the Brethren , and urging their attendance ; the second , of similar import , was placed upon the dinner plates with the yearly account . Brother Cabbell having embodied the substance in Ms address , it is not necessary to repeat it .
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Grand Festival Of The Order.
of Englishmen . Though , to make use ofthe words of one of the poets of my own dear country , every hair on my head were changed into a tongue of fire , still should I be unable to express to you the intense glow of my gratitude . AVhen I return to the East , I shall proclaim to my countrymen the mark of distinction which has been conferred upon me amongst the first people of the universe ; and I shall endeavour to prove myself in some measure worthy of it , by promoting the cause of benevolence
( loud and continued cheers ) . His lordship then gave the health of the Stewards . Colonel Cleiland returned thanks . The noble Chairman took his departure at 10 o ' clock .
The Glee Room . The arrangements were here on a similar scale of elegance and liberality as on former occasions ; much more , however , than the amusements of the passing hour did our fair friends seem to enjoy the happy result of the day ' s proceedings . AVe have accidentally mislaid the list of the Grand Officers who
attended ; we remember , however , that they were numerous , and were supported by the House Committee , and several Provincial Grand Officers ; among whom , we especially noticed Brother Thomas Brutton , Grand Treasurer for Staffordshire . This especial notice is due to his zealous support , his presence at the Girls' Festival was most complimentary , he attends regularly , and is a liberal contributor . The general subscription at the tableswas characteristic ofthe
Order—, " Ask , and ye shall have , " was nobly exemphfied . A sum , upwards of nine hundred pounds , sufficiently indicates that it is the intention of Masons not to reduce the number of their protegees , not to limit their comforts . The Stewards of the day advocated the cause equally by their own donations , as by their attention they promoted it amongst the Brethren . AVe subjoin the list .
Brother Rowland Mitchell . . No . 6 President . " Col . AV . Douglass Cleiland . . 324 Vice Pres . " James Savage , S . AV . ... I Treasurer . J . R . Buhner , P . M . . . . 70 Hon . Sec . Br . B . Burgess , P . S . G . D . Br . Henry Brayne , AV . M . No . 37 " Charles Hancock . No . 2 " AV . T . Smith , J . D . . . 72 " John GrayP . M . . . . 4 " John AVallerS . AV . . . 108
, , " John Lee Stevens . . 8 " Henry Phillips , P . M . . 109 " D . AVatts . 11 " John Mather , AV . M . . 156 " Joshua Gray 11 " Frederick Salmon , AV . M . 194 " S . AVallwyn Darke , P . M . 14 " Robert Crosse , P . M . . . 195 " Samuel Unwin , P . M . . 21 " L . Chandler , P . M . . . 229 " Samuel Odell , P . M . . . 30 " L . Crombie , D . Prov . G . M . 233 " John Anthony Tielans . 32 " Charles Sehlotell . . . 269
The Board of Stewards issued two circulars ; the first containing an outline of the very strong claims of the charity on the attention of the Brethren , and urging their attendance ; the second , of similar import , was placed upon the dinner plates with the yearly account . Brother Cabbell having embodied the substance in Ms address , it is not necessary to repeat it .