Article GRAND FESTIVAL OF THE ORDER. ← Page 11 of 18 →
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Grand Festival Of The Order.
of charity , or the honour of the Craft , his heart is in the right place , and his hand is open and ready . If we were to seek out an additional title which he possesses to our esteem , the high station which he holds as a post-captain in the navy , and to which he has done such honour , is one which will make its way to tbe proud and manly feelings of a British heart . ( Cheers . ) Brethren , I will give you the health of one of the best of Masons , and one of the glorious defenders of Old England , Grand Master
'Our Deputy , Lord John Churchill . '" ( Loud cheers . ) Lord John Churchill , when the cheering had subsided , rose and said : " Brethren , brief am I in speech , but yet sincere . AVhat I say comes from the sincerity of my heart . From my ' heart of hearts' I thank you , and wish you all length of years , and the enjoyment of every blessing which a beneficent Providence can bestow . " Glee— " Ye Spotted Snakes . "
The noble Chairman next proposed , after having prefaced the toast with some well merited laudatory observations , " The Vice Presidents of the Institution . " ( Cheers . ) B . Bond Cabbell , Esq ., rose to return thanks : " Brethren , " said the worthy Brother , " I rise to acknowledge the compliment , on the part of the Vice Presidents , which you have just paid us . We receive so high an honour with tbe feelings of pride and gratification to which it is
entitled , as it conveys to us your approbation of what services it has fallen to our lot to render the cause of charity . In reference to the Institution , to celebrate the festival of which we have all assembled this evening , I feel that I should not discbarge my duty if I omitted to call your attention to one particular point which must deeply interest all who wish for its prosperity—I mean the Debt . It is almost unnecessary to impress
upon your minds as Masons , the truth of the position , that every building should have a firm foundation . It is already well known that the one on which the superstructure of the Female Institution was raised was sandy and unsafe . The wooden piles which had been put down gave way to the corrosive and destructive effects of time . It is , at length , on a solid and a sure foundation ; but it remains with us to make it lasting . Its funds should be firm also . Brethren , the fact is this :
The Debt , previous to this Festivalfor the Institution , stood at 2500 / . AVe sentlettersround to various quarters from whence we anticipated sympathy and support : the result of our correspondence brought us in but 400 ? ., which leaves the debt at 2100 / . It remains with yourselves , Brethren , to make the still further requisite reduction ; and I am quite aware this appeal is made to hearts as warm and benevolent as ever throbbed in the cause of humanity . Your own feelings on such a subject and in
such a cause are much more eloquent than any language of mine aould possibly be . The secretaries are ready to enrol your names amongst the benefactors of the Royal Masonic Female Orphan Institution , and to accept your subscriptions . For the honour you have done the \ ice Presidents I beg leave , Brethren , on their part once more to offer you our heartfelt thanks" ( cheers ) . Song hBrother Hobbs— " The Lads of the Village . "
y The noble Chairman then gave " Prosperity to the Royal Masonic Institution for Female Children . " His lordship said : " Brethren , you know I am never fond of hearing myself speak , or addicted to long speeches on any occasion . On one like tbe present , and on such a subject , the tongue must speak from the abundance of the heart . Mine is too full to say more than that' he that giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord '" ( loud cheers . )
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Grand Festival Of The Order.
of charity , or the honour of the Craft , his heart is in the right place , and his hand is open and ready . If we were to seek out an additional title which he possesses to our esteem , the high station which he holds as a post-captain in the navy , and to which he has done such honour , is one which will make its way to tbe proud and manly feelings of a British heart . ( Cheers . ) Brethren , I will give you the health of one of the best of Masons , and one of the glorious defenders of Old England , Grand Master
'Our Deputy , Lord John Churchill . '" ( Loud cheers . ) Lord John Churchill , when the cheering had subsided , rose and said : " Brethren , brief am I in speech , but yet sincere . AVhat I say comes from the sincerity of my heart . From my ' heart of hearts' I thank you , and wish you all length of years , and the enjoyment of every blessing which a beneficent Providence can bestow . " Glee— " Ye Spotted Snakes . "
The noble Chairman next proposed , after having prefaced the toast with some well merited laudatory observations , " The Vice Presidents of the Institution . " ( Cheers . ) B . Bond Cabbell , Esq ., rose to return thanks : " Brethren , " said the worthy Brother , " I rise to acknowledge the compliment , on the part of the Vice Presidents , which you have just paid us . We receive so high an honour with tbe feelings of pride and gratification to which it is
entitled , as it conveys to us your approbation of what services it has fallen to our lot to render the cause of charity . In reference to the Institution , to celebrate the festival of which we have all assembled this evening , I feel that I should not discbarge my duty if I omitted to call your attention to one particular point which must deeply interest all who wish for its prosperity—I mean the Debt . It is almost unnecessary to impress
upon your minds as Masons , the truth of the position , that every building should have a firm foundation . It is already well known that the one on which the superstructure of the Female Institution was raised was sandy and unsafe . The wooden piles which had been put down gave way to the corrosive and destructive effects of time . It is , at length , on a solid and a sure foundation ; but it remains with us to make it lasting . Its funds should be firm also . Brethren , the fact is this :
The Debt , previous to this Festivalfor the Institution , stood at 2500 / . AVe sentlettersround to various quarters from whence we anticipated sympathy and support : the result of our correspondence brought us in but 400 ? ., which leaves the debt at 2100 / . It remains with yourselves , Brethren , to make the still further requisite reduction ; and I am quite aware this appeal is made to hearts as warm and benevolent as ever throbbed in the cause of humanity . Your own feelings on such a subject and in
such a cause are much more eloquent than any language of mine aould possibly be . The secretaries are ready to enrol your names amongst the benefactors of the Royal Masonic Female Orphan Institution , and to accept your subscriptions . For the honour you have done the \ ice Presidents I beg leave , Brethren , on their part once more to offer you our heartfelt thanks" ( cheers ) . Song hBrother Hobbs— " The Lads of the Village . "
y The noble Chairman then gave " Prosperity to the Royal Masonic Institution for Female Children . " His lordship said : " Brethren , you know I am never fond of hearing myself speak , or addicted to long speeches on any occasion . On one like tbe present , and on such a subject , the tongue must speak from the abundance of the heart . Mine is too full to say more than that' he that giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord '" ( loud cheers . )