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The Freemason's Quarterly Review.
occasionally shared by Lord John Churchill , the Deputy Grand Master , by Mr . White , the Grand Secretary , as well as by the Rev . G . A . Brown , the intimate friend and Chaplain to his Royal Highness . As upon no former occurrence was the public sympathy
more intensely excited , so the congratulations were in a corresponding degree most heartfelt and sincere ; and the visiting-book at the palace daily exhibited the names of hundreds who were anxious to testify , their respect ; and among these were several gentlemen who had received a
similar blessing , and at the same hands . On the sixth day , it would appear that His Royal Highness resumed his mental labours , as will be observed in the following interesting letter , which was addressed to the Fellows of the Royal Society . It was read by the
Chairman , F . Baily , Esq ., on the same evening ; and the intelligence it conveyed was received with the most lively satisfaction . "Kensington Palace , June 16 .
" Gentlemen , —I have received the commands of his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex to communicate to the members of the Royal Society the result of the operation which was performed on Friday last , by Mr . Alexander , on His Royal Highness's eyes . The cataracts were removed under the most favourable circumstances ; the bandages were taken off on Tuesday morning , and , through the blessings of Providence , his Royal Highness is now able to see distinctly with both eyes . Trusting in God's continued
mercy , his Royal Highness looks with confidence to the complete restoration of his sight ; and he thus anticipates with pleasure the arrival ofthe 30 th of next November , when his Royal Highness may he enabled again to take the chair at the anniversary meeting ofthe society , and to discharge the duties which devolve on the president , especially those of distributing the various prizes awarded in the course of the year .
" I have the honour to remain , Gentlemen , " Yours , most faithfully , " G EORGE ADAM BROWN . " To the Fellows ofthe Royal Society . " The daily bulletins presented favourable reports , and at length the following most gratifying announcement appeared .
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The Freemason's Quarterly Review.
occasionally shared by Lord John Churchill , the Deputy Grand Master , by Mr . White , the Grand Secretary , as well as by the Rev . G . A . Brown , the intimate friend and Chaplain to his Royal Highness . As upon no former occurrence was the public sympathy
more intensely excited , so the congratulations were in a corresponding degree most heartfelt and sincere ; and the visiting-book at the palace daily exhibited the names of hundreds who were anxious to testify , their respect ; and among these were several gentlemen who had received a
similar blessing , and at the same hands . On the sixth day , it would appear that His Royal Highness resumed his mental labours , as will be observed in the following interesting letter , which was addressed to the Fellows of the Royal Society . It was read by the
Chairman , F . Baily , Esq ., on the same evening ; and the intelligence it conveyed was received with the most lively satisfaction . "Kensington Palace , June 16 .
" Gentlemen , —I have received the commands of his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex to communicate to the members of the Royal Society the result of the operation which was performed on Friday last , by Mr . Alexander , on His Royal Highness's eyes . The cataracts were removed under the most favourable circumstances ; the bandages were taken off on Tuesday morning , and , through the blessings of Providence , his Royal Highness is now able to see distinctly with both eyes . Trusting in God's continued
mercy , his Royal Highness looks with confidence to the complete restoration of his sight ; and he thus anticipates with pleasure the arrival ofthe 30 th of next November , when his Royal Highness may he enabled again to take the chair at the anniversary meeting ofthe society , and to discharge the duties which devolve on the president , especially those of distributing the various prizes awarded in the course of the year .
" I have the honour to remain , Gentlemen , " Yours , most faithfully , " G EORGE ADAM BROWN . " To the Fellows ofthe Royal Society . " The daily bulletins presented favourable reports , and at length the following most gratifying announcement appeared .