Article MASONIC SONG. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ANACREON'S TWENTY-FIFTH ODE. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Song.
I love to see the burning glow Of friendship ' s torch a halo throw-Around the sacred spot , where nought But peace and harmony are brought . 'Tis as a tone of sweetest music sending Its strong vibrations , till the soul is rending ,
Then passing , like departing day , In softest melody away . I love to see instruction ' s sun Its rapid course in rapture run" Diffusing light and life" among The Sons of Secrecy and
Song—In one proud hnk all hands and hearts uniting —• To pure and intellectual light inviting—The mind t'improve—the heart t ' expand—And wisdom spread through every land .
Anacreon's Twenty-Fifth Ode.
BY BROTHER J . LEE STEVENS , OF THE BRITISH LODGE , NO . S . AVHEN I drink wine my sorrows sleep ! AVhat then with grief have I to do?—Or what with pain ? AVhy should I keep Account with care ? Is it not true That all must
die?—Then why , oh ! why Do we consume existence thus ? Drink of the wine young Lyarus Hath given us : — AVhen we drink wine our sorrows sleep !
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Masonic Song.
I love to see the burning glow Of friendship ' s torch a halo throw-Around the sacred spot , where nought But peace and harmony are brought . 'Tis as a tone of sweetest music sending Its strong vibrations , till the soul is rending ,
Then passing , like departing day , In softest melody away . I love to see instruction ' s sun Its rapid course in rapture run" Diffusing light and life" among The Sons of Secrecy and
Song—In one proud hnk all hands and hearts uniting —• To pure and intellectual light inviting—The mind t'improve—the heart t ' expand—And wisdom spread through every land .
Anacreon's Twenty-Fifth Ode.
BY BROTHER J . LEE STEVENS , OF THE BRITISH LODGE , NO . S . AVHEN I drink wine my sorrows sleep ! AVhat then with grief have I to do?—Or what with pain ? AVhy should I keep Account with care ? Is it not true That all must
die?—Then why , oh ! why Do we consume existence thus ? Drink of the wine young Lyarus Hath given us : — AVhen we drink wine our sorrows sleep !