Article AN ORATION ← Page 2 of 6 →
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An Oration
our Members . I need not remind you that this service can have no reference whatever to the benefit of tlie deceased ; with the concerns of this world he has done for ever ; he has ceased to be occupied with the things of time , and has entered into an invisible and eternal state . It is for the survivors to receive instruction from the repeated lessons of mortality that are continually occurring around them , and which sometimes ( as in the present instance ) extend even into the midst of our little circle .
Let us , therefore , endeavour to profit by the present awful dispensation of Divine Providence , and now , while the best sympathies of our hearts are awakened , and our minds solemnized by this painful visitation , let us supplicate the Most High to prepare us for the same inevitable destiny , by so teaching us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom . In conformity with the customs of our ancient Society , and agreeably
to the wish of our deceased Brother , we attend here this day to see his mortal remains deposited in the grave . May this impressive lesson of mortality remind us that it is our duty to live in constant preparation for this event , which must sooner or later come upon us all , and quicken us to greater diligence in the discharge of our duties as men and Masons ; to work while it is day , for the night of death cometh when no man can work ; for there is no work , nor knowledge , nor wisdom , nor device in the grave , to which we are all hastening .
THE SERVICE . Psalm CIII . was read by the Master . The Master . —What man is he that liveth and shall nofc see death ? Shall he deliver his soul from the power of the grave ? Man walketh in a vain shadow : he heapeth up riches , and cannot tell who shall gather them . When he dieth he shall carry nothing away : his glory shall not descend
after him . Naked came he into the world , and naked he must return : the Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away ; blessed be the name of the Lord . Let me die the death of the righteous , and let my last end be like his . The Brethren . —God is our God , for ever and ever : He will be our guide , even unto death . The Master . —The will of God is accomplished . The Brethren . —So be it .
[ The Grand Honours were here given by the Master and Brethren ^ Let us pray . Most glorious God , author of all good , and giver of all mercy , whose sole prerogative it is to kill and make alive , as it hath pleased thee to release our Brother from the pains and troubles of this transitory state , make us submissively resigned to thy holy and sovereign will . Pour
down , we beseech thee , upon us the continual dew of thy blessing ; and strengthen our solemn engagements with the ties of sincere affection . May the present instance of mortality remind us of our approaching fate , and by drawing our attention towards Thee , the only refuge in time of need , may we be induced so to regulate our conduct here , that when the awful moment shall arrive , that we are about to quit this world , the enlivening prospect of thy mercy may dispel the gloom of death ; and
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An Oration
our Members . I need not remind you that this service can have no reference whatever to the benefit of tlie deceased ; with the concerns of this world he has done for ever ; he has ceased to be occupied with the things of time , and has entered into an invisible and eternal state . It is for the survivors to receive instruction from the repeated lessons of mortality that are continually occurring around them , and which sometimes ( as in the present instance ) extend even into the midst of our little circle .
Let us , therefore , endeavour to profit by the present awful dispensation of Divine Providence , and now , while the best sympathies of our hearts are awakened , and our minds solemnized by this painful visitation , let us supplicate the Most High to prepare us for the same inevitable destiny , by so teaching us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom . In conformity with the customs of our ancient Society , and agreeably
to the wish of our deceased Brother , we attend here this day to see his mortal remains deposited in the grave . May this impressive lesson of mortality remind us that it is our duty to live in constant preparation for this event , which must sooner or later come upon us all , and quicken us to greater diligence in the discharge of our duties as men and Masons ; to work while it is day , for the night of death cometh when no man can work ; for there is no work , nor knowledge , nor wisdom , nor device in the grave , to which we are all hastening .
THE SERVICE . Psalm CIII . was read by the Master . The Master . —What man is he that liveth and shall nofc see death ? Shall he deliver his soul from the power of the grave ? Man walketh in a vain shadow : he heapeth up riches , and cannot tell who shall gather them . When he dieth he shall carry nothing away : his glory shall not descend
after him . Naked came he into the world , and naked he must return : the Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away ; blessed be the name of the Lord . Let me die the death of the righteous , and let my last end be like his . The Brethren . —God is our God , for ever and ever : He will be our guide , even unto death . The Master . —The will of God is accomplished . The Brethren . —So be it .
[ The Grand Honours were here given by the Master and Brethren ^ Let us pray . Most glorious God , author of all good , and giver of all mercy , whose sole prerogative it is to kill and make alive , as it hath pleased thee to release our Brother from the pains and troubles of this transitory state , make us submissively resigned to thy holy and sovereign will . Pour
down , we beseech thee , upon us the continual dew of thy blessing ; and strengthen our solemn engagements with the ties of sincere affection . May the present instance of mortality remind us of our approaching fate , and by drawing our attention towards Thee , the only refuge in time of need , may we be induced so to regulate our conduct here , that when the awful moment shall arrive , that we are about to quit this world , the enlivening prospect of thy mercy may dispel the gloom of death ; and