Article KOWLAND'S KALYDOR, prepared from beautif... Page 1 of 1 Article TJLATE GLASS CAHLNET WORK : -H- and UPHO... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASON'S SAUCE.—WILLIAM BACHIIOFFNEB,... Page 1 of 1 Article TO PREVENT FRAUD T HORN'S POTTED YARMOUT... Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Kowland's Kalydor, Prepared From Beautif...
KOWLAND'S KALYDOR , prepared from beautiful Exotics , and Warranted Perfectly Innocent , yet possessing wonderful properties . It completely eradicates Tan , Freckles , Pimples , Spots , Redness , and all Cutaneous Eruptions , gradually realizes a delicately clear soft Shintransforms even
, the most Sallow Complexion into Radiant Whiteness , imparting to it a Beautiful Juvenile Bloom . Gentlemen , whose faces are . fender after Shaving , will find it allay the irritability and smarting pain , and render the Skin smooth and pleasant .
It protects the Skin from the baneful effects caused by exposure to intense Solor Heat ; and in Sun Burns , Stings of Insects , 4 * c , it immediately allays the most violent inflammation , and diffuses a delightful and refreshing coolness . —Price 4 s . 6 d . and 8 s . Gd . per Bottleduty included .
, Observe— -The Name and Address of the Proprietors , A . ROWLAND and SON , 20 , Hatton Garden , London , is engraved on the Government Stamp , which is pasted on the cork ; also printed in red , on the wrapper in which each bottle is enclosed . Ask for " ROWLAND'S KALYDOR . "
For the Teeth and Gums . ROWLAND'S ODONTO , or PEARL DENTIFRICE , a Vegetable White Powder , composed of the most rare ingredients . Is a never-failing remedy for every disease to which the Teeth and Gums are liable—rendering the former beautifully white and uniform ; while to the latter , ( being an Anti-Scorbutic , ) it imparts a beautiful healthy red ; removes tartar from the Teeth , and prevents Gum Boils ; affords an agreeable fragrance to the breath , cleanses Artificial Teeth , and prevents them changing colour ; and it is also extremely p leasant to the mouth after FEVERS , or taking Medicine . —Price 2 s . 9 d . per box , duty excluded .
ROWLAND'S ALSANA EXTRACT , I For immediately relieving the m . ost Violent Tooth-Ache , Gum Boils , Swelled Face , § c . ; it is also an excellent Stomachic in cases of Flatulency , Spasmodic Affections , tyc , and gives instantaneous relief . —Price 2 s . 9 d . 4 s . Gd . and 10 s . 6 d . per bottle . ROWLAND'S CERELiEU . M , for the Head-Ache , by external application . —Price 2 s . 9 d . per bottleduty included .
, Observe—Each of the above Articles has the Name and Address of the Proprietors , A . ROWLAND « . <¦ * SON , 20 , BATTON GARDEN , LONDON , engraved on tbe Government Stamp , which is pasted on each , also printed in red on the Wrapper in which each Article is enclosed . Sold by them , and by every BIJSPECTA BI . E Perfumer and MEDICINE VENDER
Tjlate Glass Cahlnet Work : -H- And Upho...
TJLATE GLASS CAHLNET WORK : -H- and UPHOLSTERY , in the best Style ' and on Terms which fear no Competition . The Looking Glasses for quality cannot he I excelled . ! HENRY L . COOPER , acting upon his
publicly avowed principles of manufacturing only such articles as will ensure the confi-| deuce of his friends , anticipates the increasing support of " all Classes , " at 93 , Bishopsj gate-street Within , and 57 , Conduit-street , j Nine Doors from Regent-street . —Please to observe thc name and number .
Freemason's Sauce.—William Bachiioffneb,...
FREEMASON'S SAUCE . —WILLIAM BACHIIOFFNEB , for many years the sole accredited Agent of Mr . Guff , for the sale of his celehrated Sauce , now offers to the Public his improved and delicious Freemason ' s Sauce , which has received the unqualified approbation of the Nobility and Gentry for its piquancy ,
J and the peculiar delicate flavour it imparts to j Gravies , Steaks , Hashes , Poultry , Game , and Cold Meats . It embraces every quality of the original , with a further combination of richness and superiority that cannot he excelled . It will he found to form a superb adjunt to gastronomic refinement , comprising a gout which can only he appreciated bits use .
y This elegant addition to the table is mamii factured and sold , wholesale and retail , by 17 m . Bachhoffner , 37 , Museum-street , ( without whose signature none can be genuine ) , and may he had at most of the Italian warehouses in the United Kingdom .
To Prevent Fraud T Horn's Potted Yarmout...
TO PREVENT FRAUD T HORN'S POTTED YARMOUTH _ BLOATERS , for Toast , Biscuits , Sandwiches , and Wine , in Pots , Is . and 2 s . each . The high repute and immense sale of this j delicate preparation has induced several j
i would-be tradesmen ( who , not having an ' . idea of their own ) to attempt an imposition , | by labelling a pot exactly like his , thereby to deceive the public and injure him ( having actually applied to his printer for that purpose ) , well knowing they cannot prepare the Fishthe receipt being an old family otic , t ' . ]
, and the secret in the curing of the Herring , by which its rancid qualities are destroyed , and it becomes so delicious a relished . It is easily detected by observing his signature , ALEX . THORN , on the side , and on the top , ¦ proprietor of the celebrated TALLY-HO ! I SAUCE , for Fish , Game , Steaks , Wild ' j
I Fowl , and all Made Dishes , imparting a zest , not otherwise acquired—the most economical now in use ; in Bottles , 2 s . and 4 s . each , warranted in all climates . "Wholesale at the Manufactory , Thorn ' s Oil , Italian , and Foreign Warehouse , 223 , Hig h Holborn : also of all wholesale oilmen and druggists ; and retail by all respectable oilmen , drug-I .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Kowland's Kalydor, Prepared From Beautif...
KOWLAND'S KALYDOR , prepared from beautiful Exotics , and Warranted Perfectly Innocent , yet possessing wonderful properties . It completely eradicates Tan , Freckles , Pimples , Spots , Redness , and all Cutaneous Eruptions , gradually realizes a delicately clear soft Shintransforms even
, the most Sallow Complexion into Radiant Whiteness , imparting to it a Beautiful Juvenile Bloom . Gentlemen , whose faces are . fender after Shaving , will find it allay the irritability and smarting pain , and render the Skin smooth and pleasant .
It protects the Skin from the baneful effects caused by exposure to intense Solor Heat ; and in Sun Burns , Stings of Insects , 4 * c , it immediately allays the most violent inflammation , and diffuses a delightful and refreshing coolness . —Price 4 s . 6 d . and 8 s . Gd . per Bottleduty included .
, Observe— -The Name and Address of the Proprietors , A . ROWLAND and SON , 20 , Hatton Garden , London , is engraved on the Government Stamp , which is pasted on the cork ; also printed in red , on the wrapper in which each bottle is enclosed . Ask for " ROWLAND'S KALYDOR . "
For the Teeth and Gums . ROWLAND'S ODONTO , or PEARL DENTIFRICE , a Vegetable White Powder , composed of the most rare ingredients . Is a never-failing remedy for every disease to which the Teeth and Gums are liable—rendering the former beautifully white and uniform ; while to the latter , ( being an Anti-Scorbutic , ) it imparts a beautiful healthy red ; removes tartar from the Teeth , and prevents Gum Boils ; affords an agreeable fragrance to the breath , cleanses Artificial Teeth , and prevents them changing colour ; and it is also extremely p leasant to the mouth after FEVERS , or taking Medicine . —Price 2 s . 9 d . per box , duty excluded .
ROWLAND'S ALSANA EXTRACT , I For immediately relieving the m . ost Violent Tooth-Ache , Gum Boils , Swelled Face , § c . ; it is also an excellent Stomachic in cases of Flatulency , Spasmodic Affections , tyc , and gives instantaneous relief . —Price 2 s . 9 d . 4 s . Gd . and 10 s . 6 d . per bottle . ROWLAND'S CERELiEU . M , for the Head-Ache , by external application . —Price 2 s . 9 d . per bottleduty included .
, Observe—Each of the above Articles has the Name and Address of the Proprietors , A . ROWLAND « . <¦ * SON , 20 , BATTON GARDEN , LONDON , engraved on tbe Government Stamp , which is pasted on each , also printed in red on the Wrapper in which each Article is enclosed . Sold by them , and by every BIJSPECTA BI . E Perfumer and MEDICINE VENDER
Tjlate Glass Cahlnet Work : -H- And Upho...
TJLATE GLASS CAHLNET WORK : -H- and UPHOLSTERY , in the best Style ' and on Terms which fear no Competition . The Looking Glasses for quality cannot he I excelled . ! HENRY L . COOPER , acting upon his
publicly avowed principles of manufacturing only such articles as will ensure the confi-| deuce of his friends , anticipates the increasing support of " all Classes , " at 93 , Bishopsj gate-street Within , and 57 , Conduit-street , j Nine Doors from Regent-street . —Please to observe thc name and number .
Freemason's Sauce.—William Bachiioffneb,...
FREEMASON'S SAUCE . —WILLIAM BACHIIOFFNEB , for many years the sole accredited Agent of Mr . Guff , for the sale of his celehrated Sauce , now offers to the Public his improved and delicious Freemason ' s Sauce , which has received the unqualified approbation of the Nobility and Gentry for its piquancy ,
J and the peculiar delicate flavour it imparts to j Gravies , Steaks , Hashes , Poultry , Game , and Cold Meats . It embraces every quality of the original , with a further combination of richness and superiority that cannot he excelled . It will he found to form a superb adjunt to gastronomic refinement , comprising a gout which can only he appreciated bits use .
y This elegant addition to the table is mamii factured and sold , wholesale and retail , by 17 m . Bachhoffner , 37 , Museum-street , ( without whose signature none can be genuine ) , and may he had at most of the Italian warehouses in the United Kingdom .
To Prevent Fraud T Horn's Potted Yarmout...
TO PREVENT FRAUD T HORN'S POTTED YARMOUTH _ BLOATERS , for Toast , Biscuits , Sandwiches , and Wine , in Pots , Is . and 2 s . each . The high repute and immense sale of this j delicate preparation has induced several j
i would-be tradesmen ( who , not having an ' . idea of their own ) to attempt an imposition , | by labelling a pot exactly like his , thereby to deceive the public and injure him ( having actually applied to his printer for that purpose ) , well knowing they cannot prepare the Fishthe receipt being an old family otic , t ' . ]
, and the secret in the curing of the Herring , by which its rancid qualities are destroyed , and it becomes so delicious a relished . It is easily detected by observing his signature , ALEX . THORN , on the side , and on the top , ¦ proprietor of the celebrated TALLY-HO ! I SAUCE , for Fish , Game , Steaks , Wild ' j
I Fowl , and all Made Dishes , imparting a zest , not otherwise acquired—the most economical now in use ; in Bottles , 2 s . and 4 s . each , warranted in all climates . "Wholesale at the Manufactory , Thorn ' s Oil , Italian , and Foreign Warehouse , 223 , Hig h Holborn : also of all wholesale oilmen and druggists ; and retail by all respectable oilmen , drug-I .