Article "OATENT ^ BOILER, FURNACES , A STOVES, &... ← Page 2 of 2 Article CHEAPEST HATS IN LONDON, at ^ COVINTON'S... Page 1 of 1 Article Muijna est Veritas et priecalebit. GALL'... Page 1 of 1 Article Muijna est Veritas et priecalebit. GALL'... Page 1 of 1 Article QARSAPARILLA—Mr. WRAY, of -O Holborn-lii... Page 1 of 1
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"Oatent ^ Boiler, Furnaces , A Stoves, &...
A Patent tor abstracting Heat from Steam j aud other Fluids , acting as a Condenser Refrigerator , & c . & c . —It proves the most ef- > fective Condenser , yet known , applicable to-Steam Boilers , Distilleries , and Sugar Refineries . Also a powerful Refrigerator for Brewers , occupying not half the usual space . A Patent Metallic Wheelof great strength
, though light , with a revolving xlxle , applicable to the heaviest Steam Engine , Carriage , Waggon , Coach , or lightest Chaise . 'Messrs . CHANTER aud Co . having engaged the most efficient workmen , will contract for the construction and erection of either of the above Inventions , together with
hot water apparatus for heating Public Buildings , Houses , Shops , & c . ; guaranteeing their perfect success . Licences on very liberal terms will be offered to the Trade , or exclusive Licences sold for either of the said Inventions ; many Districts having been lately let out and sold , early applications
may be necessary . Apply personally or by letter , CHANTER and Co ., St . Ann ' s Wharf , Earl Street , Blaekfriars . ' ¦ ' \ . f- Two Assistants are immediately wanted , who will be required to superintend the erection of the Patents described , and to have a knowledge of Steam Power , and the application of Hot Water
Cheapest Hats In London, At ^ Covinton's...
CHEAPEST HATS IN LONDON , at ^ COVINTON ' , 10 , OLD BAILEY . The following List of Prices will prove the assertion : —G ood serviceable Hats only + s , 6 d . ; light Gossamer ditto , 4 s . 9 d . ; very superior ditto , 5 s . Gd . and Gs . Gd . Hats of the above description are worn by thousands , giving
universal satisfaction . An extensive assortment of superfine Beaver Hats at 6 s . Gd . and 8 s . Gd . ; extra superfine , 10 s . and 12 s . The very best that British skill can produce , IGs , Gd , Youths' and Boys' Hats from + s . 3 d . A great variety of Caps , Chikhens ' Fancies , & c . equally cheap .
Muijna Est Veritas Et Priecalebit. Gall'...
Muijna est Veritas et priecalebit . GALL'S ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS , so highly recommended for removing BILIOUS COMPLAINTS . —The daily increasing demand for the above invaluable medicine is the surest proof of their general utility as a sovereign purgative medicine . The proprietors confidently recommend them for
most diseases incidental to the human frame , whether natural or induced by irregular modes of living . Bile , Indigestion , Costiveness during pregnancy , Habitual Costiveness , Flatulency , Asthma , Gout , effects of intemperance , & c . & e . all yield to their sovereign power ; their salutary . effects have been fully authenticated by the experience of forty years .
Muijna Est Veritas Et Priecalebit. Gall'...
They contain neither mercury or any deleterious drug , and may be taken by tlie most delicate constitution without restraint or confinement . —S-ild in boxes ut Is . lid . aud 2 s . 2 d . ! each . HILL'S LITHONTRIPTIC PILLS . for the gravel , pain in the hack and loins , and all affections in the uninury . Pre-;
passages pared from the original recipe of tlie late Mr . Thomas Hill , of Hateheston . The salutary effects of this admirable medicine are too generally known to need any recommendation . 1 "
boxes Is . 11 ( 1 . and 2 s . 9 d . each . GALL'S NIPPLE LINIMENT , an effectual cure for that painful disorder , Sore Nipples . In bottles Is . 1-td . each . FBNN'S EMBROCATION , for Rheumatism , rheumatic gout , sciatica , lumbago , chilblains , & c . In bottles 2 s < Jd , 4 s Gd , and Ss each—Sold wholesale by the proprietors , at
Woodbridge and Bury , Suffolk ; and by their appointment , by Messrs Sutton and Co . Bow Churchyard ; Newberry and Sons , 45 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard ; Edwards , 6 G , St . Paul ' s Churchyard ; Barclay aud Sons , 95 , Farringdon Street ; Butler and Co . 4 , Cheapside ; Evans 42 , Long Lane , West Smithfield ; Johnston , Greek StreetSoho ; and retail bmost
vend-, y ers of Medicines in the United Kingdom . To prevent imposition , the public are requested to observe , these Medicines cannot be genuine unless the name of BENJAMIN and ABRAHAM GALL are engraved in the Government Stamp , by permission of his Majesty's Honourable Commissioners of stamp Duties , to counterfeit which is felony .
Qarsaparilla—Mr. Wray, Of -O Holborn-Lii...
QARSAPARILLA—Mr . WRAY , of -O Holborn-liili , the Proprietor of rlie ALTERATIVE-TONIC POWDERS , having observed constant disappointment attending the exhibition of the pharmaceutical and other preparations of Sarsaparilla , induced him to set on foot , with the assistance of the
ablest experimental chemists , an analysis of its properties ; the result of which proves that true Sarsaparilla , carefully selected and separated from all impurities , is in substance most effectual , and that the various preparations under the denomination of decoctions , extracts , essences , syrups , & c , hitherto used , can never he depended upon for producing any real or
permanent benefit . But , though Sarsaparilla in substance only is to be preferred , yet the action may he materially assisted when com . bined with auxiliaries . By a trial of many years' continuance he has found that the Alterative-tonic Powders he now offers to the public , have justified his most sanguine expectationsand therefore feels himself hound
, , by motives of humanity , to confine it no longer to private practice , but to allow the public the full advantage of so valuable a medicine . — Persons in the habit of taking quinine will ; find his powders by far the most efficacious ; tonic— " Morning Advertiser . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
"Oatent ^ Boiler, Furnaces , A Stoves, &...
A Patent tor abstracting Heat from Steam j aud other Fluids , acting as a Condenser Refrigerator , & c . & c . —It proves the most ef- > fective Condenser , yet known , applicable to-Steam Boilers , Distilleries , and Sugar Refineries . Also a powerful Refrigerator for Brewers , occupying not half the usual space . A Patent Metallic Wheelof great strength
, though light , with a revolving xlxle , applicable to the heaviest Steam Engine , Carriage , Waggon , Coach , or lightest Chaise . 'Messrs . CHANTER aud Co . having engaged the most efficient workmen , will contract for the construction and erection of either of the above Inventions , together with
hot water apparatus for heating Public Buildings , Houses , Shops , & c . ; guaranteeing their perfect success . Licences on very liberal terms will be offered to the Trade , or exclusive Licences sold for either of the said Inventions ; many Districts having been lately let out and sold , early applications
may be necessary . Apply personally or by letter , CHANTER and Co ., St . Ann ' s Wharf , Earl Street , Blaekfriars . ' ¦ ' \ . f- Two Assistants are immediately wanted , who will be required to superintend the erection of the Patents described , and to have a knowledge of Steam Power , and the application of Hot Water
Cheapest Hats In London, At ^ Covinton's...
CHEAPEST HATS IN LONDON , at ^ COVINTON ' , 10 , OLD BAILEY . The following List of Prices will prove the assertion : —G ood serviceable Hats only + s , 6 d . ; light Gossamer ditto , 4 s . 9 d . ; very superior ditto , 5 s . Gd . and Gs . Gd . Hats of the above description are worn by thousands , giving
universal satisfaction . An extensive assortment of superfine Beaver Hats at 6 s . Gd . and 8 s . Gd . ; extra superfine , 10 s . and 12 s . The very best that British skill can produce , IGs , Gd , Youths' and Boys' Hats from + s . 3 d . A great variety of Caps , Chikhens ' Fancies , & c . equally cheap .
Muijna Est Veritas Et Priecalebit. Gall'...
Muijna est Veritas et priecalebit . GALL'S ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS , so highly recommended for removing BILIOUS COMPLAINTS . —The daily increasing demand for the above invaluable medicine is the surest proof of their general utility as a sovereign purgative medicine . The proprietors confidently recommend them for
most diseases incidental to the human frame , whether natural or induced by irregular modes of living . Bile , Indigestion , Costiveness during pregnancy , Habitual Costiveness , Flatulency , Asthma , Gout , effects of intemperance , & c . & e . all yield to their sovereign power ; their salutary . effects have been fully authenticated by the experience of forty years .
Muijna Est Veritas Et Priecalebit. Gall'...
They contain neither mercury or any deleterious drug , and may be taken by tlie most delicate constitution without restraint or confinement . —S-ild in boxes ut Is . lid . aud 2 s . 2 d . ! each . HILL'S LITHONTRIPTIC PILLS . for the gravel , pain in the hack and loins , and all affections in the uninury . Pre-;
passages pared from the original recipe of tlie late Mr . Thomas Hill , of Hateheston . The salutary effects of this admirable medicine are too generally known to need any recommendation . 1 "
boxes Is . 11 ( 1 . and 2 s . 9 d . each . GALL'S NIPPLE LINIMENT , an effectual cure for that painful disorder , Sore Nipples . In bottles Is . 1-td . each . FBNN'S EMBROCATION , for Rheumatism , rheumatic gout , sciatica , lumbago , chilblains , & c . In bottles 2 s < Jd , 4 s Gd , and Ss each—Sold wholesale by the proprietors , at
Woodbridge and Bury , Suffolk ; and by their appointment , by Messrs Sutton and Co . Bow Churchyard ; Newberry and Sons , 45 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard ; Edwards , 6 G , St . Paul ' s Churchyard ; Barclay aud Sons , 95 , Farringdon Street ; Butler and Co . 4 , Cheapside ; Evans 42 , Long Lane , West Smithfield ; Johnston , Greek StreetSoho ; and retail bmost
vend-, y ers of Medicines in the United Kingdom . To prevent imposition , the public are requested to observe , these Medicines cannot be genuine unless the name of BENJAMIN and ABRAHAM GALL are engraved in the Government Stamp , by permission of his Majesty's Honourable Commissioners of stamp Duties , to counterfeit which is felony .
Qarsaparilla—Mr. Wray, Of -O Holborn-Lii...
QARSAPARILLA—Mr . WRAY , of -O Holborn-liili , the Proprietor of rlie ALTERATIVE-TONIC POWDERS , having observed constant disappointment attending the exhibition of the pharmaceutical and other preparations of Sarsaparilla , induced him to set on foot , with the assistance of the
ablest experimental chemists , an analysis of its properties ; the result of which proves that true Sarsaparilla , carefully selected and separated from all impurities , is in substance most effectual , and that the various preparations under the denomination of decoctions , extracts , essences , syrups , & c , hitherto used , can never he depended upon for producing any real or
permanent benefit . But , though Sarsaparilla in substance only is to be preferred , yet the action may he materially assisted when com . bined with auxiliaries . By a trial of many years' continuance he has found that the Alterative-tonic Powders he now offers to the public , have justified his most sanguine expectationsand therefore feels himself hound
, , by motives of humanity , to confine it no longer to private practice , but to allow the public the full advantage of so valuable a medicine . — Persons in the habit of taking quinine will ; find his powders by far the most efficacious ; tonic— " Morning Advertiser . "