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The Freemason's Quarterly Review.
dictates of common humanity , but whether the proper claimant of our benevolence does not demand at our hands an immediate vote of sympathy ancl succour . The term , " proper claimant , " may to some appear doubtful ; we haplessly can state that it is no " figurative designation . " We
have seen it in reality—it exists at the present moment . Some may exclaim , " be not hasty : " we answer , " be speedy in charity and not over-cautious , " for over-caution hath a tendency to run backwards . Enthusiasm ought not to be thus questioned , and , if we mistake not , the majority of
Freemasons would rather be harnessed to the car of triumphant sympathy , cheered on by enthusiastic charity , than yoked to the hinder wheels of " mistaken caution . " Do we lack
means ? ask the Treasurer of the Boys' ancl Girls' Schools . Ask the Grancl Treasurer if our means are not in good o condition . Let our ways , then , be towards the hel pless old Mason now living ; and let our first instalment be paid in the name , and to the memory , of the departed , whom , let us hope , have been received into the happy and Eternal Asylum .
We cannot close our remarks without thanking , very gratefully , on the part of the Committee , many provincial Brethren , for their assurances of individual support—for the manner in which the subject has been brought forward at various meetings ; and especially must we offer our testimony
to the liberal sentiments of the Rev . Dr . Oliver , at the provincial meeting in Lincoln , on the occasion of his valedictory address to that province . Our talented Brother has lately removed to Wolverhampton , where already he has so inspired the Brethren as to render his name a theme of
praise . We hope the provincial chief of Staffordshire will call to his aid the great Masonic talents , and , what is of vital importance , the peaceful spirit of our deserving Brother .
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The Freemason's Quarterly Review.
dictates of common humanity , but whether the proper claimant of our benevolence does not demand at our hands an immediate vote of sympathy ancl succour . The term , " proper claimant , " may to some appear doubtful ; we haplessly can state that it is no " figurative designation . " We
have seen it in reality—it exists at the present moment . Some may exclaim , " be not hasty : " we answer , " be speedy in charity and not over-cautious , " for over-caution hath a tendency to run backwards . Enthusiasm ought not to be thus questioned , and , if we mistake not , the majority of
Freemasons would rather be harnessed to the car of triumphant sympathy , cheered on by enthusiastic charity , than yoked to the hinder wheels of " mistaken caution . " Do we lack
means ? ask the Treasurer of the Boys' ancl Girls' Schools . Ask the Grancl Treasurer if our means are not in good o condition . Let our ways , then , be towards the hel pless old Mason now living ; and let our first instalment be paid in the name , and to the memory , of the departed , whom , let us hope , have been received into the happy and Eternal Asylum .
We cannot close our remarks without thanking , very gratefully , on the part of the Committee , many provincial Brethren , for their assurances of individual support—for the manner in which the subject has been brought forward at various meetings ; and especially must we offer our testimony
to the liberal sentiments of the Rev . Dr . Oliver , at the provincial meeting in Lincoln , on the occasion of his valedictory address to that province . Our talented Brother has lately removed to Wolverhampton , where already he has so inspired the Brethren as to render his name a theme of
praise . We hope the provincial chief of Staffordshire will call to his aid the great Masonic talents , and , what is of vital importance , the peaceful spirit of our deserving Brother .