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jects . " AVe" ( of the fourth estate ) liad especial seats reserved to us amongst the committee , as a matter of course . The wine was positivelygood , especially tlie champagne , ivJiich was handed round in Brother Coe ' s silver tankard , the gift of the committee of the excursion to that excellent and kind-hearted Mason , to whose exertions its success , as its originator , is to be mainly attributed . After the Brethren had partaken of an elegant cold collationBrother
, Lythgoe took tbe chair as President of the day , supported by many influential members of the Craft , among whom we noticed Brother David Jones , Prov . Grand Chaplain for the county of Kent , together with a numerous band of stewards . The Chairman , in a very feeling address , introduced to tbe notice of the meeting the health of Brother TJiomas Moore , P . I . G . D ., tlie Treasurer of this institutionalluding to the late domestic calamity which had
, befallen him , ancl stating that that circumstance alone had been the cause of bis absence on tbe occasion . The address of Brother Lythgoe was listened to with marked attention , and was received with that enthusiasm it so richly merited . The health of Brother Coe was the next which the Chairman proposed , and in so doing stated that , out of the 5000 / . in the funds of this Institution , nearly 1000 / . had accrued from the unceasing exertions
displayed by this worthy Brother to promote the interests of this Institution generally , but this annual excursion in particular . Brother Coe ' s health was drunk with great applause . Brother Coe returned thanks , with that earnestness and honesty of purpose which is his peculiar characteristic . He might lose his faculties one by one , but he trusted he should never lose a heart sincerel y devoted to the welfare of this Institution .
The health of the Chairman was then proposed by Brother Coe , which was acknowledged , in a neat ancl elegant reply , by Brother Lythgoe . Song , " ' The Donnybrook Recruit , " by Brother Bryant . Brother AVray ' s health was then given , as Hon . Master of the Ceremonies , with many thanks for his zeaJ and exertions . Brother AVray returned thanks .
Song , " The Election . " by Mr . Jones . The health of Brother Barnes , Hon . Secretary for this excursion . Brother Barnes suitably acknowledged the compliment . After a day spent in the utmost hilarity , harmony , and good fellowship , to which the presence of our fair friends contributed not a little , the Albion arrived at London Bridge about half-past ei ght o ' clock . Dancing was kept up with great spirit during the day ; and with the exertions of so many friends to promote the happiness of all , it is of course needless to say that their endeavours were crowned with complete
success . [ Our reporter has , it will be seen , availed himself pretty largely of the columns of the " Public Ledger , " that has opened so many accounts to the credit of our Order . AVe have refrained from inserting many critical remarks , because it is our intention , at some future time , to call the attention of the Nore committee to the necessity there is of varying the general arrangements of this very interesting excursion ; and more especially by persuading the " principal actor" in the busy scene to enjoy the " otium cum dignitale" to whicli his past services so eminently entitle him . ED . ]
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jects . " AVe" ( of the fourth estate ) liad especial seats reserved to us amongst the committee , as a matter of course . The wine was positivelygood , especially tlie champagne , ivJiich was handed round in Brother Coe ' s silver tankard , the gift of the committee of the excursion to that excellent and kind-hearted Mason , to whose exertions its success , as its originator , is to be mainly attributed . After the Brethren had partaken of an elegant cold collationBrother
, Lythgoe took tbe chair as President of the day , supported by many influential members of the Craft , among whom we noticed Brother David Jones , Prov . Grand Chaplain for the county of Kent , together with a numerous band of stewards . The Chairman , in a very feeling address , introduced to tbe notice of the meeting the health of Brother TJiomas Moore , P . I . G . D ., tlie Treasurer of this institutionalluding to the late domestic calamity which had
, befallen him , ancl stating that that circumstance alone had been the cause of bis absence on tbe occasion . The address of Brother Lythgoe was listened to with marked attention , and was received with that enthusiasm it so richly merited . The health of Brother Coe was the next which the Chairman proposed , and in so doing stated that , out of the 5000 / . in the funds of this Institution , nearly 1000 / . had accrued from the unceasing exertions
displayed by this worthy Brother to promote the interests of this Institution generally , but this annual excursion in particular . Brother Coe ' s health was drunk with great applause . Brother Coe returned thanks , with that earnestness and honesty of purpose which is his peculiar characteristic . He might lose his faculties one by one , but he trusted he should never lose a heart sincerel y devoted to the welfare of this Institution .
The health of the Chairman was then proposed by Brother Coe , which was acknowledged , in a neat ancl elegant reply , by Brother Lythgoe . Song , " ' The Donnybrook Recruit , " by Brother Bryant . Brother AVray ' s health was then given , as Hon . Master of the Ceremonies , with many thanks for his zeaJ and exertions . Brother AVray returned thanks .
Song , " The Election . " by Mr . Jones . The health of Brother Barnes , Hon . Secretary for this excursion . Brother Barnes suitably acknowledged the compliment . After a day spent in the utmost hilarity , harmony , and good fellowship , to which the presence of our fair friends contributed not a little , the Albion arrived at London Bridge about half-past ei ght o ' clock . Dancing was kept up with great spirit during the day ; and with the exertions of so many friends to promote the happiness of all , it is of course needless to say that their endeavours were crowned with complete
success . [ Our reporter has , it will be seen , availed himself pretty largely of the columns of the " Public Ledger , " that has opened so many accounts to the credit of our Order . AVe have refrained from inserting many critical remarks , because it is our intention , at some future time , to call the attention of the Nore committee to the necessity there is of varying the general arrangements of this very interesting excursion ; and more especially by persuading the " principal actor" in the busy scene to enjoy the " otium cum dignitale" to whicli his past services so eminently entitle him . ED . ]