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Fetherstone , Thomas , lies , Orpen , O'Riely , Hughes , Burgoyne , and Butler , 41 st Regiment . The Baroness Talbot ; Ladies Blakeney , Campbell and Baker . Mesdames Putland , Brewster , Paget , Richards , AVynyard , T . Welsh , D'Arcy Irvine , Leeson , R . C . AValker , Perrin , Perry , Clarke , Kelly , Tenison , O'Gorman Mahon , Ellis , O'Connor , AVarne , King , Hudson , J . C . and JHAA ' alkerTAA rihtKeckWallMalonyO'Shea
. . , . g , , , , , Gibson , Browne , Smith , Osborne , Moore , Grace , Burgoyne , AVillis , Fletcher , AVhite , Wright , Harding , Tench , Hazlett , Ball , Fleming , Murray , Baldwin , Powel , AVilliams , Calcraft , Buller , Pigeon , Butler , AVilson , Bott , Morgan , Carmichael , H . and Ed . Batchelor , R . L . Shiel , Wingfield , Pakenham , & c . Misses Richards , Ellis ( 2 ) , Clarke , Blakeney , AVhite ( 3 ) , AVilliams , M'NamaraDixAValkerMahonEvansGordonIvie ( 2 ) Mont
, , , , , , , - gomery , Gibson ( 3 ) , AVilson , Macklin , St . Leger , Hamerton , Stapleton ( 2 ) , Grattan , M'Kenzie , Lindsey ( 2 ) , Townsend , Coppinger ( 2 ) , Reid , Thornton ( 2 ) , Lentaine , Culloden ( 2 ) , Phepoe , Dowman , Horne , Cullew , Bagwell , Huddart , Campbell , Kelly , Saunders , Steele , Rogers ( 2 ) , Elvidge , Tench , Leanard , Hudon , Pakenham , Hughes , Ormsby , Bagwell , Bruen , Rowen , & c .
May 10 th . —This afternoon , the Knights of tlie Kilwinning Encampment of Templars assembled . After Companions AV . H . AVrigJit , L . 50 , and M'Kay ancl Charters of No . 2 , had been installed , and the new officers invested ancl proclaimed , the Knights , in military order , proceeded to the banquet , which was well supplied , the wines being in first rate order . Amongst those present were Mr . Blacker , J . P ., Mr . Alderman HoyteLt-ColKingMrTenisonand nine members of
, . . , . , the Prince Masons Chapter . After a Latin grace by the Grand Prior , the customary toasts were given hy Brother Joseph White , who filled the M . E . G . M . stall , with a courteous bearing . The choir chaunted in excellent tune , ancl the rational enjoyments of the evening were enhanced by the exertions of the Grand Register and Keeper of the Archives , Brother R . G . Ogle , and strengthened by the endearing ties of fraternal affection .
Sunday , May 15 th . —The annual sermon in aid of the funds of the Freemasons' Female Orphan School was preached in St . Mark ' s Church by the Archdeacon of Down , P . G . M . The morning service was read by the Rev . Smythe AVhitelaw Fox , G . C , and the lessons and communion by the Rev .. T . Flynn , G . C . The civic authorities were in attendance , ancl about one-third of the Brethren present wore aprons , but neither the procession to the church , nor the general appearance of the bod
y , were what had been expected . AVe are of opinion that either the Masonic clothing should be universally adopted on such occasions , or the thing dispensed with altogether . The collectors were Mr . Sheriff " AVall , Brs . the Hon . Rich . AA ^ estenra , D . L ., Mr . Alderman Abbott , D . L ., Capt . Lloyd , D . L ., Sir Rich . Baker , and John Boyce , Esq . It was gratifying on this occasion to see persons of all reli gious denominations and political distinctions pressing forward in support of this most
excellent charity , wliich tends so much to the amelioration of the wants of a valuable and interesting portion of the community , thereby proving that however men may differ , they will , if the spirit of Masonry once fix itself in the heart , associate together to perform those great duties taught us by our Lord and Master , namely , " feeding the hungry and clothing the naked . "
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Fetherstone , Thomas , lies , Orpen , O'Riely , Hughes , Burgoyne , and Butler , 41 st Regiment . The Baroness Talbot ; Ladies Blakeney , Campbell and Baker . Mesdames Putland , Brewster , Paget , Richards , AVynyard , T . Welsh , D'Arcy Irvine , Leeson , R . C . AValker , Perrin , Perry , Clarke , Kelly , Tenison , O'Gorman Mahon , Ellis , O'Connor , AVarne , King , Hudson , J . C . and JHAA ' alkerTAA rihtKeckWallMalonyO'Shea
. . , . g , , , , , Gibson , Browne , Smith , Osborne , Moore , Grace , Burgoyne , AVillis , Fletcher , AVhite , Wright , Harding , Tench , Hazlett , Ball , Fleming , Murray , Baldwin , Powel , AVilliams , Calcraft , Buller , Pigeon , Butler , AVilson , Bott , Morgan , Carmichael , H . and Ed . Batchelor , R . L . Shiel , Wingfield , Pakenham , & c . Misses Richards , Ellis ( 2 ) , Clarke , Blakeney , AVhite ( 3 ) , AVilliams , M'NamaraDixAValkerMahonEvansGordonIvie ( 2 ) Mont
, , , , , , , - gomery , Gibson ( 3 ) , AVilson , Macklin , St . Leger , Hamerton , Stapleton ( 2 ) , Grattan , M'Kenzie , Lindsey ( 2 ) , Townsend , Coppinger ( 2 ) , Reid , Thornton ( 2 ) , Lentaine , Culloden ( 2 ) , Phepoe , Dowman , Horne , Cullew , Bagwell , Huddart , Campbell , Kelly , Saunders , Steele , Rogers ( 2 ) , Elvidge , Tench , Leanard , Hudon , Pakenham , Hughes , Ormsby , Bagwell , Bruen , Rowen , & c .
May 10 th . —This afternoon , the Knights of tlie Kilwinning Encampment of Templars assembled . After Companions AV . H . AVrigJit , L . 50 , and M'Kay ancl Charters of No . 2 , had been installed , and the new officers invested ancl proclaimed , the Knights , in military order , proceeded to the banquet , which was well supplied , the wines being in first rate order . Amongst those present were Mr . Blacker , J . P ., Mr . Alderman HoyteLt-ColKingMrTenisonand nine members of
, . . , . , the Prince Masons Chapter . After a Latin grace by the Grand Prior , the customary toasts were given hy Brother Joseph White , who filled the M . E . G . M . stall , with a courteous bearing . The choir chaunted in excellent tune , ancl the rational enjoyments of the evening were enhanced by the exertions of the Grand Register and Keeper of the Archives , Brother R . G . Ogle , and strengthened by the endearing ties of fraternal affection .
Sunday , May 15 th . —The annual sermon in aid of the funds of the Freemasons' Female Orphan School was preached in St . Mark ' s Church by the Archdeacon of Down , P . G . M . The morning service was read by the Rev . Smythe AVhitelaw Fox , G . C , and the lessons and communion by the Rev .. T . Flynn , G . C . The civic authorities were in attendance , ancl about one-third of the Brethren present wore aprons , but neither the procession to the church , nor the general appearance of the bod
y , were what had been expected . AVe are of opinion that either the Masonic clothing should be universally adopted on such occasions , or the thing dispensed with altogether . The collectors were Mr . Sheriff " AVall , Brs . the Hon . Rich . AA ^ estenra , D . L ., Mr . Alderman Abbott , D . L ., Capt . Lloyd , D . L ., Sir Rich . Baker , and John Boyce , Esq . It was gratifying on this occasion to see persons of all reli gious denominations and political distinctions pressing forward in support of this most
excellent charity , wliich tends so much to the amelioration of the wants of a valuable and interesting portion of the community , thereby proving that however men may differ , they will , if the spirit of Masonry once fix itself in the heart , associate together to perform those great duties taught us by our Lord and Master , namely , " feeding the hungry and clothing the naked . "