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Stritch , tlie AA . M . presided . A better chairman could not liave been selected , Brother O'Shaughnessy being eminently gifted with those qualities of judgment , eloquence , ancl courtesy , so essential to the proper discharge of the duties of his arduous station . On his right hand sat tlie Lord Lieutenant , and on his left the D . G . M . ; as croupiers , in the western ancl southern extremities presided the AVardens , Brothers Ellis ancl O'Connor . The foot of the other tables were , of course , occupied
by Past Masters . AVhen supper was over the Master proposed " AVilliam the Fourth , Patron of Masonry . " Salute , three times eleven . " God save the king , " with the Masonic words , sang by Brothers Sapio ( Lodge 50 ) , Hill , and Rainsford . " His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex ancl the Marquess of Douglas , Grand Masters of England ancl Scotland , and our Brethren all over the world . " Salute—song and chorus— " To Masonry your voices raise . "
The next toast was— "The Duke of Leinster , our own G . M . ' Salute , eleven on the third— " Should auld acquaintance be forgot . " The AV . M . next proposed the " Health of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland , their illustrious guest , and said that on other occasions , although Lord Lieutenants accepted their invitations , they were prevented from attending by intervening ancl unforeseen circumstances . But , sure he was , that the value of the honour was not diminished because it was
postponed until they received it from tbe hands of so distinguished a personage as him , with whose presence they were that evening honoured . After passing a high eulogium on his excellency for the proved distinction he had acquired in the republic of letters , and in ameliorating the condition of the human race in foreign climes , the AV . M . said that it ivould be equally the cluty ancl the pride of the Brotherhood to exhibit to the world by their futureas they had btheir past conducthow anxious
, y , they were to continue worthy of so nigh an honour , by the practice of those virtues upon which their Order was based— " peace , love , and harmony , " and by the extension of which , the happiness of mankind would be advanced ( hear , hear ) . And he mig ht with truth say , that if there was any country on the globe ( and he spoke only hypothetically )
in which the proportions of the social edifice had not been yet harmoniously adjusted ; if there was any in which the conflicting elements of society had not yet subsided into a calm ancl unruffled repose , of what inestimable value was such an Institution as theirs ; receiving and inviting within its temple all , of every colour , of clime , of creed , and of politics , to liear there inculcated , and see practised the doctrines of brotherly forbearance and Christian peace . Such being the principles of
their Order , he was sure that he did . not arrogate too much in claiming for it the character of an auxiliary to all our Rulers , in the promotion of that which he believed to be the end and object of all , " Good will , kind feeling , and peace amongst all classes" ( great applause ) . He therefore proposed the health of " His Excellency , the Lord Lieutenant . " ( musical cheers ) . Glee— " Strike the Harp of Epic Song , " by Brothers Herbert ,
AVilkinson , and Signor Sapio . The Lord Lieutenant returned thanks , and proposed " Prosperity to Ireland . " Air— " St . Patrick ' s day . " "TheD . G . Master , ancl the other Grand Officers ' ' followed . VOL . in . ' 2 f .
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Stritch , tlie AA . M . presided . A better chairman could not liave been selected , Brother O'Shaughnessy being eminently gifted with those qualities of judgment , eloquence , ancl courtesy , so essential to the proper discharge of the duties of his arduous station . On his right hand sat tlie Lord Lieutenant , and on his left the D . G . M . ; as croupiers , in the western ancl southern extremities presided the AVardens , Brothers Ellis ancl O'Connor . The foot of the other tables were , of course , occupied
by Past Masters . AVhen supper was over the Master proposed " AVilliam the Fourth , Patron of Masonry . " Salute , three times eleven . " God save the king , " with the Masonic words , sang by Brothers Sapio ( Lodge 50 ) , Hill , and Rainsford . " His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex ancl the Marquess of Douglas , Grand Masters of England ancl Scotland , and our Brethren all over the world . " Salute—song and chorus— " To Masonry your voices raise . "
The next toast was— "The Duke of Leinster , our own G . M . ' Salute , eleven on the third— " Should auld acquaintance be forgot . " The AV . M . next proposed the " Health of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland , their illustrious guest , and said that on other occasions , although Lord Lieutenants accepted their invitations , they were prevented from attending by intervening ancl unforeseen circumstances . But , sure he was , that the value of the honour was not diminished because it was
postponed until they received it from tbe hands of so distinguished a personage as him , with whose presence they were that evening honoured . After passing a high eulogium on his excellency for the proved distinction he had acquired in the republic of letters , and in ameliorating the condition of the human race in foreign climes , the AV . M . said that it ivould be equally the cluty ancl the pride of the Brotherhood to exhibit to the world by their futureas they had btheir past conducthow anxious
, y , they were to continue worthy of so nigh an honour , by the practice of those virtues upon which their Order was based— " peace , love , and harmony , " and by the extension of which , the happiness of mankind would be advanced ( hear , hear ) . And he mig ht with truth say , that if there was any country on the globe ( and he spoke only hypothetically )
in which the proportions of the social edifice had not been yet harmoniously adjusted ; if there was any in which the conflicting elements of society had not yet subsided into a calm ancl unruffled repose , of what inestimable value was such an Institution as theirs ; receiving and inviting within its temple all , of every colour , of clime , of creed , and of politics , to liear there inculcated , and see practised the doctrines of brotherly forbearance and Christian peace . Such being the principles of
their Order , he was sure that he did . not arrogate too much in claiming for it the character of an auxiliary to all our Rulers , in the promotion of that which he believed to be the end and object of all , " Good will , kind feeling , and peace amongst all classes" ( great applause ) . He therefore proposed the health of " His Excellency , the Lord Lieutenant . " ( musical cheers ) . Glee— " Strike the Harp of Epic Song , " by Brothers Herbert ,
AVilkinson , and Signor Sapio . The Lord Lieutenant returned thanks , and proposed " Prosperity to Ireland . " Air— " St . Patrick ' s day . " "TheD . G . Master , ancl the other Grand Officers ' ' followed . VOL . in . ' 2 f .