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vices of the bee-hive , the compass , plumb , & c , and the pillars and walls ornamented with sweet smelling shrubs , evergreens , and exotics , Tlie bands of the 12 th and 51 st regiments were stationed in the galleries , and played during the intervals of dancing , so that music , either military or otherwise , did not cease during the night . The company , on alighting from their carriages , were met by the stewardsand passed on bthe inner guards to the senior wardenBro
, y , . Hercules Ellis , and in a most courteous and affable manner presented by him to the AV . M . Michael O'Shaughnessy , Esq . ( barrister at law ) , who received them in the concert room , which was brilliantl y illuminated , and decorated with the banners of the Knights of the Red Cross , M . M . M ., the Hospitallers , Templars , ancl Malta , and the four Provincial Grand Masters of Ireland , the Earl of Shannon , the Marquess of Sligothe Archdeacon of Downand the Marquess of Donegal
, , , each bearing some appropriate and allegorical device and motto . " The throne" of his grace the G . M . of Ireland , richly carved in Irish oak , and lined with crimson velvet , was placed for the AV . M ., ancl on each side the gilt chairs of the Prince Masons Chapter , for the Lord Lieutenant and the Countess of Mulgrave . In the saloons adjoining the ball rooms , refreshments , consisting of ices , jelliesteacoffeeorange and lemonadewere served during the
, , , , evening . At ten o ' clock , the sound of bugle announced the arrival of the D . G . M . j AVm . AVhite , Esq . ; and a few minutes afterwards he made his entree ; on whicli he was received with a Masonic salute , and the most respectful demonstrations of attention and attachment—the band nlavins :
"A Free ancl an Accepted Mason . " About eleven o ' clock , "God save the King" was struck up , when his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant ancl suite , entered the ball-room , escorted by the W . M . and Stewards , who , not departing from the rota usual on such occasions , had gone to the outer porch to meet him . As nothing had been omitted which could add to the cordiality and etiquette of his reception , the Brethren rose en masse to welcome , with every
token of deferential respect , their distinguished guest , and the representative of royalty . Soon after , under the direction of Messrs . Barnett ancl AAllliams , les maitres de ceremonie , dancing commenced in both rooms , Kelly ' s bands opening with the Masonic quadrilles ; waltzes ancl gallopades being kept up until one o ' clock , when the AA . M .. accompanied by the Earl of Mulgrave , & c . led the way to the banquetting roomor rotundawhich
, , , being lighted up with a handsome chandelier in the centre , assisted by coloured wax tapers and stained glass lamps , disposed in candelabra and girondoJes , and liung round with the banners of the Prince Masons , Knights of Heredom—Duke of Leinster ; W . AAliite , D . G . M . ; Lord Forbes , S . G . AV . ; the Earl of Kingston , P . G . AV . ; Sir AV . Hort , G . S . ; Sir Coghill Coghill , J . G . AV . ; Sir AV . Grace , P . M . C , & c , on which were emblazoned their escutcheons and mottospresented a most dazzling
, and recherche appearance . Tlie decorations were by Signor Peverelli , and Mitchell the restaurateur of Grafton street , provided the supper and wines , which consisted of the richest and rarest delicacies , with champagne , hock , sherry , sauterne , & c . Round the room were tables placed on an elevation , with eight more ranged the whole breadth of this spacious apartment ; and one across , at the head of ivhich , attended b y his Deacons , Brothers JM'Nally ancl
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
vices of the bee-hive , the compass , plumb , & c , and the pillars and walls ornamented with sweet smelling shrubs , evergreens , and exotics , Tlie bands of the 12 th and 51 st regiments were stationed in the galleries , and played during the intervals of dancing , so that music , either military or otherwise , did not cease during the night . The company , on alighting from their carriages , were met by the stewardsand passed on bthe inner guards to the senior wardenBro
, y , . Hercules Ellis , and in a most courteous and affable manner presented by him to the AV . M . Michael O'Shaughnessy , Esq . ( barrister at law ) , who received them in the concert room , which was brilliantl y illuminated , and decorated with the banners of the Knights of the Red Cross , M . M . M ., the Hospitallers , Templars , ancl Malta , and the four Provincial Grand Masters of Ireland , the Earl of Shannon , the Marquess of Sligothe Archdeacon of Downand the Marquess of Donegal
, , , each bearing some appropriate and allegorical device and motto . " The throne" of his grace the G . M . of Ireland , richly carved in Irish oak , and lined with crimson velvet , was placed for the AV . M ., ancl on each side the gilt chairs of the Prince Masons Chapter , for the Lord Lieutenant and the Countess of Mulgrave . In the saloons adjoining the ball rooms , refreshments , consisting of ices , jelliesteacoffeeorange and lemonadewere served during the
, , , , evening . At ten o ' clock , the sound of bugle announced the arrival of the D . G . M . j AVm . AVhite , Esq . ; and a few minutes afterwards he made his entree ; on whicli he was received with a Masonic salute , and the most respectful demonstrations of attention and attachment—the band nlavins :
"A Free ancl an Accepted Mason . " About eleven o ' clock , "God save the King" was struck up , when his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant ancl suite , entered the ball-room , escorted by the W . M . and Stewards , who , not departing from the rota usual on such occasions , had gone to the outer porch to meet him . As nothing had been omitted which could add to the cordiality and etiquette of his reception , the Brethren rose en masse to welcome , with every
token of deferential respect , their distinguished guest , and the representative of royalty . Soon after , under the direction of Messrs . Barnett ancl AAllliams , les maitres de ceremonie , dancing commenced in both rooms , Kelly ' s bands opening with the Masonic quadrilles ; waltzes ancl gallopades being kept up until one o ' clock , when the AA . M .. accompanied by the Earl of Mulgrave , & c . led the way to the banquetting roomor rotundawhich
, , , being lighted up with a handsome chandelier in the centre , assisted by coloured wax tapers and stained glass lamps , disposed in candelabra and girondoJes , and liung round with the banners of the Prince Masons , Knights of Heredom—Duke of Leinster ; W . AAliite , D . G . M . ; Lord Forbes , S . G . AV . ; the Earl of Kingston , P . G . AV . ; Sir AV . Hort , G . S . ; Sir Coghill Coghill , J . G . AV . ; Sir AV . Grace , P . M . C , & c , on which were emblazoned their escutcheons and mottospresented a most dazzling
, and recherche appearance . Tlie decorations were by Signor Peverelli , and Mitchell the restaurateur of Grafton street , provided the supper and wines , which consisted of the richest and rarest delicacies , with champagne , hock , sherry , sauterne , & c . Round the room were tables placed on an elevation , with eight more ranged the whole breadth of this spacious apartment ; and one across , at the head of ivhich , attended b y his Deacons , Brothers JM'Nally ancl