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prospects . In his situation of First Principal of a Royal Arch Chapter in particular , has he displayed tliat energy and zeal which , in a leader , lias sucJi effect ; for not content with being present , like some , at merely convivial meetings , his lordship has made himself perfectly master of the whole official duties appertaining to a Principal ; and has even several times come from his residence in the country , upwards of twenty miles distant , expressly to officiate at the exaltation of candidates . This we
call doing work in earnest . AVe are not fond , in private Lodges , of any one presiding for a protracted period . It is generally admitted that a change every two years is expedient . But we are not sure but that the reverse liolds good in a great public body , like the assembly of the Grand Lodge . Look at the beneficial effects of tlie continued reign of the illustrious Grand Master of England . AVe only liint to our Scottish Brethren , that wlieii they
get a chief who can and will cio his duty , they should keep him . The Canongate Kilwinning Royal Arch Chapter has been formall y consecrated with the usual ceremony . The Earl of Buchan officiated as M . E . Principal of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter .
April 25 . —The Knights Templars of the Canongate Kilwinning Priory attended the assembly on the evening of Thursday , the llth of April , in full costume , fancy dresses were admitted , and several distinguished ladies patronized the assembly on this occasion . As this ivas tlie last assembl y for the season , it was attended , as expected , by all the rank and fashion in town . The appearance of the Templars in their regalia was splendid and imposing . On the evening of Saturdaythe 30 th of Aprilthe M . N . the Prior
, , and Officers of the Canongate Kilwinning Priory of Knights Templars patronized the Theatre Royal , Edinburgh . The boxes were filled with a brilliant assemblage of beauty and fashion , amongst whom several ladies , connected with the Knights , wore the red cross and collar of the Order , a compliment no doubt felt and appreciated by the gallant cavaliers . A report , hardly bruited at first but daily gathering importance , is in course of circulationthat the Templarswho in the earliest times
, , of the Order ivere adopted as guards or guardians b y King David the First of Scotland , are about to take measures humbl y to petition lier majesty , the queen , to permit and appoint them to be her royal bodyguard for Scotland , the Royal Archers ( not the Royal Arch ) having already monopolised that honourable office round the person of the king .
It is proposed to invest the surplus funds of the Priory in the purchase of those Temple superiorities , of which the ancient Templars ivere tiie original lords . . 'it last quarterly communication of the Grancl Lodge of" Masons , a motion ivas brought forward , recommending a junction with the Royal Arch Chapter , which at present are not even recognized by tlie Grand Lodge of Scotland . After some observations from Sir Thomas Dick
Lauder , the chairman , and others , a committee ivas appointed to inquire and report tliereupon . The Templars ought to have been inlucled . The discussion of this subject , in an assembly ivliere the majority are not members of the Royal Arch degree , is one of some delicacy ancl difficulty . Upon tlie whole , if all the hi gher orders , or degrees , ivere placed exactly upon the same footing liere as they are in England , relative to the rest , we tliink the former would only be receiving common justice . Ouglit not all grand officers to be Royal Arch aud Templars ?
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prospects . In his situation of First Principal of a Royal Arch Chapter in particular , has he displayed tliat energy and zeal which , in a leader , lias sucJi effect ; for not content with being present , like some , at merely convivial meetings , his lordship has made himself perfectly master of the whole official duties appertaining to a Principal ; and has even several times come from his residence in the country , upwards of twenty miles distant , expressly to officiate at the exaltation of candidates . This we
call doing work in earnest . AVe are not fond , in private Lodges , of any one presiding for a protracted period . It is generally admitted that a change every two years is expedient . But we are not sure but that the reverse liolds good in a great public body , like the assembly of the Grand Lodge . Look at the beneficial effects of tlie continued reign of the illustrious Grand Master of England . AVe only liint to our Scottish Brethren , that wlieii they
get a chief who can and will cio his duty , they should keep him . The Canongate Kilwinning Royal Arch Chapter has been formall y consecrated with the usual ceremony . The Earl of Buchan officiated as M . E . Principal of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter .
April 25 . —The Knights Templars of the Canongate Kilwinning Priory attended the assembly on the evening of Thursday , the llth of April , in full costume , fancy dresses were admitted , and several distinguished ladies patronized the assembly on this occasion . As this ivas tlie last assembl y for the season , it was attended , as expected , by all the rank and fashion in town . The appearance of the Templars in their regalia was splendid and imposing . On the evening of Saturdaythe 30 th of Aprilthe M . N . the Prior
, , and Officers of the Canongate Kilwinning Priory of Knights Templars patronized the Theatre Royal , Edinburgh . The boxes were filled with a brilliant assemblage of beauty and fashion , amongst whom several ladies , connected with the Knights , wore the red cross and collar of the Order , a compliment no doubt felt and appreciated by the gallant cavaliers . A report , hardly bruited at first but daily gathering importance , is in course of circulationthat the Templarswho in the earliest times
, , of the Order ivere adopted as guards or guardians b y King David the First of Scotland , are about to take measures humbl y to petition lier majesty , the queen , to permit and appoint them to be her royal bodyguard for Scotland , the Royal Archers ( not the Royal Arch ) having already monopolised that honourable office round the person of the king .
It is proposed to invest the surplus funds of the Priory in the purchase of those Temple superiorities , of which the ancient Templars ivere tiie original lords . . 'it last quarterly communication of the Grancl Lodge of" Masons , a motion ivas brought forward , recommending a junction with the Royal Arch Chapter , which at present are not even recognized by tlie Grand Lodge of Scotland . After some observations from Sir Thomas Dick
Lauder , the chairman , and others , a committee ivas appointed to inquire and report tliereupon . The Templars ought to have been inlucled . The discussion of this subject , in an assembly ivliere the majority are not members of the Royal Arch degree , is one of some delicacy ancl difficulty . Upon tlie whole , if all the hi gher orders , or degrees , ivere placed exactly upon the same footing liere as they are in England , relative to the rest , we tliink the former would only be receiving common justice . Ouglit not all grand officers to be Royal Arch aud Templars ?