Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 40 of 44 →
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DEVONSHIRE . —At Exeter a Lodge of Instruction lias been established , under the sanction ofthe Lodge of St . John the Baptist , No . 46 , and St . George ' s Lodge , No . 129 . The members held their first meeting on the 4 th of January last , and placed in tbe Chair the Rev . John Huyshe , P . M . of the Apollo Lodge , Oxford , and who is also a member of No . 129 and No . 280 , and P . J . G . AV . of Devon . AVith the invaluable assistance of this accomplished and zealous Brotherthe Lodge of Instruction lias
, gone on with increasing advantage to the members , ancl with an obvious effect on the style of working in both the Mother Lodges . The meetings are , as they ought to be , entirely for labour ; and the subscriptions are calculated on the lowest possible scale of expense ; so that no Brother of this neighbourhood can in future plead want of opportunity for instruction as an excuse for tlie al ; sence of Masonic zeal . Institutions of this nature are essential to the well-being of the Order
in tlie provinces , where Lodges are few and far between , and the Brotlier desirous of improvement must be content with the opportunities afforded by the periodical meetings of his own Lodge ; or , in order to obtain further instruction , he is compelled to incur considerable expense , and subject himself to much inconvenience , in attending the assemblies of the more distant Lodges . Under such discouraging circumstances , a hi gh meed of praise is due , both to individuals and to Lodges , who , not unmindful of their duty nor lax in its performance , preserve their discipline untainted by innovation , and their practice undegenerate through
negligence or inattention . AVith tliese views , it is to be hoped the Lodge of Instruction will not lack support . It requires but the attendance of the Brethren , to ensure its beneficial influence on the Masonic respectability and efficiency of the Lodges within its sphere . On AAr ednesday the 27 th of April the Brethren of St . George ' s Lodge , No . 129 , celebrated their annual festival , which , for the convenience of the clerical members , had been postponed from St . George ' s day , which
fell on a Saturday . It is the custom of this Lodge to instal their Master elect , ancl to nominate the officers , on their festival day . On the present occasion the Senior AA arden of thc preceding year , Brother W . Denis Moore , P . G . Sec , was presented for installation , as the AV . M . for the year ensuing , to the Past-Master , the Rev . AVm . Carwithen , D . D ., Deputy P . G . M . of Devon , who performed that beautiful ceremony in a striking and most impressive manner . After the installation was
complete , the AV . M . appointed Brother Kellow Johu Pye * S . AA ., Brother the Rev . ATOIiam Henry Carwithen , son of the D . P . G . M ., and himself a most promising Mason , J . AA " , and Brothers Hubert Mason , and the Rev . Charles Rodwell Roper , Deacons , shortly addressing each officer on the peculiar duties of his station . A Masonic banquet concluded the the evening , which was replete with the brotherly enjoyment so peculiar to the meetings of tbe Craft . Many Brethren of Tivertonwith their
, usual courtesy , hael promised tlieir attendance on the occasion ; but the melancholy domestic affliction of one of their most distinguished members deprived the : Brethren of St . George ' s Lodge of the anticipated enjoyment of their society . Brother the Rev . William Carwithen , D . D . —The Rev . AA m . Car-
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DEVONSHIRE . —At Exeter a Lodge of Instruction lias been established , under the sanction ofthe Lodge of St . John the Baptist , No . 46 , and St . George ' s Lodge , No . 129 . The members held their first meeting on the 4 th of January last , and placed in tbe Chair the Rev . John Huyshe , P . M . of the Apollo Lodge , Oxford , and who is also a member of No . 129 and No . 280 , and P . J . G . AV . of Devon . AVith the invaluable assistance of this accomplished and zealous Brotherthe Lodge of Instruction lias
, gone on with increasing advantage to the members , ancl with an obvious effect on the style of working in both the Mother Lodges . The meetings are , as they ought to be , entirely for labour ; and the subscriptions are calculated on the lowest possible scale of expense ; so that no Brother of this neighbourhood can in future plead want of opportunity for instruction as an excuse for tlie al ; sence of Masonic zeal . Institutions of this nature are essential to the well-being of the Order
in tlie provinces , where Lodges are few and far between , and the Brotlier desirous of improvement must be content with the opportunities afforded by the periodical meetings of his own Lodge ; or , in order to obtain further instruction , he is compelled to incur considerable expense , and subject himself to much inconvenience , in attending the assemblies of the more distant Lodges . Under such discouraging circumstances , a hi gh meed of praise is due , both to individuals and to Lodges , who , not unmindful of their duty nor lax in its performance , preserve their discipline untainted by innovation , and their practice undegenerate through
negligence or inattention . AVith tliese views , it is to be hoped the Lodge of Instruction will not lack support . It requires but the attendance of the Brethren , to ensure its beneficial influence on the Masonic respectability and efficiency of the Lodges within its sphere . On AAr ednesday the 27 th of April the Brethren of St . George ' s Lodge , No . 129 , celebrated their annual festival , which , for the convenience of the clerical members , had been postponed from St . George ' s day , which
fell on a Saturday . It is the custom of this Lodge to instal their Master elect , ancl to nominate the officers , on their festival day . On the present occasion the Senior AA arden of thc preceding year , Brother W . Denis Moore , P . G . Sec , was presented for installation , as the AV . M . for the year ensuing , to the Past-Master , the Rev . AVm . Carwithen , D . D ., Deputy P . G . M . of Devon , who performed that beautiful ceremony in a striking and most impressive manner . After the installation was
complete , the AV . M . appointed Brother Kellow Johu Pye * S . AA ., Brother the Rev . ATOIiam Henry Carwithen , son of the D . P . G . M ., and himself a most promising Mason , J . AA " , and Brothers Hubert Mason , and the Rev . Charles Rodwell Roper , Deacons , shortly addressing each officer on the peculiar duties of his station . A Masonic banquet concluded the the evening , which was replete with the brotherly enjoyment so peculiar to the meetings of tbe Craft . Many Brethren of Tivertonwith their
, usual courtesy , hael promised tlieir attendance on the occasion ; but the melancholy domestic affliction of one of their most distinguished members deprived the : Brethren of St . George ' s Lodge of the anticipated enjoyment of their society . Brother the Rev . William Carwithen , D . D . —The Rev . AA m . Car-