Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 30 of 44 →
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Brethren of the Nantwich or lung ' s Friends Loclge , of wliicli Mr . Cobbe and Mr . Cawley are members , were emulous to take a part in the day ' s proceedings ; and it was ultimately arranged that the Deputy Provincial Grancl Master , John Finchett Maddock , Esq ., be solicited to perform the ceremony , to which , with his usual urbanity , he readily assented . The other Lodges of the county were also invited to join the procession . Monday last was the anxiously expected day on which the
ceremonial was appointed to take place , ancl as " The silent hours stole on , And iiaky darkness broke within the ens ' . " Many were found in active preparation for the imposing spectacle . Nature herself contributed to the joyous scence : for she was beauty to the eye , and music to the ear , and fragrance to the smell ; and thus nature ancl art were joined to add magnificence to the inspiriting festival . At nine o ' clock , the members of the respective County Lodges assembled in Mr . Parker ' s school-room , and after the performance of their mystic rites , a procession was formed in tlie following order : —
A Band of Music . High Constables . Constables with their staves . The Ladies and Gentlemen of the Commitee , two abreast . The Scholars of the National Sunday School . Girls and Boys , two abreast ^ very neatly attired , with their Teachers . The Boys of the Blue School , with their Teacher . Gentlemen ancl Inhabitants of the town , two abreast .
Amateur Band , playing a Masonic air . Visiting Brethren and King ' s Friends Lodge of Freemasons , in the following order : Two Tylers with drawn swords . Tlie Northwick Lodge , No . 620 . The Cestrian Lodge , No . 615 . The Over Lodge , 581 . The Sandbach Loclge , 479 . The Nantwich Lod 370 .
ge , In the Masonic procession were the various officers ofthe Lodges , decorated with their paraphernalia . Amongst whom were the Knights Templars ; Brethren ofthe Royal Arch ; Architect , with the plan ancl mallet ; Grand Provincial Deacons ; -Grand Provincial Secretary , with the Book of Constitution on a cushion ; Provincial Grand Treasurer ; Provincial Grand Chaplain ; Provincial Grand AVarden , with the level ; Provincial Grand Junior Warden , with the plumb ; Volume of tlie
Sacred Law , Square , and Compasses , on a crimson velvet cushion ; Provincial Grancl Sword Bearer ; Right AVorshipful the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , with golden square and trowel ; Brethren of the Provincial Lodge ; Provincial Grancl Tyler , with drawn sword .
" Silent thev moved , a well-appointed throng . Chief urging chief , man driving man along . " The procession moved in this order through the AVelsh Row , Swine Market , and Beam Street , to the site of the intended building , where the procession was arranged within an inclosed space , the Masons forming a right angle -near the corner stone , ancl the assembled multitude sang the following ode , appointed for the occasion . To heaven's High Architect all praise .
All praise , all gratitude be given , Who deign'd the human soul to raise . By mystic secrets sprung from heaven . cuonuK . Sound aloud the great Jehovah's praise , To him the dome , the temple raise .
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Brethren of the Nantwich or lung ' s Friends Loclge , of wliicli Mr . Cobbe and Mr . Cawley are members , were emulous to take a part in the day ' s proceedings ; and it was ultimately arranged that the Deputy Provincial Grancl Master , John Finchett Maddock , Esq ., be solicited to perform the ceremony , to which , with his usual urbanity , he readily assented . The other Lodges of the county were also invited to join the procession . Monday last was the anxiously expected day on which the
ceremonial was appointed to take place , ancl as " The silent hours stole on , And iiaky darkness broke within the ens ' . " Many were found in active preparation for the imposing spectacle . Nature herself contributed to the joyous scence : for she was beauty to the eye , and music to the ear , and fragrance to the smell ; and thus nature ancl art were joined to add magnificence to the inspiriting festival . At nine o ' clock , the members of the respective County Lodges assembled in Mr . Parker ' s school-room , and after the performance of their mystic rites , a procession was formed in tlie following order : —
A Band of Music . High Constables . Constables with their staves . The Ladies and Gentlemen of the Commitee , two abreast . The Scholars of the National Sunday School . Girls and Boys , two abreast ^ very neatly attired , with their Teachers . The Boys of the Blue School , with their Teacher . Gentlemen ancl Inhabitants of the town , two abreast .
Amateur Band , playing a Masonic air . Visiting Brethren and King ' s Friends Lodge of Freemasons , in the following order : Two Tylers with drawn swords . Tlie Northwick Lodge , No . 620 . The Cestrian Lodge , No . 615 . The Over Lodge , 581 . The Sandbach Loclge , 479 . The Nantwich Lod 370 .
ge , In the Masonic procession were the various officers ofthe Lodges , decorated with their paraphernalia . Amongst whom were the Knights Templars ; Brethren ofthe Royal Arch ; Architect , with the plan ancl mallet ; Grand Provincial Deacons ; -Grand Provincial Secretary , with the Book of Constitution on a cushion ; Provincial Grand Treasurer ; Provincial Grand Chaplain ; Provincial Grand AVarden , with the level ; Provincial Grand Junior Warden , with the plumb ; Volume of tlie
Sacred Law , Square , and Compasses , on a crimson velvet cushion ; Provincial Grancl Sword Bearer ; Right AVorshipful the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , with golden square and trowel ; Brethren of the Provincial Lodge ; Provincial Grancl Tyler , with drawn sword .
" Silent thev moved , a well-appointed throng . Chief urging chief , man driving man along . " The procession moved in this order through the AVelsh Row , Swine Market , and Beam Street , to the site of the intended building , where the procession was arranged within an inclosed space , the Masons forming a right angle -near the corner stone , ancl the assembled multitude sang the following ode , appointed for the occasion . To heaven's High Architect all praise .
All praise , all gratitude be given , Who deign'd the human soul to raise . By mystic secrets sprung from heaven . cuonuK . Sound aloud the great Jehovah's praise , To him the dome , the temple raise .