Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 23 of 44 →
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in full Masonic orders , in consequence of which there was a vast influx of visitors from all parts of the country . At a little before 9 o ' clock in the morning , one of the Birmingliam coaches , containing a number of the Brethren of Guy ' s Lodge , Leamington , arrived at the Ram Inn . It was driven post , by two of the postillions from Mr . Copps ' , the Royal Hotel , Leamington ; and on the coach we observed Colonel Count Casimir OborskiMajor Joseph SwiencickiNLTorre ( Deputy
, , . . , Grand Master , county of AVarwick , ) Charles Loudon , Esq ., M . D ., Major Hawkes , Master of Guy ' s Lodge , A . Hawkes , Esq ., and Messrs . AV . AA atkin , AV . Lloyd , J . A . Squiers , W . Adams , and T . Hewett . At half-past 11 o ' clock the Brethren formed a procession at the Ram , and proceeded from thence to all Saints' Church . Among the other Brethren were , the Hon . Arthur Trevor , ALP ., T . Brutton , Esq . P . G . T . for StaffordshireTRogersEsqof AA atford Lodand ARobertson
, . , . ge , . , Esq . M . D . . The procession went to church in the regulated order . The Mayor , C . Freeman , Esq ., accompanied by all the members of tbe Corporation , with the exception of one or two , attended divine service , and entered the church just before the Masonic Brethren . The seats adjoining those belonging to the Corporation , on the north-west side of the church , were occupied by the latter body , who went to the church in their full orders—the whole of the Brethren having their
regalia with them . At a quarter before twelve the Rev . AV . AVales , the Vicar of All Saints , commenced reading prayers , after whicli an excellent sermon was preached by the Hon . and Rev . Henry AAratson , of Rockingham Castle , from the 4 th ch . of St . Mark , and the Oth verse . The church was crowded in every part , and there was , after the service ,
a collection , the receipts arising from which amounted to exactly 80 / ., more than double any of the previous annual collections . The plates were held at the inner door by Lady Isham and Miss Wake , who were supported by the Right Hon . the Earl Spencer , the Rev . Sir George Robinson , Bart ., and the Hon . Arthur Trevor , M . P . The plates at the outer doorwere held by Edward Bouverie , Esq ., and by one of the Masonic Brethren , Brother Brutton .
After the sermon was concluded , the members of the Corporation , accompanied by the whole of the police force , who were , for the first time , dressed in their regimentals , which are similar to those of the new police of London , proceeded to the George Hotel , where they partook of a cold collation . The Masonic Brethren also went to the George , and upwards of 50 ladies and gentlemen , with Earl Spencer at the head of the tablepartook of an excellent cold collationin the long and
, , splendid dining room . Shortly before three o ' clock the processions were marshalled in front of the George Hotel , and proceeded to walk down to the field , which is upwards of half a mile from Northampton , on the Billing road . The whole of the houses on either side of the line of streets through which the procession moved , presented the most animated appearance , every window being crowded with as or more than as as could
many , many , persons conveniently see out of them . Every place , in fact , where there was a possibility of seeing the procession , was occupied . It was at first intended that the public should pay a shilling each fer admission to the ground where the ceremony was to take place , and bills were issued , announcing that tickets might be had at the George Hotel . The moment , however , that the Mayor heard of it , he recommended that the scheme should be abandoned ; and , we understand , that
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in full Masonic orders , in consequence of which there was a vast influx of visitors from all parts of the country . At a little before 9 o ' clock in the morning , one of the Birmingliam coaches , containing a number of the Brethren of Guy ' s Lodge , Leamington , arrived at the Ram Inn . It was driven post , by two of the postillions from Mr . Copps ' , the Royal Hotel , Leamington ; and on the coach we observed Colonel Count Casimir OborskiMajor Joseph SwiencickiNLTorre ( Deputy
, , . . , Grand Master , county of AVarwick , ) Charles Loudon , Esq ., M . D ., Major Hawkes , Master of Guy ' s Lodge , A . Hawkes , Esq ., and Messrs . AV . AA atkin , AV . Lloyd , J . A . Squiers , W . Adams , and T . Hewett . At half-past 11 o ' clock the Brethren formed a procession at the Ram , and proceeded from thence to all Saints' Church . Among the other Brethren were , the Hon . Arthur Trevor , ALP ., T . Brutton , Esq . P . G . T . for StaffordshireTRogersEsqof AA atford Lodand ARobertson
, . , . ge , . , Esq . M . D . . The procession went to church in the regulated order . The Mayor , C . Freeman , Esq ., accompanied by all the members of tbe Corporation , with the exception of one or two , attended divine service , and entered the church just before the Masonic Brethren . The seats adjoining those belonging to the Corporation , on the north-west side of the church , were occupied by the latter body , who went to the church in their full orders—the whole of the Brethren having their
regalia with them . At a quarter before twelve the Rev . AV . AVales , the Vicar of All Saints , commenced reading prayers , after whicli an excellent sermon was preached by the Hon . and Rev . Henry AAratson , of Rockingham Castle , from the 4 th ch . of St . Mark , and the Oth verse . The church was crowded in every part , and there was , after the service ,
a collection , the receipts arising from which amounted to exactly 80 / ., more than double any of the previous annual collections . The plates were held at the inner door by Lady Isham and Miss Wake , who were supported by the Right Hon . the Earl Spencer , the Rev . Sir George Robinson , Bart ., and the Hon . Arthur Trevor , M . P . The plates at the outer doorwere held by Edward Bouverie , Esq ., and by one of the Masonic Brethren , Brother Brutton .
After the sermon was concluded , the members of the Corporation , accompanied by the whole of the police force , who were , for the first time , dressed in their regimentals , which are similar to those of the new police of London , proceeded to the George Hotel , where they partook of a cold collation . The Masonic Brethren also went to the George , and upwards of 50 ladies and gentlemen , with Earl Spencer at the head of the tablepartook of an excellent cold collationin the long and
, , splendid dining room . Shortly before three o ' clock the processions were marshalled in front of the George Hotel , and proceeded to walk down to the field , which is upwards of half a mile from Northampton , on the Billing road . The whole of the houses on either side of the line of streets through which the procession moved , presented the most animated appearance , every window being crowded with as or more than as as could
many , many , persons conveniently see out of them . Every place , in fact , where there was a possibility of seeing the procession , was occupied . It was at first intended that the public should pay a shilling each fer admission to the ground where the ceremony was to take place , and bills were issued , announcing that tickets might be had at the George Hotel . The moment , however , that the Mayor heard of it , he recommended that the scheme should be abandoned ; and , we understand , that