Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 21 of 44 →
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that ancient and moral order , at the same time that they strongly evince the affectionate and fraternal regard peculiar to the Craft for their Brother in affliction , we have great pleasure in giving them publicity : — [ COPY . ] To C . K . K . TYNTE , ESQ . " RIGHT WORSHIPFUL PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTERPROVINCE OF
, SOMERSET . "Bath , May 9 th , 1836 . " RIGHT AA ' ORSHIPFUL SIR , — " The AA'brshipful Masters , Officers , and Brethren of the Lodges in this city , always sincerely interested in every thing which may affect your peace or happiness , have heard with a deep concern , commensurate with the fraternal affection they bear youof the melancholy event
, ivhich has recently occurred in your family , and ivould willingly , at the moment they are participating in your grief , offer such condolence as might be consistent ancl acceptable , under a bereavement , which , a reliance on the goodness , and humble submission to the will of the great Disposer Of all human events , can only effectually accomplish .
" Aknowledge that these sentiments are deeply impressed on yourmind , leads us to hope such a measure of His mercy may be extended to you , as will enable you to bear , with fortitude and resignation , this severe visitation ; and reflection on the exemplary life and exalted virtues of the amiable partner , whom it has pleased the Almighty to release from great suffering , and call to peace and happiness , in the mansions of bliss , prepared for the righteous , in His everlasting kingdom , cannot fail to
produce meditations which will be a solace to your heart . ' " The prayers of your affectionate Brethren are sincerely offered that this firm foundation of comfort , this rich consolation , may be yours . "And when it shall please the Supreme Grand Architect of the Universe to summon any of us from this transitory life , may we able to sayour piety , like hers , has been silent in its exercises , and secret in its springs—powerfully influencing our life and conversation ,
communicating comfort to all around us—that we have imitated her exemplary discharge of all the relative duties of life , by a devotion to God , evinced by a holy resignation to His will—and an entire reliance on His promises .
" May we have lived as she lived , and died as she died—that we may partake , with her , that 'fulness of joy , and those pleasures for evermore , which are at the right hand of God . ' " AA-ith the warmest feelings of fraternal regard , we have the honour to subscribe ourselves , ancl on behalf of all the Members of our respective Lodges . " Your devoted Brethren ,
CHAS . MADDISON . R . AV . Dep . P . G . M . THOMAS HULLEY , AV . M . Royal Cumberland Lodge . JOHN CORNEY , W . M . Royal Sussex Loclge . AUGUSTUS GRAFTON , AV . M . Loclge of Honour . " " Halswell , June , 1836 . "MY DEAR MADDISON , —I have had the honour of receiving an address of condolence from my Brethren of the Lodges at Bath , on the late heavy bereavement with which it has pleased God to visit myself and family—an address full of the most genuine feelings and principles of Freemasonry , as well as of personal friendship and mutual regard .
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that ancient and moral order , at the same time that they strongly evince the affectionate and fraternal regard peculiar to the Craft for their Brother in affliction , we have great pleasure in giving them publicity : — [ COPY . ] To C . K . K . TYNTE , ESQ . " RIGHT WORSHIPFUL PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTERPROVINCE OF
, SOMERSET . "Bath , May 9 th , 1836 . " RIGHT AA ' ORSHIPFUL SIR , — " The AA'brshipful Masters , Officers , and Brethren of the Lodges in this city , always sincerely interested in every thing which may affect your peace or happiness , have heard with a deep concern , commensurate with the fraternal affection they bear youof the melancholy event
, ivhich has recently occurred in your family , and ivould willingly , at the moment they are participating in your grief , offer such condolence as might be consistent ancl acceptable , under a bereavement , which , a reliance on the goodness , and humble submission to the will of the great Disposer Of all human events , can only effectually accomplish .
" Aknowledge that these sentiments are deeply impressed on yourmind , leads us to hope such a measure of His mercy may be extended to you , as will enable you to bear , with fortitude and resignation , this severe visitation ; and reflection on the exemplary life and exalted virtues of the amiable partner , whom it has pleased the Almighty to release from great suffering , and call to peace and happiness , in the mansions of bliss , prepared for the righteous , in His everlasting kingdom , cannot fail to
produce meditations which will be a solace to your heart . ' " The prayers of your affectionate Brethren are sincerely offered that this firm foundation of comfort , this rich consolation , may be yours . "And when it shall please the Supreme Grand Architect of the Universe to summon any of us from this transitory life , may we able to sayour piety , like hers , has been silent in its exercises , and secret in its springs—powerfully influencing our life and conversation ,
communicating comfort to all around us—that we have imitated her exemplary discharge of all the relative duties of life , by a devotion to God , evinced by a holy resignation to His will—and an entire reliance on His promises .
" May we have lived as she lived , and died as she died—that we may partake , with her , that 'fulness of joy , and those pleasures for evermore , which are at the right hand of God . ' " AA-ith the warmest feelings of fraternal regard , we have the honour to subscribe ourselves , ancl on behalf of all the Members of our respective Lodges . " Your devoted Brethren ,
CHAS . MADDISON . R . AV . Dep . P . G . M . THOMAS HULLEY , AV . M . Royal Cumberland Lodge . JOHN CORNEY , W . M . Royal Sussex Loclge . AUGUSTUS GRAFTON , AV . M . Loclge of Honour . " " Halswell , June , 1836 . "MY DEAR MADDISON , —I have had the honour of receiving an address of condolence from my Brethren of the Lodges at Bath , on the late heavy bereavement with which it has pleased God to visit myself and family—an address full of the most genuine feelings and principles of Freemasonry , as well as of personal friendship and mutual regard .