Article THE PRESENT ASPECT. ← Page 8 of 8
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The Present Aspect.
particular lodges . It is only fair to remark that ., under circumstances till lately altered , some credit is due to the Grand Officers for having displayed a regularity in their attendance in Grand Lodge ; they thereby averted the mildew which the apathy of the many aided the approach
of . W hy this apathy continued so long it is not our business now to inquire ; inasmuch as a more pleasing prospect is before us . Our present object—we may say , business —• is to state , that as we have upon all occasions expressed ourselves with firmness , when it was considered unusual , if
not intrusive , even to offer an opinion ; so now that the tide has somewhat turned , it is equally our duty and inclination to disclaim intentional disrespect . It is impossible for the most unobservant or incredulous not to perceive and mark—that is , if he has eyes and earsthat there exists a stirring disposition amongst the Fraternity
to think and to examine * . thus it should be;—it is better that spirit and intelligence should regulate order , than that a state of things should merely endure , as it were , by a kind of sufferance , because well-meaning persons had become indifferent to the welfare of the Craft . There are probably
many who may question the prudence of our position ; but will any deny its justice . It is not beyond the character of a Freemason to inquire into any matter which concerns the minutiae of the constitution ; shall a glance at the " SPIRIT-MIND" which rules the Order , and all that is
valuable to him as a Member of it , be considered offensive ? We dare to reply , No ; for in such case reasoning becomes useless , and discussion a farce ; when experience is prevented from attracting the attention to which it is honestl y entitled . Let truth be but heard , and our wishes known
by the unbounded confidence we place in our Masonic Ruler , which unites a justly-earned popularity with universal regard .
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The Present Aspect.
particular lodges . It is only fair to remark that ., under circumstances till lately altered , some credit is due to the Grand Officers for having displayed a regularity in their attendance in Grand Lodge ; they thereby averted the mildew which the apathy of the many aided the approach
of . W hy this apathy continued so long it is not our business now to inquire ; inasmuch as a more pleasing prospect is before us . Our present object—we may say , business —• is to state , that as we have upon all occasions expressed ourselves with firmness , when it was considered unusual , if
not intrusive , even to offer an opinion ; so now that the tide has somewhat turned , it is equally our duty and inclination to disclaim intentional disrespect . It is impossible for the most unobservant or incredulous not to perceive and mark—that is , if he has eyes and earsthat there exists a stirring disposition amongst the Fraternity
to think and to examine * . thus it should be;—it is better that spirit and intelligence should regulate order , than that a state of things should merely endure , as it were , by a kind of sufferance , because well-meaning persons had become indifferent to the welfare of the Craft . There are probably
many who may question the prudence of our position ; but will any deny its justice . It is not beyond the character of a Freemason to inquire into any matter which concerns the minutiae of the constitution ; shall a glance at the " SPIRIT-MIND" which rules the Order , and all that is
valuable to him as a Member of it , be considered offensive ? We dare to reply , No ; for in such case reasoning becomes useless , and discussion a farce ; when experience is prevented from attracting the attention to which it is honestl y entitled . Let truth be but heard , and our wishes known
by the unbounded confidence we place in our Masonic Ruler , which unites a justly-earned popularity with universal regard .