Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 16 of 19 →
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the lodge , and the respect of the Masonic Body out of it . Of bis munificence and charity , we need but allude to his donation of fifty guineas , at the last festival of tbe Girls' School , to which he was before a Life Governor , to prove lhat he has a Masonic heart ! Every officer appointed promised attention to his duties , and will fulfil them .
LODGE OF JOPPA , No . 223 . —A grand Masonic Ball , under the patronage of several of tbe men-bers of the above Lodge , took place on Thursday Evening , January 31 , at Lazarus' Assembly Rooms , 38 , Mansell Street , Goodman ' s Fields , ivhich was most respectably but not very numerously attended , arising from ill-health and bereavements of several of the relatives of the Brethren and those ladies who intended ¦ honourinthe ball with their presence * indeed we heartily wished that
g , double the number hacl been present , for it was a well conducted and elegant reunion , and quite a novel and interesting sight . The Brethren , appearing iu their varied jewels and decorations of their respective orders and offices , formed a brilliant scene , added to which the graceful appearanceof the ladies , the admirable band , and polite attention of Bro . Maurice Davis as M . C . greatly enhanced the hilarity of the evening-. The refreshments were of the first quality and in abundance . After tbe
first part of the programme was concluded , the whole of the company were ushered into the supper-room , the tables of which were covered most profusely with every thing that could be desired , which at once establishes the worthy host ( Mr . Lazarus ) as a liberal caterer .
JORDAN LODGE , NO . 237 . —The annual Festival of this Lodare was held at the Georg'e and Vulture Tavern , Cornhill , on Thursday , the 10 th of January , when Bro . James Scamblen was installed in the Chair , AV . M . b y Bro , " F . H . Patten , G . S . B ., P . M ., and father of the Lodge ; we need not say how admirably that interesting ceremony was accomplished , when so excellent a P . M . had to perform the duty . There being no business before the locl when ihe Installation was comletedthe
ge , p , AV . M . went through the ceremony of Initiation , for practice and instruction , and to prove to the members how competent he was for tbe office , he had been so unanimously elected to fill . This is one of those retiringlodges " u hich does good by stealth , ancl would blush to find it named ;" a lodge , never wanting when " Charity " is the theme ; then it is foremost in the field . It supports all the Charitable Institutions of the Craft ; it is principally indebted to Bros . Patten ancl Jacklin for its
continued prosperity ; and it is praiseworthy in them that they have never missed attending * the duties of the lodge since they were initiated into it , twenty-five years ago . The Senior and Junior AA'arden , Treasurer , and Secretary , & c . & c , were all appointed and invested , and tbe ivhole business of the day was concluded in social love anil harmony .
EKULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT No . 318 . —At a meeting of the iibove lodge , held at tbe F ' reemasons'Tavern , March 1 , 1850 , it ivas proposed by Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson , Past Treasurer , seconded by Bro . John Savage , Past Treasurer , and resolved unanimously , "That in consequence of the demise of the late Bro . Robert Thomas Crucifix , P . J . G . D ., the Brethren of this Loclge , do take the earliest opportunity of expressing their deep sympathy and heartfelt sorrow
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the lodge , and the respect of the Masonic Body out of it . Of bis munificence and charity , we need but allude to his donation of fifty guineas , at the last festival of tbe Girls' School , to which he was before a Life Governor , to prove lhat he has a Masonic heart ! Every officer appointed promised attention to his duties , and will fulfil them .
LODGE OF JOPPA , No . 223 . —A grand Masonic Ball , under the patronage of several of tbe men-bers of the above Lodge , took place on Thursday Evening , January 31 , at Lazarus' Assembly Rooms , 38 , Mansell Street , Goodman ' s Fields , ivhich was most respectably but not very numerously attended , arising from ill-health and bereavements of several of the relatives of the Brethren and those ladies who intended ¦ honourinthe ball with their presence * indeed we heartily wished that
g , double the number hacl been present , for it was a well conducted and elegant reunion , and quite a novel and interesting sight . The Brethren , appearing iu their varied jewels and decorations of their respective orders and offices , formed a brilliant scene , added to which the graceful appearanceof the ladies , the admirable band , and polite attention of Bro . Maurice Davis as M . C . greatly enhanced the hilarity of the evening-. The refreshments were of the first quality and in abundance . After tbe
first part of the programme was concluded , the whole of the company were ushered into the supper-room , the tables of which were covered most profusely with every thing that could be desired , which at once establishes the worthy host ( Mr . Lazarus ) as a liberal caterer .
JORDAN LODGE , NO . 237 . —The annual Festival of this Lodare was held at the Georg'e and Vulture Tavern , Cornhill , on Thursday , the 10 th of January , when Bro . James Scamblen was installed in the Chair , AV . M . b y Bro , " F . H . Patten , G . S . B ., P . M ., and father of the Lodge ; we need not say how admirably that interesting ceremony was accomplished , when so excellent a P . M . had to perform the duty . There being no business before the locl when ihe Installation was comletedthe
ge , p , AV . M . went through the ceremony of Initiation , for practice and instruction , and to prove to the members how competent he was for tbe office , he had been so unanimously elected to fill . This is one of those retiringlodges " u hich does good by stealth , ancl would blush to find it named ;" a lodge , never wanting when " Charity " is the theme ; then it is foremost in the field . It supports all the Charitable Institutions of the Craft ; it is principally indebted to Bros . Patten ancl Jacklin for its
continued prosperity ; and it is praiseworthy in them that they have never missed attending * the duties of the lodge since they were initiated into it , twenty-five years ago . The Senior and Junior AA'arden , Treasurer , and Secretary , & c . & c , were all appointed and invested , and tbe ivhole business of the day was concluded in social love anil harmony .
EKULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT No . 318 . —At a meeting of the iibove lodge , held at tbe F ' reemasons'Tavern , March 1 , 1850 , it ivas proposed by Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson , Past Treasurer , seconded by Bro . John Savage , Past Treasurer , and resolved unanimously , "That in consequence of the demise of the late Bro . Robert Thomas Crucifix , P . J . G . D ., the Brethren of this Loclge , do take the earliest opportunity of expressing their deep sympathy and heartfelt sorrow