Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 12 of 19 →
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. " That each Joining Member shall , in addition to the Joining-fee , pay tho sum of 2 s . " That each Subscribing Member shall , in addition to his Annual Subscription , pay the stun of 3 s . ; such sums to be placed to the credit of the Charity Fund of the Lodge . "That any decayed Brother who has been a Subscribing Member to this lodge , or his widow , applying for relief , shall , if his petition be approved by a majority of Members present , be assisted out of the said fund .
" That , when the amount shall have reached the sunt of lilt ., a sufficient sum shall be paid to the Worshipful Master , to make him a Life Governor of one of the several Charities , if he will undertake to serve the oiiice of Steward for the lotlge ; hut , if he shall prefer not serving the Stewardship proposed , the same shall he allowed to one of the Past Masters or Officers , according to seniority , who may he willing to serve . " That out of the said fund , tlie lodge itself , at the earliest convenience , shall be made a Donator to the Charities , to such an extent as will make the Worshipful Master , for the time being , a Governor for a stated period , or for life , as shall be agreed . "
Bro . NEWSOM having g iven notice at the preceding meeting tint he should propose the above resolutions , r -se and said : — " Worshi pful Master and Brethren , —As most , if not all , tbe members now present are ( it may fairly be presumed ) in full possession of the several points of the motion of which I gave notice at our last meeting , respecting the institution of a charity fund , having for its object a more extended scope of usefulness , its merits alone remain lo be
considered , and theyaresueh as every Mason must admit to be suggestive of the practical tendency of Masonry , to develop the most generous impulses of the human heart— ' Brotherly love , relief and truth . ' That I anticipate with an almost niidoubting- confidence your candid attention and support , as well as your final concurrence in my conviction of its consequence to the best ancl most lasting interests of our ancient and honourable institutionis as certain as that I feel
, there are many present who could more ably ( though not more assiduously ) advocate its interests amongst us . To confine the few remarks I am about to advance within as concise a compass as possible , I shall at once beg to call your attention to a few of the more obvious reasons we have for its adoption The first , I need hardl y say , is the fact of iis embracing a moral obligation to which we all subscribe at our initiation , and which as
consistent , moral beings we are bound to act up to as far as in us lies . The three pillars of our temple , ' Faith , Hope and Charity , the greatest of ivhich is Charity , ' I contend , should lose by our practice none of their 'fair proportions , ' either amongst ourselves or in the opinion of the uninitiated world ( who can alone judge of us by our acts ) , and who are willing , whatever may be their cavils and objections on other points , to give us credit for our brotherly love and charity .
But I fear , that with some little truth , it may be said ive are feasting ou our reputation for virtues , ivhich less through the absence of benevol- nee than from want of mental energy , we are causing- to grow ' fine by degrees and beautifully less . ' The most simple calculation of our present annual resources , and almost tbe only object to which they are t ' ev -ted , will suffice to convince you thai it is no straining of the point to say as much as this ; for , VOL . I . ill
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. " That each Joining Member shall , in addition to the Joining-fee , pay tho sum of 2 s . " That each Subscribing Member shall , in addition to his Annual Subscription , pay the stun of 3 s . ; such sums to be placed to the credit of the Charity Fund of the Lodge . "That any decayed Brother who has been a Subscribing Member to this lodge , or his widow , applying for relief , shall , if his petition be approved by a majority of Members present , be assisted out of the said fund .
" That , when the amount shall have reached the sunt of lilt ., a sufficient sum shall be paid to the Worshipful Master , to make him a Life Governor of one of the several Charities , if he will undertake to serve the oiiice of Steward for the lotlge ; hut , if he shall prefer not serving the Stewardship proposed , the same shall he allowed to one of the Past Masters or Officers , according to seniority , who may he willing to serve . " That out of the said fund , tlie lodge itself , at the earliest convenience , shall be made a Donator to the Charities , to such an extent as will make the Worshipful Master , for the time being , a Governor for a stated period , or for life , as shall be agreed . "
Bro . NEWSOM having g iven notice at the preceding meeting tint he should propose the above resolutions , r -se and said : — " Worshi pful Master and Brethren , —As most , if not all , tbe members now present are ( it may fairly be presumed ) in full possession of the several points of the motion of which I gave notice at our last meeting , respecting the institution of a charity fund , having for its object a more extended scope of usefulness , its merits alone remain lo be
considered , and theyaresueh as every Mason must admit to be suggestive of the practical tendency of Masonry , to develop the most generous impulses of the human heart— ' Brotherly love , relief and truth . ' That I anticipate with an almost niidoubting- confidence your candid attention and support , as well as your final concurrence in my conviction of its consequence to the best ancl most lasting interests of our ancient and honourable institutionis as certain as that I feel
, there are many present who could more ably ( though not more assiduously ) advocate its interests amongst us . To confine the few remarks I am about to advance within as concise a compass as possible , I shall at once beg to call your attention to a few of the more obvious reasons we have for its adoption The first , I need hardl y say , is the fact of iis embracing a moral obligation to which we all subscribe at our initiation , and which as
consistent , moral beings we are bound to act up to as far as in us lies . The three pillars of our temple , ' Faith , Hope and Charity , the greatest of ivhich is Charity , ' I contend , should lose by our practice none of their 'fair proportions , ' either amongst ourselves or in the opinion of the uninitiated world ( who can alone judge of us by our acts ) , and who are willing , whatever may be their cavils and objections on other points , to give us credit for our brotherly love and charity .
But I fear , that with some little truth , it may be said ive are feasting ou our reputation for virtues , ivhich less through the absence of benevol- nee than from want of mental energy , we are causing- to grow ' fine by degrees and beautifully less . ' The most simple calculation of our present annual resources , and almost tbe only object to which they are t ' ev -ted , will suffice to convince you thai it is no straining of the point to say as much as this ; for , VOL . I . ill