Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 8 of 19 →
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within its own Iwisom a Lodge of Instruction , which meets ivvtUly for improvement ; this necessarily induces great , perfection in its workirg ; but it is no less celebrated for the great end , the powerful support of our Charitable Institutions , and for maintaining in full form those landmarks of the Order , which it endeavours to stimulate by its own ¦ example , and for the hospitable and good feelhijj * for which at all times it is a noble example . The present W . M . Brother Fourdrinier
, , is too well known to the Metropolitan Craft to require any eulogy from us ; we know his zeal , are aware of his Masonic talent , are conscious of his great ability as Auditor of the Boy ' s School , ancl most desirous of bearing testimony to his merits as a working Mason , and one of whom even the Lodge of Antiquity , may be proud as its W . M . during the present year . We ivere delighted at bearing , that , a near relation of that great and g-ood man and Mason , the Rig ht W . Bro . B .
Bond Cabbell , himself' a Life Governor , Treasurer , and large Contributor not only to the Masonic Charities , but to all the Charities , having the amelioration of the sufferings of mankind or the forwarding their happiness in view , was initiated at the last meeting of this g-reat and influential loclge . May he endeavour to tread in the steps of his munificent and benevolent relation , and thus not only to gain but sustain the respect and admiration of mankind !
LODGE OF FIDELITY , No . 3 . —February 3—After more than usual business , Bro . John Wells , VV . M . Elect , was this day installed W . M . of-this eminent and respected Judge , in ivhich there hacl been two initiations and two raisings before the c romony of installation hacl commenced . We understand the work was so perfectly performed , as to occasion us regret at not witnessing it ; tbis lodge always as respectable in numbers as it is high in numerical order in the Craft , continues to
increase , and we hope at some future time , to have opportunities of testifying more fully to its merits , than we are at this moment enabled to do . We believe there are four propositions for initiation at ihe next meeting * , and tbe names and station in life of the expected applicants for admission to the Order , are such as any lodge mig ht covet . Bro . Kirk , was appointed and invested ir . W . ; E . Williams , J . W . ; Heath , i ,. D . ; Peck , J . D . ; Scott , I . G .
ST . GEORGE AND CORNER-STONE , No . 5 , Bro . Cbinnery , W . M . —• All hail , St . George ! All hail , old Corner-Stoiio!—once the lodge of Bott , and Burke , and Read , of former times ; and many other names that rest iu our recollection . Pages mi ght bo written of this noble Community of Freemasons , interesting to the Fraternity ; but we have to plead want of time ancl space . We look to this as one of the "leading lodges in the Craft : " it is always ready in the cause of
charity . The present W . M . has to follow a large amount of talent , « hich , we know he is capable of emulating . To find his name amongst the list of Stewards for the ensuing- Festival of the Girls' School , is but to meet with a repetition of that desire for the welfare of this , and every other Charity . We have not been favoured with the names of the Officers of tbe Lodge ; but have no doubt but they have been selected so as to secure its permanent prosperity . LODGE OF FRIENDSHIP , NO . ( y . —We almost fear that many of our Brethren will think we should have acted wisely , under present cir-
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within its own Iwisom a Lodge of Instruction , which meets ivvtUly for improvement ; this necessarily induces great , perfection in its workirg ; but it is no less celebrated for the great end , the powerful support of our Charitable Institutions , and for maintaining in full form those landmarks of the Order , which it endeavours to stimulate by its own ¦ example , and for the hospitable and good feelhijj * for which at all times it is a noble example . The present W . M . Brother Fourdrinier
, , is too well known to the Metropolitan Craft to require any eulogy from us ; we know his zeal , are aware of his Masonic talent , are conscious of his great ability as Auditor of the Boy ' s School , ancl most desirous of bearing testimony to his merits as a working Mason , and one of whom even the Lodge of Antiquity , may be proud as its W . M . during the present year . We ivere delighted at bearing , that , a near relation of that great and g-ood man and Mason , the Rig ht W . Bro . B .
Bond Cabbell , himself' a Life Governor , Treasurer , and large Contributor not only to the Masonic Charities , but to all the Charities , having the amelioration of the sufferings of mankind or the forwarding their happiness in view , was initiated at the last meeting of this g-reat and influential loclge . May he endeavour to tread in the steps of his munificent and benevolent relation , and thus not only to gain but sustain the respect and admiration of mankind !
LODGE OF FIDELITY , No . 3 . —February 3—After more than usual business , Bro . John Wells , VV . M . Elect , was this day installed W . M . of-this eminent and respected Judge , in ivhich there hacl been two initiations and two raisings before the c romony of installation hacl commenced . We understand the work was so perfectly performed , as to occasion us regret at not witnessing it ; tbis lodge always as respectable in numbers as it is high in numerical order in the Craft , continues to
increase , and we hope at some future time , to have opportunities of testifying more fully to its merits , than we are at this moment enabled to do . We believe there are four propositions for initiation at ihe next meeting * , and tbe names and station in life of the expected applicants for admission to the Order , are such as any lodge mig ht covet . Bro . Kirk , was appointed and invested ir . W . ; E . Williams , J . W . ; Heath , i ,. D . ; Peck , J . D . ; Scott , I . G .
ST . GEORGE AND CORNER-STONE , No . 5 , Bro . Cbinnery , W . M . —• All hail , St . George ! All hail , old Corner-Stoiio!—once the lodge of Bott , and Burke , and Read , of former times ; and many other names that rest iu our recollection . Pages mi ght bo written of this noble Community of Freemasons , interesting to the Fraternity ; but we have to plead want of time ancl space . We look to this as one of the "leading lodges in the Craft : " it is always ready in the cause of
charity . The present W . M . has to follow a large amount of talent , « hich , we know he is capable of emulating . To find his name amongst the list of Stewards for the ensuing- Festival of the Girls' School , is but to meet with a repetition of that desire for the welfare of this , and every other Charity . We have not been favoured with the names of the Officers of tbe Lodge ; but have no doubt but they have been selected so as to secure its permanent prosperity . LODGE OF FRIENDSHIP , NO . ( y . —We almost fear that many of our Brethren will think we should have acted wisely , under present cir-