Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 4 of 19 →
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March 18 . —The third meeting was rendered peculiarl y interesting by a younger Brother of one of the most respected P . Masters being initiated . We think there are few things which speak more in favour of our noble and useful Order , than have been usually exhibited in the Grand Master ' s Lodge , that of fathers introducing their sons , andBi-elhren their brothers . It would seem to us to point out to the world , that Freemasonry has something- to admire in itwhich the uninitiated do
, not comprehend ; and should be a proof to them , that the proceedings of a Masonic Lodge are of a nature to induce the best feelings , ancl to excite the most approved conduct . It is , and we sny it fearlessly , a school for the young , where order and submission , propriety a : ; d moral conduct is more strictly enforced than in any other society wiibin our knowledge . It is that spot in the desert of the world , where all may meet and drink of the same Haters and be satisfied ; it is tbat
place from wliich envy , hatred , ancl malice , are , or should be banished ; it is that society which has religion for its base , morals for its superstructure , order for its pediments , and Charity for its apex . In a Masonic Lodge discord should not be found ( and from this lodg-e we aro enabled to say it has not entered ) , and where harmony , brotherly love , and friendshi p should find its most fitting home , 'the W . Master bad hard work to perforin —two Passings and one Initiation ; but he brought his well-stored mind to the subject , and performed the ceremonies in a manner so impressive , as to excite univerial admiration .
The Lodge was closed in due form and order , and the brethren ceased from labour and retired to refreshment . The cloth being removed and "Non ? - ' obis" sung , the W . Master proposed the ' Health of the Queen , " in the following- wends : —¦ " Brethren , I haie much p leasure in giving tbis toast , it is one that is and should be received in Masonic Lodges , and everywhere else , with enthusiasm . I thank Gocl we aro a loyal people ; and loyalty , I
am happy to say , exists in peculiar strength iu a Masonic Lodge ; and it should do so ; for although a republic in ourseLcs we have a bead , and that head we bow to with reverence . So , with our beloved Sovereign , we bow to her with affection , love , and loyalty ; and she deserves all our feelings . She deserves them , in that she is a constitutional monarch , for loving as she does her people . And then , too , we love her for herself , for that she is an attached wife , a loving mother—one who in her family is a pattern to her people , ancl on her throne a pattern to other monarchs . She deserves our love , and she
has it . Then , too , she is a Mason s daughter , a Masons niece , a descendant from a long line of illustrious ancestors ; and we love ancestry . Masonry boasts of its age , and may do so ; ancl monarchs may boast of their prog-en iters , if like the young and lovely lady upon the throne now they have studied their people's g'ood , and maintoined for them their lives ancl liberties . I give you , Brethren , " 1 he Queen , " and to make tbe toast , if possible , more honourable and more acccptible , I add to it " The Craft . " Brethren , " The Queen and ihe
Craft !" " God save the Queen , " was sung with great enthusiasm , and no less taste . The W . M . said , " My next toast is , ' The Right Hon . the Far ! of Zetland , M . W . G . M . ' Sow , Brethren , what have I to say to recommend that nobleman to your notice ? Shall I praise his amiability , his VOL . t . L
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March 18 . —The third meeting was rendered peculiarl y interesting by a younger Brother of one of the most respected P . Masters being initiated . We think there are few things which speak more in favour of our noble and useful Order , than have been usually exhibited in the Grand Master ' s Lodge , that of fathers introducing their sons , andBi-elhren their brothers . It would seem to us to point out to the world , that Freemasonry has something- to admire in itwhich the uninitiated do
, not comprehend ; and should be a proof to them , that the proceedings of a Masonic Lodge are of a nature to induce the best feelings , ancl to excite the most approved conduct . It is , and we sny it fearlessly , a school for the young , where order and submission , propriety a : ; d moral conduct is more strictly enforced than in any other society wiibin our knowledge . It is that spot in the desert of the world , where all may meet and drink of the same Haters and be satisfied ; it is tbat
place from wliich envy , hatred , ancl malice , are , or should be banished ; it is that society which has religion for its base , morals for its superstructure , order for its pediments , and Charity for its apex . In a Masonic Lodge discord should not be found ( and from this lodg-e we aro enabled to say it has not entered ) , and where harmony , brotherly love , and friendshi p should find its most fitting home , 'the W . Master bad hard work to perforin —two Passings and one Initiation ; but he brought his well-stored mind to the subject , and performed the ceremonies in a manner so impressive , as to excite univerial admiration .
The Lodge was closed in due form and order , and the brethren ceased from labour and retired to refreshment . The cloth being removed and "Non ? - ' obis" sung , the W . Master proposed the ' Health of the Queen , " in the following- wends : —¦ " Brethren , I haie much p leasure in giving tbis toast , it is one that is and should be received in Masonic Lodges , and everywhere else , with enthusiasm . I thank Gocl we aro a loyal people ; and loyalty , I
am happy to say , exists in peculiar strength iu a Masonic Lodge ; and it should do so ; for although a republic in ourseLcs we have a bead , and that head we bow to with reverence . So , with our beloved Sovereign , we bow to her with affection , love , and loyalty ; and she deserves all our feelings . She deserves them , in that she is a constitutional monarch , for loving as she does her people . And then , too , we love her for herself , for that she is an attached wife , a loving mother—one who in her family is a pattern to her people , ancl on her throne a pattern to other monarchs . She deserves our love , and she
has it . Then , too , she is a Mason s daughter , a Masons niece , a descendant from a long line of illustrious ancestors ; and we love ancestry . Masonry boasts of its age , and may do so ; ancl monarchs may boast of their prog-en iters , if like the young and lovely lady upon the throne now they have studied their people's g'ood , and maintoined for them their lives ancl liberties . I give you , Brethren , " 1 he Queen , " and to make tbe toast , if possible , more honourable and more acccptible , I add to it " The Craft . " Brethren , " The Queen and ihe
Craft !" " God save the Queen , " was sung with great enthusiasm , and no less taste . The W . M . said , " My next toast is , ' The Right Hon . the Far ! of Zetland , M . W . G . M . ' Sow , Brethren , what have I to say to recommend that nobleman to your notice ? Shall I praise his amiability , his VOL . t . L