Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 19 →
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as much deserves our praise for his truly Masonic conduct as our admiration for his professional skill . It is indeed a delight to us to witness the working of this very admirable lodge ; it vies not only with others , but with itself in every object of charity , hospitality , and fraternal affection . 'Ihe Past Masters , are constant in their attention , aud zealous , not only in the discharge of their own duties but in their anxiety that the lodge should not deteriorate in numbers
, respectability , or working . ' J he duties of tbe lodge , which were performed as . the duties ot No . 1 always are , having closed , the Brethren retired to refreshment , prepared in Bro . Bacon's best style . The W . Master proposed the toast of " Our most Gracious Queen , " " The M . W . G . Master , " aud " The D . G . M . " in a most elegant , loyal , and Masonic terms .
Bro . Marston , the immediate P . M ., rose to propose the next toast , ancl said , — " Brethren , it affords me the greatest g-ratification to offer you tbe next toast ; yon are too well acquainted with the duties and ceremonies of a Masonic Lodg-e , not to be aware of the object of my rising ; but you may not know bow anxiously I desire that some Brother , better skilled in such public speaking as is used in a lodge , had performed this leasing dutyone who could do more honour to its
p , merits ; none , however , can give it with greater sincerity , lor no one more admires and respects the VV . Master than I do ; but I am at least thus far fortunate , tbat I know the W . M . will not be lessened in your estimation , because I am unable to describe his excellencies , either to your or my own satisfaction . I am afraid , the only person who will be pleased will be the W . Master himself , who , much as he may , and , I hope doesrespect the eulogist yet deprecate the eulogy .
Bre-, , may . thren , I can do no better than leave the AV . Master in your hands ; you know his sentiments , and can appreciate them ; you know his zeal , and admire it . You are conscious of his labour and glory in it . Brethren , I give with g-reat delight , with true Masonic feeling , 'The W . Master !' " "
The W . M . expressed his thanks in the most glowing terms , and congratulated the Loclge on its continued prosperity . lie was happy to hear three Initiations announced in the Lodge , and a joining for the next Lodge ; and although he shrunk with fear from the performance of the heavy duties attached to his office , he ivould not hesitate in endeavouring to perform them . He begged to thank them for the honour they had done him in placing him once more in the chair ,
although he regretted the occasion for doing so ; he , however , hoped the respected P . S . W . would return to his native land and friends with renovated health and renewed energy . He could not conclude without proposing a toast , at all times acceptable to tbe Loclge— " The Visitors . " They were many ; and he hoped they had derived that satisfaction which they had calculated upon on entering the Lotlge . Bro . J . L . Evans , P . G . S . B ., returned thanks in . the most suitable
manner . "The Past Masters and the Officers , " was the last toast of the evening , which , having received due attention and respect , the party dispersed , after spending an apparently delightful evening The Lodge again assembled on the third Monday in February , when two gentlemen were initiated in the most admirable manner by the Rev . W . ? vj . ; this day , like the former , passed off in such form and order as other lodges might envy , and should copy .
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as much deserves our praise for his truly Masonic conduct as our admiration for his professional skill . It is indeed a delight to us to witness the working of this very admirable lodge ; it vies not only with others , but with itself in every object of charity , hospitality , and fraternal affection . 'Ihe Past Masters , are constant in their attention , aud zealous , not only in the discharge of their own duties but in their anxiety that the lodge should not deteriorate in numbers
, respectability , or working . ' J he duties of tbe lodge , which were performed as . the duties ot No . 1 always are , having closed , the Brethren retired to refreshment , prepared in Bro . Bacon's best style . The W . Master proposed the toast of " Our most Gracious Queen , " " The M . W . G . Master , " aud " The D . G . M . " in a most elegant , loyal , and Masonic terms .
Bro . Marston , the immediate P . M ., rose to propose the next toast , ancl said , — " Brethren , it affords me the greatest g-ratification to offer you tbe next toast ; yon are too well acquainted with the duties and ceremonies of a Masonic Lodg-e , not to be aware of the object of my rising ; but you may not know bow anxiously I desire that some Brother , better skilled in such public speaking as is used in a lodge , had performed this leasing dutyone who could do more honour to its
p , merits ; none , however , can give it with greater sincerity , lor no one more admires and respects the VV . Master than I do ; but I am at least thus far fortunate , tbat I know the W . M . will not be lessened in your estimation , because I am unable to describe his excellencies , either to your or my own satisfaction . I am afraid , the only person who will be pleased will be the W . Master himself , who , much as he may , and , I hope doesrespect the eulogist yet deprecate the eulogy .
Bre-, , may . thren , I can do no better than leave the AV . Master in your hands ; you know his sentiments , and can appreciate them ; you know his zeal , and admire it . You are conscious of his labour and glory in it . Brethren , I give with g-reat delight , with true Masonic feeling , 'The W . Master !' " "
The W . M . expressed his thanks in the most glowing terms , and congratulated the Loclge on its continued prosperity . lie was happy to hear three Initiations announced in the Lodge , and a joining for the next Lodge ; and although he shrunk with fear from the performance of the heavy duties attached to his office , he ivould not hesitate in endeavouring to perform them . He begged to thank them for the honour they had done him in placing him once more in the chair ,
although he regretted the occasion for doing so ; he , however , hoped the respected P . S . W . would return to his native land and friends with renovated health and renewed energy . He could not conclude without proposing a toast , at all times acceptable to tbe Loclge— " The Visitors . " They were many ; and he hoped they had derived that satisfaction which they had calculated upon on entering the Lotlge . Bro . J . L . Evans , P . G . S . B ., returned thanks in . the most suitable
manner . "The Past Masters and the Officers , " was the last toast of the evening , which , having received due attention and respect , the party dispersed , after spending an apparently delightful evening The Lodge again assembled on the third Monday in February , when two gentlemen were initiated in the most admirable manner by the Rev . W . ? vj . ; this day , like the former , passed off in such form and order as other lodges might envy , and should copy .