Article GLASGOW MASONICS. ← Page 12 of 12
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Glasgow Masonics.
subject of so much importance , and their principles so widely diffused , that little need be said by him upon a toast so universally appreciated , and so well known to all . They appeal to the imagination , awaken a sense of tbe beautiful , and tend towards the perfection of judgment , on everything within their sphere , imparting even to matters of utility beauty of form and harmony of colour ; they blend and mix with the daily wants of lifeand even enter into the
, transfer of commercial wealth ; great names are assoe . ialed with them ; and the greatest ( because the most peaceable ) of mankind have designed and directed them . England , or I should rather say Great Britain , with its mighty spirit , now nobly takes up her position as patron , promoter , and extender of the arts of Peace , bringing comfort and happiness to millions of the human race , and spreading over the civilised world the Masonic bond , which emanated from
heaven , of 'Peace on earth ancl good-will towards men . ' Art has made rapid and powerful strides within the last few years , realising new conceptions of artistic beauty and showing- increased combination of ornament with utility . Go into the cottages of the poor or of the humbler classes , and you will there find a desire for the correct princi ples of Art , even in their bumble adornment 1 Look to tbe comfortable homes of the middle classes—comfortable through tbe
gene ral taste for and cultivation of Art , and you will observe much that is pure in taste and beautiful in composition , from the pictures on the walls to the most minute article of domestic economy . Bro . Knott is known to us as a rapidly-rising Artist ; he has produced a faithful likeness of our worthy friend , besides being an excellent work of Art . May he progress iu the hig h profession he has chosen for himself , ancl may bis aim be commensurate with the advancing irit of the
sp times , and his genius keep pace with the onward march of intellect 1 " Br . KNOTT replied with modesty and propriety . " The Committee appointed for getting up the Testimonial , " was given by tbe CHAIRMAN aud Br . NoTMAN , the Convener , replied . "The Magistrates and Town Council of Glasgow , " by Br . MACLEAN . Bro . TENNENTbavin" - been a member of the Town
Council from the passing" of the Reform Bill , till last year , replied on behalf of his old comrades . "Tbe Press , " given b y Bro . TEXNENT , was ably acknowledged by Br . HEDDERWICK . " The Strangers , and Brother M'Kennell , Secretary to the Athenaeum , " followed , to which that gentleman replied . Various other toasts were given , many excellent songs sung , ancl the whole proceedings enlivened by the well-selected music of Mr .
Thomson ' s baud . The refreshments provided by Bros . Maclery , Davidson , ancl Ferguson , fully sustained tlieir well-established reputation in that walk . The party kept well together till the last ; and several of those present , not members of the Masonic body , remarked , that if this meeting was any thing- like a fair specimen of Masonic festivals , the sooner they acquired a file to attend them the better . In this paper I have considerably exceeded the limits I intended
, and although my materials are far from being exhausted , I shall leave what remains to he communicated , along- with other events dail y ripening and developing- themselves , until some future occasion . I am , yours , respectfully , Glasgow . February 20 ISM ) . AllCHITECTON .
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Glasgow Masonics.
subject of so much importance , and their principles so widely diffused , that little need be said by him upon a toast so universally appreciated , and so well known to all . They appeal to the imagination , awaken a sense of tbe beautiful , and tend towards the perfection of judgment , on everything within their sphere , imparting even to matters of utility beauty of form and harmony of colour ; they blend and mix with the daily wants of lifeand even enter into the
, transfer of commercial wealth ; great names are assoe . ialed with them ; and the greatest ( because the most peaceable ) of mankind have designed and directed them . England , or I should rather say Great Britain , with its mighty spirit , now nobly takes up her position as patron , promoter , and extender of the arts of Peace , bringing comfort and happiness to millions of the human race , and spreading over the civilised world the Masonic bond , which emanated from
heaven , of 'Peace on earth ancl good-will towards men . ' Art has made rapid and powerful strides within the last few years , realising new conceptions of artistic beauty and showing- increased combination of ornament with utility . Go into the cottages of the poor or of the humbler classes , and you will there find a desire for the correct princi ples of Art , even in their bumble adornment 1 Look to tbe comfortable homes of the middle classes—comfortable through tbe
gene ral taste for and cultivation of Art , and you will observe much that is pure in taste and beautiful in composition , from the pictures on the walls to the most minute article of domestic economy . Bro . Knott is known to us as a rapidly-rising Artist ; he has produced a faithful likeness of our worthy friend , besides being an excellent work of Art . May he progress iu the hig h profession he has chosen for himself , ancl may bis aim be commensurate with the advancing irit of the
sp times , and his genius keep pace with the onward march of intellect 1 " Br . KNOTT replied with modesty and propriety . " The Committee appointed for getting up the Testimonial , " was given by tbe CHAIRMAN aud Br . NoTMAN , the Convener , replied . "The Magistrates and Town Council of Glasgow , " by Br . MACLEAN . Bro . TENNENTbavin" - been a member of the Town
Council from the passing" of the Reform Bill , till last year , replied on behalf of his old comrades . "Tbe Press , " given b y Bro . TEXNENT , was ably acknowledged by Br . HEDDERWICK . " The Strangers , and Brother M'Kennell , Secretary to the Athenaeum , " followed , to which that gentleman replied . Various other toasts were given , many excellent songs sung , ancl the whole proceedings enlivened by the well-selected music of Mr .
Thomson ' s baud . The refreshments provided by Bros . Maclery , Davidson , ancl Ferguson , fully sustained tlieir well-established reputation in that walk . The party kept well together till the last ; and several of those present , not members of the Masonic body , remarked , that if this meeting was any thing- like a fair specimen of Masonic festivals , the sooner they acquired a file to attend them the better . In this paper I have considerably exceeded the limits I intended
, and although my materials are far from being exhausted , I shall leave what remains to he communicated , along- with other events dail y ripening and developing- themselves , until some future occasion . I am , yours , respectfully , Glasgow . February 20 ISM ) . AllCHITECTON .