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The Freemasons' Quarterly Magazine And Review.
Masonry was the brilliant source of knowledge and of refinement in morals in those days , which , in other respects , were justly denominated "dark . " From Masonry orig inated those arts and sciences which are the adornments of civilisation , and without which a people ivould wander in obscurity and continue degraded and
debased . From this science sprang those monuments of antiquity in every land ivhich yet beautify the cities of the world , and stand as specimens of mighty genius , unshorn of their primaeval dignity and glory , in an age which professes to he capable of great things , but wliich has as yet to emulate the magnificence of
intention , and the capability of carrying out similar stupendous labours , if it is ever to be considered worthy of comparison with the efforts of the past . Masonry was once , in fact , the mainspring , of everything that was great and g lorious—the nurse and patron of ereziy effort to raise mankind in the scale of humanity . Her hi g h and noble princip les , based upon the only infallible revelation
of light and truth— " the Volume of the Sacred Law , " wherever introduced and understood , conferred a lasting benefit upon mankind , and knit " nliem together in one universal and comprehensive brotherhood . Those privileges yet remain intact . The deficiencies of later times have not arisen from any defalcation of their " Wisdom , Strength , and Beauty , " but rather from an
obseivance of ritual than of intention—from the care taken of the outer shell , whilst the safety and preservation of the inner kernel has been too much put out of sight and forgotten .
The power , however , is still inherent in the Craft , wliich wrought such mighty wonders in the past . It is with a view to aid the development of that power and to endeavour to advance the principles of the Order that we now commence our labours , ancl plead with tlie brethren who feel as we feel , and possess the
same earnest desire to inculcate and carry them forward , to give our publication that countenance and support , which such a design can only accomplish .
It will be evident to all who take an interest in so important a work , that it can never become effectual , unless the observance of the ancient Landmarks of the Order be carefully and conscientiously maintained . In order to preserve those timehonoured boundaries intact , it is scarcely necessary to observe , that we have only to keep our solemn obligation ever in re-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemasons' Quarterly Magazine And Review.
Masonry was the brilliant source of knowledge and of refinement in morals in those days , which , in other respects , were justly denominated "dark . " From Masonry orig inated those arts and sciences which are the adornments of civilisation , and without which a people ivould wander in obscurity and continue degraded and
debased . From this science sprang those monuments of antiquity in every land ivhich yet beautify the cities of the world , and stand as specimens of mighty genius , unshorn of their primaeval dignity and glory , in an age which professes to he capable of great things , but wliich has as yet to emulate the magnificence of
intention , and the capability of carrying out similar stupendous labours , if it is ever to be considered worthy of comparison with the efforts of the past . Masonry was once , in fact , the mainspring , of everything that was great and g lorious—the nurse and patron of ereziy effort to raise mankind in the scale of humanity . Her hi g h and noble princip les , based upon the only infallible revelation
of light and truth— " the Volume of the Sacred Law , " wherever introduced and understood , conferred a lasting benefit upon mankind , and knit " nliem together in one universal and comprehensive brotherhood . Those privileges yet remain intact . The deficiencies of later times have not arisen from any defalcation of their " Wisdom , Strength , and Beauty , " but rather from an
obseivance of ritual than of intention—from the care taken of the outer shell , whilst the safety and preservation of the inner kernel has been too much put out of sight and forgotten .
The power , however , is still inherent in the Craft , wliich wrought such mighty wonders in the past . It is with a view to aid the development of that power and to endeavour to advance the principles of the Order that we now commence our labours , ancl plead with tlie brethren who feel as we feel , and possess the
same earnest desire to inculcate and carry them forward , to give our publication that countenance and support , which such a design can only accomplish .
It will be evident to all who take an interest in so important a work , that it can never become effectual , unless the observance of the ancient Landmarks of the Order be carefully and conscientiously maintained . In order to preserve those timehonoured boundaries intact , it is scarcely necessary to observe , that we have only to keep our solemn obligation ever in re-