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—*—CONDENSED REPORT OF THE MASONIC CONGRESS , HELD IN BASEL , SEPTEMBER 24 , 1848 . Translated from ihe "ASTBEA , " for the FUEEMASOXS' QUABTEHHX MAGAZINE AND REVIEW , by G . AV . The following Lodges were represented in this Congress : —
Basel— " Zur Fretmdschaft und Bestandikeit , " . . by 40 members Aarau— " Zur Brudertreue , " ...... . 14 „ Berne— " Zur Hoffnung , " .. ..... . 8 „ La Chatix de Fonds— " l'Amitie , " ....,, 0 „ Lausanne— "Esperance et Cordialite , " . . . „ G „
Locle— " Les Vrais Freres Dins , . - . . „ 5 „ Nenenburg— " Fred . Guillaume , a la bonne Harmonic , " „ 2 ,, Strassburg— " Les Freres Beunis , " . . . . „ 3 „ „ " Les Trois Epoques , " „ 1 ,, Wintertliur— "Accacia , " .. . . . . „ 2 „ Zurich— " Modestia cum Libertate , " . . . ,, 14 „ A large number of visiting brethren , from the Orients of Lubec , Hanover , Muhlhausen , Geneva , and Amsterdam , also took a part in the work . The Lodges of Hamburg , Darmstadt , Mannheim , Stuttgardt , and Karlsruhe , had also appointed deputies ; but they were prevented
from attending , partly through their own private affairs , and partly by the revolution which broke out in Lorracb , in upper Baden , about six miles from Basel , ou September 21 . This revolution had a most injurious effect upon the Congress ; for , it not only kept back the deputies from the above-named lodges , but it also prevented many ofthe brethren , belonging to the Baden lodges , from attending-. One zealous brother was obliged to steal through Struve ' s corps , shortly before the engagement at Staufen , at the risk of being * hung as a spy , if he had been discovered . Inconsequence ofthe German brethren not being allowed to take a part iu the discussion , and many of the
French brethren being unable to attend on account ofthe disturbances , the extent of which it was impossible to calculate in the Hist moments of excitement , the M . AV . G . M . was induced , on the evening uf Sept . 22 , to propose that the sitting of the Congress should be shortened , ancl that it should close its labours on tbe evening- of Sunday , Sept . 24 , instead of being kept open until Monclay , Sept . 25 , as was ori ginally intended . The members of the Swiss Grand Lodge , ancl the other brethren present , having sanctioned his proposition , they promised
their assistance in carying it into effect . The Congress was preceded by a meeting of the Swiss Grand Lodg-e ( Alpina *) , the committee of management , and the deputies from the various lodges , on the morning of Saturday , Sept . 23 , in the large saloon of the Stadt Casino , which
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
—*—CONDENSED REPORT OF THE MASONIC CONGRESS , HELD IN BASEL , SEPTEMBER 24 , 1848 . Translated from ihe "ASTBEA , " for the FUEEMASOXS' QUABTEHHX MAGAZINE AND REVIEW , by G . AV . The following Lodges were represented in this Congress : —
Basel— " Zur Fretmdschaft und Bestandikeit , " . . by 40 members Aarau— " Zur Brudertreue , " ...... . 14 „ Berne— " Zur Hoffnung , " .. ..... . 8 „ La Chatix de Fonds— " l'Amitie , " ....,, 0 „ Lausanne— "Esperance et Cordialite , " . . . „ G „
Locle— " Les Vrais Freres Dins , . - . . „ 5 „ Nenenburg— " Fred . Guillaume , a la bonne Harmonic , " „ 2 ,, Strassburg— " Les Freres Beunis , " . . . . „ 3 „ „ " Les Trois Epoques , " „ 1 ,, Wintertliur— "Accacia , " .. . . . . „ 2 „ Zurich— " Modestia cum Libertate , " . . . ,, 14 „ A large number of visiting brethren , from the Orients of Lubec , Hanover , Muhlhausen , Geneva , and Amsterdam , also took a part in the work . The Lodges of Hamburg , Darmstadt , Mannheim , Stuttgardt , and Karlsruhe , had also appointed deputies ; but they were prevented
from attending , partly through their own private affairs , and partly by the revolution which broke out in Lorracb , in upper Baden , about six miles from Basel , ou September 21 . This revolution had a most injurious effect upon the Congress ; for , it not only kept back the deputies from the above-named lodges , but it also prevented many ofthe brethren , belonging to the Baden lodges , from attending-. One zealous brother was obliged to steal through Struve ' s corps , shortly before the engagement at Staufen , at the risk of being * hung as a spy , if he had been discovered . Inconsequence ofthe German brethren not being allowed to take a part iu the discussion , and many of the
French brethren being unable to attend on account ofthe disturbances , the extent of which it was impossible to calculate in the Hist moments of excitement , the M . AV . G . M . was induced , on the evening uf Sept . 22 , to propose that the sitting of the Congress should be shortened , ancl that it should close its labours on tbe evening- of Sunday , Sept . 24 , instead of being kept open until Monclay , Sept . 25 , as was ori ginally intended . The members of the Swiss Grand Lodge , ancl the other brethren present , having sanctioned his proposition , they promised
their assistance in carying it into effect . The Congress was preceded by a meeting of the Swiss Grand Lodg-e ( Alpina *) , the committee of management , and the deputies from the various lodges , on the morning of Saturday , Sept . 23 , in the large saloon of the Stadt Casino , which