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to do so when it came to the test . Both of them would be occasions of public display , from which officers quitting the service on sick certificate are very properly excluded ; ancl it would be particularly unbecoming in him , who had experienced such singular grace and courtesy at the hands of Government , to do any thing contrary to the regulations before his departure . No displays of any kind were required to bind him in constant attachment and affection to the ! odge
Perseverance . He felt towards it as he felttowurds his own offspring ; for he had anxiously watched its rise from a feeble infancy to the vigorous frame which it now exhibits . He could have done ittle for it himself unless he hacl been aided by the untiring zeal and support of such Brethren as Bros . Blowers , Mullaly , ancl Wellis—honourable and uprig ht men , whose esteem he was proud to have gained , and whom he would ever value wherever he might be placed . To all the
Brethren he begg-ed to be affectionately remembered . He would never forget tbe happy days he had passed with them , or their kindness to him . The members of the deputation then took an affectionate leave ofthe R g ht AV . P . Grand Master .
The Colonies.
GRENADA , AV . I . —The Brethren of the Caledonia Lodge , No . 324 , on the Registry of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and visiting Members of the late Lodge of Harmony , No . 527 , on the Registry of the Grand Lotlge of England , celebrated the festival of St . John the Evangelist , by dining together in the Caledonia Lodge Room , ou 'Jliursday evening , Jan . 27 . The Chair was taken by the R . A \ . the Prov . Grand Masterthe Hon . AVilliam Stephensonwho proceeded
, , to open the Lodge . After the usual loclge business had terminated , the Brethren were summoned to refreshment : after which , several excellent speeches were made by tbe Prov . Grand Master , the Alaster , and Officers of the Lodge . In allusion to himself , the R . AV . M . spoke of his long connection with Masonry , and the high honour it afforded him to be so connected . He took a retrospect of bis Alasonic career , and adverted to the inroads which death and other circumstances had
made among the Brethren since first he was connected with the Caledonia Lodge . He was not only the oldest Alason present , but amongst the oldest Scotchmen in the Island ; and the only member of the lodge who was present at its formation . He was happy to see so many young Masons around him , who now filled the places of those who had been summoned away . Fie would impress upon all present , a zealous and faithful observance of their duties as Brethren ; and it would always afford him pleasure to be present atand to take part in
, the proceedings of their meetings . In the course ofthe evening- — - ALEXANDER BAILLIE , Esq ., the last VA ' . AI . of the late Lotlge of Harmony , rose , and delivered an able and interesting speech , on the character and designs of Masonry , for tlie information of the younger Brethren present . He alluded , in feeling-terms , to the many deaths which had taken place in the lodge of which he had been Master , and which was one of the principal reasons wh y it had ceased to exist .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
to do so when it came to the test . Both of them would be occasions of public display , from which officers quitting the service on sick certificate are very properly excluded ; ancl it would be particularly unbecoming in him , who had experienced such singular grace and courtesy at the hands of Government , to do any thing contrary to the regulations before his departure . No displays of any kind were required to bind him in constant attachment and affection to the ! odge
Perseverance . He felt towards it as he felttowurds his own offspring ; for he had anxiously watched its rise from a feeble infancy to the vigorous frame which it now exhibits . He could have done ittle for it himself unless he hacl been aided by the untiring zeal and support of such Brethren as Bros . Blowers , Mullaly , ancl Wellis—honourable and uprig ht men , whose esteem he was proud to have gained , and whom he would ever value wherever he might be placed . To all the
Brethren he begg-ed to be affectionately remembered . He would never forget tbe happy days he had passed with them , or their kindness to him . The members of the deputation then took an affectionate leave ofthe R g ht AV . P . Grand Master .
The Colonies.
GRENADA , AV . I . —The Brethren of the Caledonia Lodge , No . 324 , on the Registry of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and visiting Members of the late Lodge of Harmony , No . 527 , on the Registry of the Grand Lotlge of England , celebrated the festival of St . John the Evangelist , by dining together in the Caledonia Lodge Room , ou 'Jliursday evening , Jan . 27 . The Chair was taken by the R . A \ . the Prov . Grand Masterthe Hon . AVilliam Stephensonwho proceeded
, , to open the Lodge . After the usual loclge business had terminated , the Brethren were summoned to refreshment : after which , several excellent speeches were made by tbe Prov . Grand Master , the Alaster , and Officers of the Lodge . In allusion to himself , the R . AV . M . spoke of his long connection with Masonry , and the high honour it afforded him to be so connected . He took a retrospect of bis Alasonic career , and adverted to the inroads which death and other circumstances had
made among the Brethren since first he was connected with the Caledonia Lodge . He was not only the oldest Alason present , but amongst the oldest Scotchmen in the Island ; and the only member of the lodge who was present at its formation . He was happy to see so many young Masons around him , who now filled the places of those who had been summoned away . Fie would impress upon all present , a zealous and faithful observance of their duties as Brethren ; and it would always afford him pleasure to be present atand to take part in
, the proceedings of their meetings . In the course ofthe evening- — - ALEXANDER BAILLIE , Esq ., the last VA ' . AI . of the late Lotlge of Harmony , rose , and delivered an able and interesting speech , on the character and designs of Masonry , for tlie information of the younger Brethren present . He alluded , in feeling-terms , to the many deaths which had taken place in the lodge of which he had been Master , and which was one of the principal reasons wh y it had ceased to exist .