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encnurtigent of good conduct and learning in youth , to be awarded yearly to the most accomplished pupils in the following Schools : " 1 st . At the Grant Medical College , Bombay , to the best Student Apprentice as recommended by the Boarel of Education . " 2 nd . At the Schools of the Bombay Education Society at Bycttlla , to the best pupil in the Boys' aud Girls' School ( one Medal each ) as nominated by the Committee of Management . " 3 rd . At the Academy at Montrose in Scotland , where the E . W . Br . Burnes himself was educated , to the best boy nominated by the B . AV . himself , his
heirs or successors . " 4 th . That the following Brethren be appointed a Committee to give effect to these Resolutions , and that a deputation wait upon the B . W . Br . Burnes , to communicate the same to him : —Bros . Le Geyt , AV . Crawford , Barr , Mullaly , Blowers ( Corresponding Member ) , -Winchester , Allan , M . F . Willoughby , Jenkins , AVellis , Foreman , Mauockjee Cursetjee , aud AV . Masters of all . Lodges in AVestern India . " In pursuance of the above , the ivhole meeting proceeded to the Town Hall , where il was understood Dr . Burnes then was presiding at the Medical Board . On their arrival , the R . AV . Bro . Le Geyt , Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster , addressed tbe R . AA ' . Bro . Burnes , as follows :
" As Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Western India , it lias become my gratifying but at the same time most painful duty to head this numerous Deputation of the Brethren , for the purpose of informing you of a series of Resolutions which I now hold in my hand , ancl which have been agreed to by acclamation within the last half hour , by a Meeting of upwards of sixty Brethren , whom the intelligence of your sudden and unexpected departure from amongst ns culled hastily together . " Had time permittedI am convinced that there is no Brother in Bombay
, whom you would not have seen in this room ; but under the circumstances , preparation was impossible , so we hasten to place before you an expression of our sense of the loss we are about to suffer , antl the high esteem antl regard in which we hold you , in the shape of the Testimonials mentioned in these Besolutions , which ivith your permission I will now proceed to read . "
After the reading ofthe resolutions , the R . AV . P . G . M ., evidently much overcome hy his feelings , said , that he recognised in tbe resolutions the same generous and affectionate spirit which hacl characterised all the proceedings of the Brethren towards him since he had come amongst them , as an officer of the Craft , twelve years ago ; and that be had no words to convey adequately tbe extent of his appreciation of it : his heart would be cold indeed if he ever forgot them and their kindness . He was reluctantly constrained to decline the invitation to meet them at a general festival before his departure . It would induce scenes ancl partings exceedingly painful to his feelings ; aud be was
altogether unable , in tbe present state of bis mind and body , to venture on such an ordeal . Moreover , the regulations of the Government rendered it impossible for officers retiring- on sick certificate to attend at public entertainments . But the other proposal , namely , to strike medals for the encouragement of learning and good conduct amongst tbe youths of the Grant Aicdical College , the Bycull a Schools , and the Academy at Montrose , he would accept with tlie utmost gratification and gratitude . The object was noble and Masonic iu the highest
degree ; and he should be proud to have his name identified with theirs in so enduring a memorial for the furtherance of it . He was to leave the helm of AA'estcrn India iu the hands of a hi gh-minded ancl generoushearted dignitary of the Order , Bro . Le Geyt , wiiose rule would be
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
encnurtigent of good conduct and learning in youth , to be awarded yearly to the most accomplished pupils in the following Schools : " 1 st . At the Grant Medical College , Bombay , to the best Student Apprentice as recommended by the Boarel of Education . " 2 nd . At the Schools of the Bombay Education Society at Bycttlla , to the best pupil in the Boys' aud Girls' School ( one Medal each ) as nominated by the Committee of Management . " 3 rd . At the Academy at Montrose in Scotland , where the E . W . Br . Burnes himself was educated , to the best boy nominated by the B . AV . himself , his
heirs or successors . " 4 th . That the following Brethren be appointed a Committee to give effect to these Resolutions , and that a deputation wait upon the B . W . Br . Burnes , to communicate the same to him : —Bros . Le Geyt , AV . Crawford , Barr , Mullaly , Blowers ( Corresponding Member ) , -Winchester , Allan , M . F . Willoughby , Jenkins , AVellis , Foreman , Mauockjee Cursetjee , aud AV . Masters of all . Lodges in AVestern India . " In pursuance of the above , the ivhole meeting proceeded to the Town Hall , where il was understood Dr . Burnes then was presiding at the Medical Board . On their arrival , the R . AV . Bro . Le Geyt , Deputy Provincial Grand Alaster , addressed tbe R . AA ' . Bro . Burnes , as follows :
" As Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Western India , it lias become my gratifying but at the same time most painful duty to head this numerous Deputation of the Brethren , for the purpose of informing you of a series of Resolutions which I now hold in my hand , ancl which have been agreed to by acclamation within the last half hour , by a Meeting of upwards of sixty Brethren , whom the intelligence of your sudden and unexpected departure from amongst ns culled hastily together . " Had time permittedI am convinced that there is no Brother in Bombay
, whom you would not have seen in this room ; but under the circumstances , preparation was impossible , so we hasten to place before you an expression of our sense of the loss we are about to suffer , antl the high esteem antl regard in which we hold you , in the shape of the Testimonials mentioned in these Besolutions , which ivith your permission I will now proceed to read . "
After the reading ofthe resolutions , the R . AV . P . G . M ., evidently much overcome hy his feelings , said , that he recognised in tbe resolutions the same generous and affectionate spirit which hacl characterised all the proceedings of the Brethren towards him since he had come amongst them , as an officer of the Craft , twelve years ago ; and that be had no words to convey adequately tbe extent of his appreciation of it : his heart would be cold indeed if he ever forgot them and their kindness . He was reluctantly constrained to decline the invitation to meet them at a general festival before his departure . It would induce scenes ancl partings exceedingly painful to his feelings ; aud be was
altogether unable , in tbe present state of bis mind and body , to venture on such an ordeal . Moreover , the regulations of the Government rendered it impossible for officers retiring- on sick certificate to attend at public entertainments . But the other proposal , namely , to strike medals for the encouragement of learning and good conduct amongst tbe youths of the Grant Aicdical College , the Bycull a Schools , and the Academy at Montrose , he would accept with tlie utmost gratification and gratitude . The object was noble and Masonic iu the highest
degree ; and he should be proud to have his name identified with theirs in so enduring a memorial for the furtherance of it . He was to leave the helm of AA'estcrn India iu the hands of a hi gh-minded ancl generoushearted dignitary of the Order , Bro . Le Geyt , wiiose rule would be