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antl through the merits of our blessed Lord and Saviour , Jesus Christ , at the grand tribunal of unbiassed Justice , extend his mercy towards all of us , and crown our hopes with everlasting bliss , in the expanded realms of a boundless immortality ! This we beg for the honour of that great and glorious name , to ivhich be glory now ancl for ever . —AMEN . " Glory be to God on High ! on earth peace ! " Good will towards men . " So MOTE IT BE . "
The brethren then returned to the Lodge in the same order , where those solemn and interesting ceremonies , only known to the brotherhood , closed the Alasonic duties of a day , ivhich will be long remembered in Taunton . AVORCESTER . — -The late Queen Dowager . —At the last meeting- of the " Semper Fidelis Loclge " of Freemasons , assembled at the Crown Hotelfor the purpose of celebrating the festival of St . John the
, Evangelist , Dec . 27 , 1849 , the following special resolution was unanimously adopted , and ordered to be recorded upon the minutes : — " That the brethren of tbe Semper Fidelis Loclge , No . 772 , participating in the deep feeling of melancholy bereavement sustained by tbe nation at large , in the demise of her most Gracious Majesty , the Queen Dowager , take this early opportunity of recording the deep sense of feeling they entertain for the loss of onewhose many public
, and p rivate virtues hacl so long rendered her an object of universal asteem and admiration with the British people ; and who , iu her position as Queen Consort , ancl the widow of a most illustrious Brother of the Order , exhibited so many excellencies of character , in ivhich that ennobling one of charity shone with more than ordinary lustre , ancl the cheering influences of which , being annually bestowed upon our valued institutions , the Blasonic Schools , and with such a magnificent
spirit , —has desenedly secured for her the lasting gratitude and approval ofthe Alasonic confederation , throughout the British empire , equally with the respect and esteem of all other classes of their fellow countrymen . "
YORKSHIRE . —STOKESLEY . —On Monday last , the brethren of the Lodge No . 195 ,, met at their lodge , for the purpose of installing Bro . George Marwood , of Bushby Hall , as Master . About thirty members sat down to refreshment , provided by Bro . AVilliam AA ' eatherill , of the Golden Lion Inn ; when , after the usual loyal toasts , Bro . George Marwood , Esq ., proposed the health of Installed Master Leveau , of London , and presented to him , in an able address ,
and in the name of the brethren of the Lodge 795 , a most handsome and massive silver spirit-stand , as a token of the regard and esteem in which he has always been held by the brethren of the loclge , and his willingness , at all times , to render all the assistance possible for their loclge . Bro . 1 . eveau having returned thanks , proposed the health of the late Master , John Handyside , Esq ., to whose exertions the lodge is indebted for having brought it to its high and elevated position .
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antl through the merits of our blessed Lord and Saviour , Jesus Christ , at the grand tribunal of unbiassed Justice , extend his mercy towards all of us , and crown our hopes with everlasting bliss , in the expanded realms of a boundless immortality ! This we beg for the honour of that great and glorious name , to ivhich be glory now ancl for ever . —AMEN . " Glory be to God on High ! on earth peace ! " Good will towards men . " So MOTE IT BE . "
The brethren then returned to the Lodge in the same order , where those solemn and interesting ceremonies , only known to the brotherhood , closed the Alasonic duties of a day , ivhich will be long remembered in Taunton . AVORCESTER . — -The late Queen Dowager . —At the last meeting- of the " Semper Fidelis Loclge " of Freemasons , assembled at the Crown Hotelfor the purpose of celebrating the festival of St . John the
, Evangelist , Dec . 27 , 1849 , the following special resolution was unanimously adopted , and ordered to be recorded upon the minutes : — " That the brethren of tbe Semper Fidelis Loclge , No . 772 , participating in the deep feeling of melancholy bereavement sustained by tbe nation at large , in the demise of her most Gracious Majesty , the Queen Dowager , take this early opportunity of recording the deep sense of feeling they entertain for the loss of onewhose many public
, and p rivate virtues hacl so long rendered her an object of universal asteem and admiration with the British people ; and who , iu her position as Queen Consort , ancl the widow of a most illustrious Brother of the Order , exhibited so many excellencies of character , in ivhich that ennobling one of charity shone with more than ordinary lustre , ancl the cheering influences of which , being annually bestowed upon our valued institutions , the Blasonic Schools , and with such a magnificent
spirit , —has desenedly secured for her the lasting gratitude and approval ofthe Alasonic confederation , throughout the British empire , equally with the respect and esteem of all other classes of their fellow countrymen . "
YORKSHIRE . —STOKESLEY . —On Monday last , the brethren of the Lodge No . 195 ,, met at their lodge , for the purpose of installing Bro . George Marwood , of Bushby Hall , as Master . About thirty members sat down to refreshment , provided by Bro . AVilliam AA ' eatherill , of the Golden Lion Inn ; when , after the usual loyal toasts , Bro . George Marwood , Esq ., proposed the health of Installed Master Leveau , of London , and presented to him , in an able address ,
and in the name of the brethren of the Lodge 795 , a most handsome and massive silver spirit-stand , as a token of the regard and esteem in which he has always been held by the brethren of the loclge , and his willingness , at all times , to render all the assistance possible for their loclge . Bro . 1 . eveau having returned thanks , proposed the health of the late Master , John Handyside , Esq ., to whose exertions the lodge is indebted for having brought it to its high and elevated position .