Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 20 of 21 →
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of beauty , when Nature has paid her last debt ? Fix your eyes on the last scene , and view life , stripped of its ornaments , and exposed iu its natural meanness ; you will then be convinced of the futility of those empty delusions . In the grave , all fallacies are detected , all ranks are levelled , and all distinctions are done away * " While we drop the sympathetic tear over the grave of our deceased brother , let Charity incline ns to throw a veil over his foibles , whatever they may have
been and let us not withhold from him that praise which his virtues may have claimed . Suffer the apologies of human nature to plead in his behalf ; perfection on earth has never been attained ; the wisest , as well as the best of men , have erred ; his actions it is our duty to imitate , ancl from his weakness we may derive instruction . "Let the present example excite our most serious thoughts , and strengthen our resolutions of amendment , as life is uncertain and all earthly pursuits are vain , let us no longer postpone the important concern of preparing for
eternity ; but let us embrace the happy moment , while time and opportunity offer , to provide against the great -change , when all the pleasures of this life shall cease to delight , and the reflection of a religious life ivill yield the only comfort and consolation . Thus , our expectations will not be frustrated , nor ourselves be called away , unprepared , into the presence of an All-wise anil Omnipotent Judge , " to whom the secrets of all hearts are open , " and from
whose dread tribunal no sinner can escape . "Let us , while in this stage of existence , support with propriety the character of our profession , advert to the nature of our solemnities , and pursue with assiduity the sacred tenets of our Order . Then with becoming reverence let us supplicate the Divine grace , to ensure tlie favour of that great I AM , ivhose goodness and power know no bound : that , when the awful moment arrives , he it soon or be it late , we may be enabled to prosecute our journey without dread or apprehension to that far distant country , whence
no traveller returns . By the light of the Divine countenance , ive shall pass ¦ wi thout trembling through those gloomy mansions where all things aril forgotten ; and at the great and tremendous day of trial and retribution , nilin arraigned at the bar of Divine Justice , let us hope that judgment ivill bj pronounced in our favour , and that we shall receive eternal peace , in tbe possession of an immortal inheritance , where joy flows in one continued stream , and nothing can check its course . " With proper respect to the established customs of the country in which
we live , With due deference to our superiors in Church and State , and with unbounded good-will to all men , we appear here clothed as Masons , and publicly crave leave to express our submission to peace and good government , and our wish to serve the interests of mankind . Invested ivith the badges of eminence , we humbly bow to the Universal Parent , arrd implore His blessing on every zealous endeavour to promote peace and good-will ; and ive pray for His grace to assist the endeavour to persevere in the principles of piety
and virtue . " The Great Creator having been pleased , in his mercy , to remove our brother from the cares and troubles of a transitory life to a state of eternal duration , and thereby to weaken the chain hy which wc are united , man to man , may we who survive him anticipate our approaching dissolution , and be more strongly connected in the ties of union and friendship ; that during the short space allotted for our present existence we may all wisely and usefully employ our time , making the reciprocal course of kindly and friendly acts mutually to promote the welfare and happiness of each other .
" Unto the grave we consign ( breaking the staves and throwing them into .the grave , ) the hotly of our deceased friend , there to remain until the general resurrection , in favourable expectation that his immortal soul may then partake of joys which have been prepared for tlie righteous from the beginning of the world " And may Almighty Gotl , of his infinite goodness , and for the sake
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of beauty , when Nature has paid her last debt ? Fix your eyes on the last scene , and view life , stripped of its ornaments , and exposed iu its natural meanness ; you will then be convinced of the futility of those empty delusions . In the grave , all fallacies are detected , all ranks are levelled , and all distinctions are done away * " While we drop the sympathetic tear over the grave of our deceased brother , let Charity incline ns to throw a veil over his foibles , whatever they may have
been and let us not withhold from him that praise which his virtues may have claimed . Suffer the apologies of human nature to plead in his behalf ; perfection on earth has never been attained ; the wisest , as well as the best of men , have erred ; his actions it is our duty to imitate , ancl from his weakness we may derive instruction . "Let the present example excite our most serious thoughts , and strengthen our resolutions of amendment , as life is uncertain and all earthly pursuits are vain , let us no longer postpone the important concern of preparing for
eternity ; but let us embrace the happy moment , while time and opportunity offer , to provide against the great -change , when all the pleasures of this life shall cease to delight , and the reflection of a religious life ivill yield the only comfort and consolation . Thus , our expectations will not be frustrated , nor ourselves be called away , unprepared , into the presence of an All-wise anil Omnipotent Judge , " to whom the secrets of all hearts are open , " and from
whose dread tribunal no sinner can escape . "Let us , while in this stage of existence , support with propriety the character of our profession , advert to the nature of our solemnities , and pursue with assiduity the sacred tenets of our Order . Then with becoming reverence let us supplicate the Divine grace , to ensure tlie favour of that great I AM , ivhose goodness and power know no bound : that , when the awful moment arrives , he it soon or be it late , we may be enabled to prosecute our journey without dread or apprehension to that far distant country , whence
no traveller returns . By the light of the Divine countenance , ive shall pass ¦ wi thout trembling through those gloomy mansions where all things aril forgotten ; and at the great and tremendous day of trial and retribution , nilin arraigned at the bar of Divine Justice , let us hope that judgment ivill bj pronounced in our favour , and that we shall receive eternal peace , in tbe possession of an immortal inheritance , where joy flows in one continued stream , and nothing can check its course . " With proper respect to the established customs of the country in which
we live , With due deference to our superiors in Church and State , and with unbounded good-will to all men , we appear here clothed as Masons , and publicly crave leave to express our submission to peace and good government , and our wish to serve the interests of mankind . Invested ivith the badges of eminence , we humbly bow to the Universal Parent , arrd implore His blessing on every zealous endeavour to promote peace and good-will ; and ive pray for His grace to assist the endeavour to persevere in the principles of piety
and virtue . " The Great Creator having been pleased , in his mercy , to remove our brother from the cares and troubles of a transitory life to a state of eternal duration , and thereby to weaken the chain hy which wc are united , man to man , may we who survive him anticipate our approaching dissolution , and be more strongly connected in the ties of union and friendship ; that during the short space allotted for our present existence we may all wisely and usefully employ our time , making the reciprocal course of kindly and friendly acts mutually to promote the welfare and happiness of each other .
" Unto the grave we consign ( breaking the staves and throwing them into .the grave , ) the hotly of our deceased friend , there to remain until the general resurrection , in favourable expectation that his immortal soul may then partake of joys which have been prepared for tlie righteous from the beginning of the world " And may Almighty Gotl , of his infinite goodness , and for the sake