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adopted iu the Girls'School , and remarked that it was a very p leasurable and unprecedented fact , that not an instance had occurred where a child educated at that school had strayed from the path of virtue , or thrown discredit on tbat invaluable institution . He assured them that the provision for the instruction of those tender minds was indeed a labour of love , ancl an additional inducement to every brother to be proud of his connection with Freemasonry . He expressed the regret ivhich
he felt , that he hacl not , while he was au undergraduate of this University , availed himself of the opportunity of joining Freemasonry ; but the happiness which it bad since afforded bim would attach bim to the Order to the-latest period of his life . He congratulated the members of the Apollo Lodge on the admirable manner in whicli they conducted their business , and on the increasing prosperity of their lodg-e , ivhich he looketl on as calculated more than any other to effect the
regeneration of Masonry , sending as it did , its embassies to every part of the kingdom , and each one forming-a nucleus iu his own locality . Ho assured them that this his first visit to their Lodge had been a source of much gratification to him , inasmuch as it had afforded him the opportunity of seeing two lodges , composed of members occupying different positions in society , animated b y one feeling , ancl studying- to promote to the utmost that which was the fundamental principle of
their Order , " Peace on earth , good will towards men , " —Tiie addresses ofthe Grand Chaplain , and of the Provincial Grand M aster , as well as of the Worshipful Master ofthe Apollo and Alfred Lodges , were listened to with much interest .
SHREWSBURY . —On Monday , January 7 , tbe brethren ofthe Salopian Lodge assembled in the lodge-room , Haven and Bell Hotel , to celebrate the annual festival of St . John , and were visited b y several brethren of tbe Salopian Lodge of Charity and the Roden loclge , AVem , in this county . After the preliminary business of opening- the lodge , & c , the company , in full Masonic costume , sat down to refreshment . AATieu the usual loyal toasts had been given and right loyally received , the
customary Masonic ones were proceeded with : " Tbe Right Hon . the the Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M . of England ; " "The Grand , Deputy andProvincial Grand Masters of England , Ireland , ancl Scotland ; " " Sir Andrew Vincent Corbet , Bart . ; " " Sir AVatkiu AVilliams Wyim , Bait ., together with other distinguished members ofthe Craft , " were severally proposed and drunk with Masonic honours . The lodge was closed iii due form at ten o ' clock ; and the rest of evening was spent most happily , the brethren separating at a late hour .
SIDMOUTH . —On Thursday , December 27 , 1849 , being St . John the Evangelist's Day , ihe annual Masonic meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , Old Fore-street . Good feeling and spirit prevailed until a late hour , SUFFOLK . —Perfect FriendshipLoclge , No 522 , Bee-hive Inn , Ipswich Feb . 20 . —The monthl y meeting of this lodge passed off with more than usual eclat in consequence of the brethren having-
determined to present to their immediate Past Master , Bro . Charles Thomas Townsend , a jewel , designed by Bro . Edward Dorling , in token of their esteem for him as a Mason , the expense of which has been entirely defrayed by the voluntary and individual subscriptions of the subscribing members , with one or two exceptions . Such reunions as these are conducive to the well-being of members of lodges ; find jt is to VOL , J , f ,
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adopted iu the Girls'School , and remarked that it was a very p leasurable and unprecedented fact , that not an instance had occurred where a child educated at that school had strayed from the path of virtue , or thrown discredit on tbat invaluable institution . He assured them that the provision for the instruction of those tender minds was indeed a labour of love , ancl an additional inducement to every brother to be proud of his connection with Freemasonry . He expressed the regret ivhich
he felt , that he hacl not , while he was au undergraduate of this University , availed himself of the opportunity of joining Freemasonry ; but the happiness which it bad since afforded bim would attach bim to the Order to the-latest period of his life . He congratulated the members of the Apollo Lodge on the admirable manner in whicli they conducted their business , and on the increasing prosperity of their lodg-e , ivhich he looketl on as calculated more than any other to effect the
regeneration of Masonry , sending as it did , its embassies to every part of the kingdom , and each one forming-a nucleus iu his own locality . Ho assured them that this his first visit to their Lodge had been a source of much gratification to him , inasmuch as it had afforded him the opportunity of seeing two lodges , composed of members occupying different positions in society , animated b y one feeling , ancl studying- to promote to the utmost that which was the fundamental principle of
their Order , " Peace on earth , good will towards men , " —Tiie addresses ofthe Grand Chaplain , and of the Provincial Grand M aster , as well as of the Worshipful Master ofthe Apollo and Alfred Lodges , were listened to with much interest .
SHREWSBURY . —On Monday , January 7 , tbe brethren ofthe Salopian Lodge assembled in the lodge-room , Haven and Bell Hotel , to celebrate the annual festival of St . John , and were visited b y several brethren of tbe Salopian Lodge of Charity and the Roden loclge , AVem , in this county . After the preliminary business of opening- the lodge , & c , the company , in full Masonic costume , sat down to refreshment . AATieu the usual loyal toasts had been given and right loyally received , the
customary Masonic ones were proceeded with : " Tbe Right Hon . the the Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M . of England ; " "The Grand , Deputy andProvincial Grand Masters of England , Ireland , ancl Scotland ; " " Sir Andrew Vincent Corbet , Bart . ; " " Sir AVatkiu AVilliams Wyim , Bait ., together with other distinguished members ofthe Craft , " were severally proposed and drunk with Masonic honours . The lodge was closed iii due form at ten o ' clock ; and the rest of evening was spent most happily , the brethren separating at a late hour .
SIDMOUTH . —On Thursday , December 27 , 1849 , being St . John the Evangelist's Day , ihe annual Masonic meeting was held at the Masonic Hall , Old Fore-street . Good feeling and spirit prevailed until a late hour , SUFFOLK . —Perfect FriendshipLoclge , No 522 , Bee-hive Inn , Ipswich Feb . 20 . —The monthl y meeting of this lodge passed off with more than usual eclat in consequence of the brethren having-
determined to present to their immediate Past Master , Bro . Charles Thomas Townsend , a jewel , designed by Bro . Edward Dorling , in token of their esteem for him as a Mason , the expense of which has been entirely defrayed by the voluntary and individual subscriptions of the subscribing members , with one or two exceptions . Such reunions as these are conducive to the well-being of members of lodges ; find jt is to VOL , J , f ,