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Bro . R . E . AVilmot , Christ Church ; S . D ., Bro . II . B . N . Lane , Christ Church ; J . D ., Bro . Meynell , Brasenose ; I . G ., Bro . Bowles , Exeter ; Stewards , Bro . Lord lngestre ( Merton ) , Bro . Sir J . Majorihanks ( Ch . Ch . ) , Bro . Terry , aud Bro . Russell ( Exeter ); Tyler , Bro . Tipton . The newly-appointed officers were invested with their badges of office by the late AV . M ., Bro . Burstall , and then proceeded to the various posts assigned to them .
Bro . AV . Thompson was re-elected Treasurer by tbe unanimous voice of the lodge , and , on his entering , to be invested with the badge of his office , Bro . Burstall presented to him , in the names of the brethren of the Apollo Lodge , the clothing peculiar to the position of a Past Senior Grand AVarden , consisting-of a costly gold fringed apron ancl collar , aud pair of gauntlets , as a recognition of the great services which he had rendered that lodg-e in various capacities , and a
testimony of their high esteem for his character , both as a Mason ancl a man . Bro . Burstall then invested Bro . Thompson with tbis clothing amid the applause and congratulations of the lodge ; after which Bro . Thompson addressed tho brethren , and made bis acknowdgments iu exceedingly appropriate terms . The business was then concluded and the lodge was closed . The Apollo Banquet . —The banquet which succeeds the installation
of the AVorshi p ful Master of this lodge , has invariably been one of an interesting and attractive character , bringing together not only the brethren of the two Oxford lodges , but also au influx from tbe Grand and other Lodges . On this occasion the number of the latter was
greatly augmented in consequence of several having visited Oxford in order to assist at the Consecration of the Encampment on the following day . At six o'clock the banquet-room , which has lately been decorated with exceedingly good taste and judg-ment , was well filled ; and additional effect was given to the scene by a number of vases filled with flowers , aud the elegant Grace Cups belonging to the City , which the Mayor , Bro . C . J . Sadler , bad
kinclly lent for the occasion . The AV . M ., Bro . G . R . Portal , presided , and was supported by the P . G . M . of Oxfordshire , Bro . Rev . J . C . Ridley ; the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Burstall ; Bro . F . Thomas , W . M . of tbe Alfred City Loclge ; Bro . J . Masson , P . G . S . B . of the Grand Loclge of England ; Bro . Col . Vernon , P . P . S . G . AV . of Staffordshire ; Bro . Sadler , Mayor of Oxford , and P . S . G . AV . of Oxfordshire ; Bro . J . A . D . CoxAV . M . of the Grand Steward's Lodge ; Bro . Maj . Robb
, , P . S . G . AV . of Hampshire ; Bro . AV . Evans , P . G . Director of Ceremonies of Dorsetshire ; Bro . A . tJ . Thistelton , Secretary to the Boys' School ; Bro . Capt . Bowyer , AV . M . of the Richmond Lodge ; Bro . E . A . Lechmere , P . S . G . W . of AVorcesteishire ; Bro . R . Spencer , P . M . of No . 329 Bank of England Lodge ; Bro . Lord lngestre ; Bro . Sir H . Vane ; Bro . Sir R . Burton ; Bro . Sir . J . Majorihanks ; Bro . Evelyn , M . P . for AVest Surrey ; and a large number of the brethren of the
Apollo and Alfred Lodges , amounting to nearly 100 in number . The banquet was served up in a manner highly creditable to all concerned , and satisfactory to every one present ; nothing being omitted that could possibly add to the enjoyment of a party , the largest and most distinguished that ever assembled on a Blasonic occasion in this city . Ou the removal of the cloth , grace was said by Bro . Rev . C . R . Pcttat , after which the loving cups ( lent by ihe Mayor ) were passed round in ancient form . VOL . i . o
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Bro . R . E . AVilmot , Christ Church ; S . D ., Bro . II . B . N . Lane , Christ Church ; J . D ., Bro . Meynell , Brasenose ; I . G ., Bro . Bowles , Exeter ; Stewards , Bro . Lord lngestre ( Merton ) , Bro . Sir J . Majorihanks ( Ch . Ch . ) , Bro . Terry , aud Bro . Russell ( Exeter ); Tyler , Bro . Tipton . The newly-appointed officers were invested with their badges of office by the late AV . M ., Bro . Burstall , and then proceeded to the various posts assigned to them .
Bro . AV . Thompson was re-elected Treasurer by tbe unanimous voice of the lodge , and , on his entering , to be invested with the badge of his office , Bro . Burstall presented to him , in the names of the brethren of the Apollo Lodge , the clothing peculiar to the position of a Past Senior Grand AVarden , consisting-of a costly gold fringed apron ancl collar , aud pair of gauntlets , as a recognition of the great services which he had rendered that lodg-e in various capacities , and a
testimony of their high esteem for his character , both as a Mason ancl a man . Bro . Burstall then invested Bro . Thompson with tbis clothing amid the applause and congratulations of the lodge ; after which Bro . Thompson addressed tho brethren , and made bis acknowdgments iu exceedingly appropriate terms . The business was then concluded and the lodge was closed . The Apollo Banquet . —The banquet which succeeds the installation
of the AVorshi p ful Master of this lodge , has invariably been one of an interesting and attractive character , bringing together not only the brethren of the two Oxford lodges , but also au influx from tbe Grand and other Lodges . On this occasion the number of the latter was
greatly augmented in consequence of several having visited Oxford in order to assist at the Consecration of the Encampment on the following day . At six o'clock the banquet-room , which has lately been decorated with exceedingly good taste and judg-ment , was well filled ; and additional effect was given to the scene by a number of vases filled with flowers , aud the elegant Grace Cups belonging to the City , which the Mayor , Bro . C . J . Sadler , bad
kinclly lent for the occasion . The AV . M ., Bro . G . R . Portal , presided , and was supported by the P . G . M . of Oxfordshire , Bro . Rev . J . C . Ridley ; the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Burstall ; Bro . F . Thomas , W . M . of tbe Alfred City Loclge ; Bro . J . Masson , P . G . S . B . of the Grand Loclge of England ; Bro . Col . Vernon , P . P . S . G . AV . of Staffordshire ; Bro . Sadler , Mayor of Oxford , and P . S . G . AV . of Oxfordshire ; Bro . J . A . D . CoxAV . M . of the Grand Steward's Lodge ; Bro . Maj . Robb
, , P . S . G . AV . of Hampshire ; Bro . AV . Evans , P . G . Director of Ceremonies of Dorsetshire ; Bro . A . tJ . Thistelton , Secretary to the Boys' School ; Bro . Capt . Bowyer , AV . M . of the Richmond Lodge ; Bro . E . A . Lechmere , P . S . G . W . of AVorcesteishire ; Bro . R . Spencer , P . M . of No . 329 Bank of England Lodge ; Bro . Lord lngestre ; Bro . Sir H . Vane ; Bro . Sir R . Burton ; Bro . Sir . J . Majorihanks ; Bro . Evelyn , M . P . for AVest Surrey ; and a large number of the brethren of the
Apollo and Alfred Lodges , amounting to nearly 100 in number . The banquet was served up in a manner highly creditable to all concerned , and satisfactory to every one present ; nothing being omitted that could possibly add to the enjoyment of a party , the largest and most distinguished that ever assembled on a Blasonic occasion in this city . Ou the removal of the cloth , grace was said by Bro . Rev . C . R . Pcttat , after which the loving cups ( lent by ihe Mayor ) were passed round in ancient form . VOL . i . o