Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 7 of 21 →
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ability , has done much towards cementing the interests of the Order , which is exemplified in the most striking manner by the kind and fraternal spirit which characterises the two lodges , and gives an additional charm and zest to their meetings . Uninfluenced by any feeling of rivalry , and entirely forgetful of their different positions in society , the members of the two loclg-es , embracing the nobleman , the divinethe statesmanand the tradesman—cordiallco-operate in the
, , y lodge-room , in the study of those Masonic principles which they put in practice when they assemble at their festive board , as well as in the various relations oflife . Under such circumstances , a Masonic festival at Oxford , may well he regarded with peculiar interest ; but the meeting , this week , was invested with a three-fold interest , from the fact that it involved three events , each oftb em important in itself . ' 1 hese consisted of the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Loclge and
election of its officers ; the Installation of the AVorshipful Master ancl Banquet of the Apollo Lodge ; and the Consecration of the Encampment of Coeur de Lion , in connection with the Royal , Exalted , Religious , and Military Order of Masonic Knights Templar , concluding with a banquet confined to the members of that Order . The first of these events occurred on Monday , I ' eh . 8 , when the Provincial Grand Lodge , of Oxfordshireassembled at the Masonic
, Hall—the P . G . M ., Bro . Bev . C . J . Ridley , presiding , supported by his officers , and surrounded by a large number of brethren belonging to the province , and many visiting brethren from the Grand and other Lodges . The minutes of the last meeting were read hy the P . G . S Bro . P .
Symonds , and confirmed by the lodge ; after which , the accounts were submitted by the P . G . T ., Bro . Blake , ancl passed . The PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER then addressed the brethren , and congratulated them on the flourishing condition of Masonry in Oxfordshire , as evidenced by the state of their funds and the increasing accession of new members to the different lodges . AA'ith respect to the funds of the Provincial Grand Lodg-e , he had promised to deal with them with the greatest careso as to be able to contribute more to
, charitable objects ; and he trusted that he had redeemed that pledge . He congratulated the lodge on subscribing- to those excellent Institutions wliich were an honour to the Craft , namely , the Masonic Schools for the education and clothing of boys ancl girls ; the Annuity Fund ; and the Asylum for ^ Aol ¦ tlly , Ag * ed , and Decayed Masons ; and was also pleased to find that the claims of tbat invaluable local charity , the Radcliffe Infirmary , and of the Anti-MendicitSocietywere not
disy , regarded . He felt assured that there would be no desire to lessen or withhold these subscriptions ; but that their continuance would be a source of heartfelt satisfaction to every member of the loclge ; convinced that such feelings predominated in their breasts , he had undertaken on his own responsibility , during the past year , to order the payment of 51 . to the Board of Health , wiih a view to assist them in carrying out their benevolent intentions . 'J he case was urgent ; the wants were
pressing ; ancl as there was no time for delay , hebad undertaken to do that which he had no doubt the lodge would readily confirm . He gladly availed himself of this opportunity , when he saw several of the medical profession around him , to bear his testimony and tender his heartfelt acknowledgments for the valuable and assiduous services of the medical profession generally at that trying * moment when the
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ability , has done much towards cementing the interests of the Order , which is exemplified in the most striking manner by the kind and fraternal spirit which characterises the two lodges , and gives an additional charm and zest to their meetings . Uninfluenced by any feeling of rivalry , and entirely forgetful of their different positions in society , the members of the two loclg-es , embracing the nobleman , the divinethe statesmanand the tradesman—cordiallco-operate in the
, , y lodge-room , in the study of those Masonic principles which they put in practice when they assemble at their festive board , as well as in the various relations oflife . Under such circumstances , a Masonic festival at Oxford , may well he regarded with peculiar interest ; but the meeting , this week , was invested with a three-fold interest , from the fact that it involved three events , each oftb em important in itself . ' 1 hese consisted of the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Loclge and
election of its officers ; the Installation of the AVorshipful Master ancl Banquet of the Apollo Lodge ; and the Consecration of the Encampment of Coeur de Lion , in connection with the Royal , Exalted , Religious , and Military Order of Masonic Knights Templar , concluding with a banquet confined to the members of that Order . The first of these events occurred on Monday , I ' eh . 8 , when the Provincial Grand Lodge , of Oxfordshireassembled at the Masonic
, Hall—the P . G . M ., Bro . Bev . C . J . Ridley , presiding , supported by his officers , and surrounded by a large number of brethren belonging to the province , and many visiting brethren from the Grand and other Lodges . The minutes of the last meeting were read hy the P . G . S Bro . P .
Symonds , and confirmed by the lodge ; after which , the accounts were submitted by the P . G . T ., Bro . Blake , ancl passed . The PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER then addressed the brethren , and congratulated them on the flourishing condition of Masonry in Oxfordshire , as evidenced by the state of their funds and the increasing accession of new members to the different lodges . AA'ith respect to the funds of the Provincial Grand Lodg-e , he had promised to deal with them with the greatest careso as to be able to contribute more to
, charitable objects ; and he trusted that he had redeemed that pledge . He congratulated the lodge on subscribing- to those excellent Institutions wliich were an honour to the Craft , namely , the Masonic Schools for the education and clothing of boys ancl girls ; the Annuity Fund ; and the Asylum for ^ Aol ¦ tlly , Ag * ed , and Decayed Masons ; and was also pleased to find that the claims of tbat invaluable local charity , the Radcliffe Infirmary , and of the Anti-MendicitSocietywere not
disy , regarded . He felt assured that there would be no desire to lessen or withhold these subscriptions ; but that their continuance would be a source of heartfelt satisfaction to every member of the loclge ; convinced that such feelings predominated in their breasts , he had undertaken on his own responsibility , during the past year , to order the payment of 51 . to the Board of Health , wiih a view to assist them in carrying out their benevolent intentions . 'J he case was urgent ; the wants were
pressing ; ancl as there was no time for delay , hebad undertaken to do that which he had no doubt the lodge would readily confirm . He gladly availed himself of this opportunity , when he saw several of the medical profession around him , to bear his testimony and tender his heartfelt acknowledgments for the valuable and assiduous services of the medical profession generally at that trying * moment when the