Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 6 of 21 →
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in the Assembly Rooms , under the most distinguished patronage of members of the Craft and their families , when there was a numerous attendance , and the scene was one of the most brilliant wliich it is possible to imagine . There were upwards of three hundred ladies and gentlemen present , the former exceeding the latter in number onl y by about twenty or thirty . The dresses on both sides were very eleg-ant , and the badges of the brethren varied from the simple white of
the apprentice , through all the intermediate degrees , to the Chief of the Knights Templar , of ivhich body , we believe , there is an encampment in or near Manchester . The prevailing- colours for ladies' dresses weie white and silver , blue and silver , crimson and silver , purple ancl goldall corresponding with the decorations of the brethren , who for the most part wore their badges , collars , and jewels over deep black , with the exception of the Military , who wore them over their regimentals .
Dancing commenced at nine , andwascontinued until five inthemorning , being kept up with great spirit and vigour ; and the ball was admitted to be one of the most social and pleasant ever held in Manchester . The dances were , the Country Dance , the Polka , the Quadrille , the Schottische , the Waltz , the Lancers , and the Cellaiius . The band was Florrabin ' s ; and on the staircase , the band of the 30 th Regiment performed between the dances . The hall was opened by the
R . AV . D . P . G . M . for East Lancashire , Bro . Stephen Blair , ancl Miss Knowles of Bolton . There were also amongst the company , Bro . Matthew Dawes , M . E . P . G . C . K . T ., East Lancashire , Bro . A . R . Martin , AV . P . D . G . C , AVest Lancashire ; Captains Rolleston , Wynn , AVilliams , and Lane , of the 4 th Dragoons ; Captain O'Grady , and the officers , of the 30 th Regiment . There were also present , Bro . AVilliam Davies , ( AV . M ., 263 ) , Thomas Blayds Molyneux ( 35 ) , Alpas
( 368 ) , Gem ( 368 ) , Holbrook ( 368 ) , Liverpool ; Newberry ( P . M ., 428 ) , Portsea ; and numerous visitors from London , Stockport , Rochdale , Accrington , and Staley-bridge . The services of the committee , but especially ihose of Bro . AVolley Foster , the chairman , ancl Bro . John Bell , the honorary secretary , were beyond all praise . AVe have not heard what was tbe amount of the proceeds ; but the profits will go , as on a former occasion , to the fund raising' for the education of the children of distressed Masons .
OXFORD . —For some years past the proceedings of the Masonic Lodges , in this province , have been regarded with considerable interest , in consequence of the high position which they hold among the many which exist through the length and breadth of the land . That interest has , in a great degree , been heightened by the fact that so many members of the Apollo University Lodge have , on leaving this seat of learning-, been called on to fulfil Masonic duties in various parts of the country ,
and thus a connectin g link has been formed , and a strong feeling of attachment engendered towards their parent lodge . The high character also wliich the Alfred City Lodge has deservedly earned for its working and for carrying out the study of Masonry in all its branches , has caused it to be regarded as one of the most distinguished in the provinces , and has stimulated a desire among the best ft'f asons belonging to the Grand , and other Lodges , to witness the progress which the science is making in this province . Independently of this , the watchful care of the P . G . M . of Oxfordshire , Bro . Rev . C . J . Ridley , of University College , over the province where he presides with so much skill aud
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in the Assembly Rooms , under the most distinguished patronage of members of the Craft and their families , when there was a numerous attendance , and the scene was one of the most brilliant wliich it is possible to imagine . There were upwards of three hundred ladies and gentlemen present , the former exceeding the latter in number onl y by about twenty or thirty . The dresses on both sides were very eleg-ant , and the badges of the brethren varied from the simple white of
the apprentice , through all the intermediate degrees , to the Chief of the Knights Templar , of ivhich body , we believe , there is an encampment in or near Manchester . The prevailing- colours for ladies' dresses weie white and silver , blue and silver , crimson and silver , purple ancl goldall corresponding with the decorations of the brethren , who for the most part wore their badges , collars , and jewels over deep black , with the exception of the Military , who wore them over their regimentals .
Dancing commenced at nine , andwascontinued until five inthemorning , being kept up with great spirit and vigour ; and the ball was admitted to be one of the most social and pleasant ever held in Manchester . The dances were , the Country Dance , the Polka , the Quadrille , the Schottische , the Waltz , the Lancers , and the Cellaiius . The band was Florrabin ' s ; and on the staircase , the band of the 30 th Regiment performed between the dances . The hall was opened by the
R . AV . D . P . G . M . for East Lancashire , Bro . Stephen Blair , ancl Miss Knowles of Bolton . There were also amongst the company , Bro . Matthew Dawes , M . E . P . G . C . K . T ., East Lancashire , Bro . A . R . Martin , AV . P . D . G . C , AVest Lancashire ; Captains Rolleston , Wynn , AVilliams , and Lane , of the 4 th Dragoons ; Captain O'Grady , and the officers , of the 30 th Regiment . There were also present , Bro . AVilliam Davies , ( AV . M ., 263 ) , Thomas Blayds Molyneux ( 35 ) , Alpas
( 368 ) , Gem ( 368 ) , Holbrook ( 368 ) , Liverpool ; Newberry ( P . M ., 428 ) , Portsea ; and numerous visitors from London , Stockport , Rochdale , Accrington , and Staley-bridge . The services of the committee , but especially ihose of Bro . AVolley Foster , the chairman , ancl Bro . John Bell , the honorary secretary , were beyond all praise . AVe have not heard what was tbe amount of the proceeds ; but the profits will go , as on a former occasion , to the fund raising' for the education of the children of distressed Masons .
OXFORD . —For some years past the proceedings of the Masonic Lodges , in this province , have been regarded with considerable interest , in consequence of the high position which they hold among the many which exist through the length and breadth of the land . That interest has , in a great degree , been heightened by the fact that so many members of the Apollo University Lodge have , on leaving this seat of learning-, been called on to fulfil Masonic duties in various parts of the country ,
and thus a connectin g link has been formed , and a strong feeling of attachment engendered towards their parent lodge . The high character also wliich the Alfred City Lodge has deservedly earned for its working and for carrying out the study of Masonry in all its branches , has caused it to be regarded as one of the most distinguished in the provinces , and has stimulated a desire among the best ft'f asons belonging to the Grand , and other Lodges , to witness the progress which the science is making in this province . Independently of this , the watchful care of the P . G . M . of Oxfordshire , Bro . Rev . C . J . Ridley , of University College , over the province where he presides with so much skill aud